Is the water in Paris still contaminated by coronavirus? While the health crisis continues in France, the city of Paris decided to reinforce its program to control the quality of potable and non-potable water in partnership with the Eau de Paris laboratory.
In April, as part of the control of Parisian waters, the non-potable water network has been tested. Out of the 27 sampling areas tested, 4 presented “infinitesimal traces” of the virus. In a release posted by Paris city hall, it’s said that the Regional Healthcare Agency has been referred to assess the risk these traces could present.
And what is happening now Paris is exiting containment? This Wednesday May 13, 2020, France Bleu announces they have seen results from the latest samples made by Eau de Paris. No traces of coronavirus have been found.
In the meantime, the use of the non-potable water network in Paris is suspended until further notice. It was mainly supplied in “raw” water from the Seine and the Canal de l’Ourcq. This water is used to water parks and gardens, clean streets and even to work some fountains and lakes and waterfalls in the green spaces in town.
The authorities say this water is delivered in a network independent of the one for drinkable water. They also say drinkable water in our taps and public drinkable-water fountains in Paris “present no traces of covid. It can be consumed with no risk”. According to the city of Paris, it would be “subject to treatments said to be multi-barrier enabling to erase all traces of pollution, and especially of any virus”.