Journées du Patrimoine 2024 at the Cité Universitaire Internationale: a wide-ranging program this weekend

Published by Cécile de Sortiraparis, Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis, Laurent de Sortiraparis, Manon de Sortiraparis · Published on September 4, 2024 at 06:17 a.m.
For the Journées du Patrimoine 2024, on September 21 and 22, the Cité Universitaire Internationale is unveiling a wide-ranging program for the whole family in its various world houses!

The Cité Universitaire Internationale will be opening its doors to curious visitors of all kinds for the Journées du Patrimoine 2024, on the weekend of September 21 and 22. To mark the occasion, it is unveiling an exciting program for young and old alike!

Founded in 1925, the Cité Universitaire Internationale is a unique place that has been welcoming more than 12,000 foreign students for almost 90 years, in its 40 houses of very particular styles . Spain, USA, Argentina, Italy, Sweden, Portugal, Korea and Norway: every country has its own house!

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Throughout the year, this unique heritage site, which attracts artists and filmmakers from all over the world, offers themed guided tours. But to mark the Journées du Patrimoine, the Cité Universitaire Internationale is pulling out all the stops, unveiling a huge program for the whole family. Shall we tell you about it?

2024 Heritage Days program at Cité Universitaire :

At the Colegio de España:

  • Video screening and brochure distribution at Collège d'Espagne
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    These videos and brochures present cultural itineraries in Spain.

  • Cultural routes in Spain
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    Video screenings of Spain's cultural itineraries and distribution of brochures.
    These itineraries take visitors on a cultural and historical tour of Spain. Covering vast areas, they reveal the heritage of the civilizations that have populated the country, notably through historic monuments. You can tailor your visits to suit the time you have available. Let yourself be immersed in the traditions of the villages you pass through, putting into practice Machado's famous verses: "Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar" (Traveller, there is no path, the path is made by walking).
    In collaboration with the Spanish Tourist Office in Paris.

  • Guided tours of the Collège d'Espagne library
    Saturday, September 21, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 pm

    Guided tours of the library.

  • Guided tour of the library
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    Guided tours of the library
    Tour duration: 10 minutes
    Tour times: 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 p.m.

At the Collège franco-britannique :

  • The Leviathan" exhibition at the Collège franco-britannique
    September 21 and 22

    The engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a central figure in the English industrial revolution, was the designer of the Great Eastern, the first great transatlantic liner, a sailing steamer with 5 chimneys that made its first crossing to the USA in 1858. The Great Eastern met with an unfortunate fate, ending her journey in Liverpool as an advertising and tourist barge with no maritime function of her own. Also known as the Leviathan, she inspired both Victor Hugo (La légende des siècles, 1859) and Jules Verne (Une ville flottante, 1871).

    It also inspired French artist Alexandre Jacquinot, aka Ned. With a background in urban art, the artist explores innovation and the impact of the maritime universe on popular culture. He has worked on the disruptive dimension of ships and the imagination they convey.

    On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2024, the Collège franco-britannique invites you to discover a selection of the artist's paintings and serigraphs, in connection with the Great Eastern.

    This exhibition is part of the dual theme of the 2024 European Heritage Days, "heritage of routes, networks and connections" and "maritime heritage".

At the Maison de l'Argentine :

  • Animaux pas si bêtes" exhibition at Maison de l'Argentine
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    Exhibition of drawings, paintings and sculptures by Quique Gurevich.
    Main salon of the house.
    Quique Gurevich is a French-Argentinian graphic designer, visual artist and sculptor. His works have been selected and awarded by national sculpture galleries, including La Galería Manuel Belgrano and La Galería Nacional de Buenos Aires.

    His sculptures can be found in various parks and gardens in Buenos Aires and other Argentine cities.

    Since April 2022, Quique Gurevich has been living in France's Dordogne region.

  • Matières pendantes" stained glass exhibition at Maison de l'Argentine
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    Exhibition of stained glass by Oscar Costanzo, in the presence of the artist. Garden.

  • Free visit of the "Julio Cortázar" library at the Maison de l'Argentine
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    Free tour of the "Julio Cortázar" library

  • Concert by singer Christine Audat at the Maison de l'Argentine
    Saturday, September 21, 3:00 pm

    Celebration concert by Franco-Peruvian singer and guitarist Christine Audat to mark the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of the Qhapaq Ñan "Inca Trail" on UNESCO's World Heritage List.
    Franco-Peruvian Christine Audat continues her odyssey between the Seine and the Amazon with a new album that moves between Andean huayno, Argentine chacarera and criollo vals. It pays tribute to Andean peasant women who defend water (Agua sí oro no) and to Peruvian composer and poet Chabuca Granda (La valse créole).

At the Maison de l'Île-de-France :

  • Guided tour of the Maison de l'Île-de-France
    Saturday, September 21, 10:00 a.m.

    Guided tour of the house and the "Vues d'ici, regards sur l'île de France" exhibition, led by its director Francesco Torrisi, with exhibition curator Philippe Ayrault.

At the International House:

  • Guided tour of the Maison internationale library
    September 21 and 22

    Guided tours: from 2pm to 6pm (duration 15-20 minutes)

  • La Cité dans le texte" exhibition at the Maison internationale library
    September 21 and 22

    Since its creation, the Cité internationale has inspired many writers (Modiano, de Beauvoir,...). This text exhibition will help you rediscover the passages dedicated to the Cité internationale through their works.

  • Architectures sans frontières" guided tour
    September 21 and 22

    The Cité Internationale is a veritable open-air architectural exhibition. Whether regional, modern or sustainable, its houses offer a diversity of styles unique to Paris. You'll be amazed by the achievements of the greatest architects, including Le Corbusier, Laprade, Parent...

    This guided tour allows you to discover the history of the Cité internationale through its architectural heritage. Each session includes a visit to two houses from different countries, illustrating the cultural diversity of the Cité internationale.

    The starting point for each tour is the Heritage Center in the lobby of the Maison internationale.

  • Discover the new homes at Cité internationale
    September 21 and 22

    The Cité internationale is currently undergoing historic development. Between now and 2025, 10 new houses will be built, adding a further 1,800 units to the existing 6,000.
    The Cité internationale has not seen an increase in its accommodation capacity since the construction of the Maison de l'Iran in 1969. The aim of this third phase of development is both to increase the campus's accommodation capacity and to modernize its infrastructure and services.
    During these visits, discover two new houses from the Cité 2025 project.

  • Park and Gardens of the World in Motion" guided tour
    Saturday, September 21, 4:30 p.m.

    Discover the Cité internationale park and some of the works created as part of the 7th edition of Jardins du monde en mouvement.
    Five projects were selected following a competition that invited young talent to imagine ephemeral creations in the 34-hectare Cité internationale park. The winners took over the park, installing original works that engage in dialogue with the built heritage and explore the landscape's resources.
    The Cité internationale invites you to take a poetic and artistic stroll from garden to garden, from tree to tree, a sensitive escape in the heart of one of Paris's most beautiful parks.

To the Swiss Foundation :

  • Destinations Le Corbusier - promenades architecturales" exhibition at the Fondation suisse
    September 21 and 22

    Exhibition of photographs of the 26 sites built by Le Corbusier as part of the "Destinations Le Corbusier" European cultural itinerary.

At the Hellenic Foundation :

  • Guided tours of the Hellenic Foundation
    September 21 and 22

    Discover the history, architecture and art collections of the Hellenic Foundation. Guided tour led by director Maria Gravari-Barbas.

At the German Foundation

  • Guided tours of the German Foundation - Heinrich Heine House
    Saturday, September 21, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm

    Guided tours led by Franziska Humphreys, House Director.

  • Guided tours of the German Foundation - Heinrich Heine House
    Saturday, September 21, 3:00 pm

    In keeping with the theme of this 41st edition, "the heritage of itineraries, networks and connections", the MHH is reflecting on the theme of biodiversity, and will be showcasing not only its architecture, but also its environmental heritage and its planted areas in resonance with the Cité park, itself a uniquely rich heritage. On Sunday, sound artist Anthony Carcone invites you to listen attentively to the world of birds with his piece "Birds of Silence". Bird populations are dying out at a dizzying rate, and our soundscape is being imperceptibly transformed. "Birds of Silence" invites you to listen to the songs of birds now on the brink of extinction.

    Guided tours on Saturday at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm.
    Duration: 30 minutes, booking recommended
    Sunday afternoon: Birds of Silence sound installation.

  • Birds of Silence" sound installation at the German Foundation - Heinrich Heine House
    Sunday, September 22, 3:00 pm

    In keeping with the theme of this 40th edition, "the heritage of itineraries, networks and connections", the MHH is reflecting on the theme of biodiversity, and will be showcasing not only its architecture, but also its environmental heritage and its planted areas in resonance with the Cité park, itself a uniquely rich heritage.
    On Sunday, sound artist Anthony Carcone invites you to listen attentively to the world of birds with his piece "Birds of Silence". Bird populations are dying out at a dizzying rate, and our soundscape is being imperceptibly transformed. "Birds of Silence" invites us to listen to the songs of birds now on the brink of extinction.

At the United States Foundation

  • Guided tours of the United States Foundation
    September 21 and 22

    For this 2024 edition of the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine (JEP), the Fondation des Etats-Unis (FEU) opens its doors and invites you to discover its Art Deco building and its unmissable frescoes. Around the theme Heritage of itineraries, networks and connections, (re)discover the history of the daily lives of FEU residents.

At the House of Portugal - André de Gouveia:

  • Guided tour of the Gulbenkian Library
    Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m.

    On Saturday, September 21, 2024, as part of the 41st edition of the European Heritage Days, the Gulbenkian Library invites you to discover or rediscover its history and collections through tours specially designed for the occasion.
    Discover the life and work of Portuguese Renaissance poet Luís de Camões (1524?-1580) and Portuguese maritime travel in the 16th century by exploring the Gulbenkian Library's collections.

  • Presentation of the book Mémoires de la dictature : société, émigration et résistance à la Maison du Portugal - André de Gouveia
    Saturday, September 21, 5:30 p.m.

    The book Mémoires de la dictature: société, émigration et résistance (Memories of Dictatorship: Society, Emigration and Resistance), designed by historian Daniel Bastos and based on the unpublished photographic collection of Fernando Mariano Cardeira - a former opponent, military deserter, emigrant and political exile - will be presented at the Maison du Portugal by Paulo Pisco, elected member of the Portuguese Parliament for the constituency of Europe.

    The session will be followed by a vinho verde tasting, promoted by Vinhos Norte, a producer who seeks to combine tradition and innovation.

    Design and production Daniel Bastos
    Translation Paulo Teixeira
    Preface José Pacheco Pereira

    In this new book, produced with the institutional support of the Commission for the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the April 25th Revolution, Daniel Bastos unveils the unique collection of Fernando Mariano Cardeira, whose humanistic and militant lens captured photographs important for understanding society, emigration and resistance to dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s.

    Through the visual memories of the former opposition activist, based on a collection of one hundred and fifty images, the first demonstrations of May 1968 in Paris are discussed, an emblematic event where the committed photographer consolidated his civic and political awareness. And, with particular emphasis, the daily life of poverty and misery in Lisbon, the effervescence of the Portuguese student movement, the dispatch of troops to overseas territories, the paths of desertion, emigration and exile, a strategy followed by thousands of Portuguese in search of better living conditions and to escape the colonial war in the 60s and 70s.

    In this year, which celebrates half a century of freedom in Portugal, the presentation of this book in Paris is an acknowledgement of the ties that unite Portugal and France, and of the contribution made over the years by the Portuguese community in France - the largest Portuguese community in Europe and one of the main foreign communities established in Gallic territory, with a population of around one million - to the promotion of the values of freedom and "portugalidade".

    Born after the April Revolution and the author of several books on history and emigration, whose presentation sessions have brought him into close contact with Portuguese communities, historian and writer Daniel Bastos' career is rooted in the diaspora.

    After a career marked by desertion, emigration and exile in the 60s and 70s, Fernando Mariano Cardeira returned to Portugal after April 25, 1974. He was one of the founders of the Association of Portuguese Political Exiles (AEP61/74) and chaired the civic movement "N'effacez pas la mémoire".

    In partnership with Vinhos Norte, the Lindley Cintra Chair at Paris Nanterre University and the Lectorat de langue et culture portugaise de l'Université Paris 8 de Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua.

At the House of Mexico

  • Guided tours of the Maison du Mexique
    September 21 and 22

    Guided tours of the house in French and English led by resident Vicente Diaz.

    Tours in French: Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. (1h30 min )
    Tours in English: Saturday and Sunday at 12 p.m. (1h30 min )

At the Collège Néerlandais

  • Exhibition at the Collège Néerlandais
    September 21 and 22

    Mixed exhibition of photographs and films of works created at the Collège Néerlandais.

  • Guided tours of the Collège Néerlandais
    September 21 and 22

    Guided tours of the house led by director Sonja Janmaat.

At the House of Norway

Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.

So, see you there?

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From September 21, 2024 to September 22, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    17 Boulevard Jourdan
    75014 Paris 14

    Route planner


    Official website
