Directed by Pierre Morel, known for his work on Taken, Peppermint is a thrilling action thriller starring Jennifer Garner in a role reminiscent of her unforgettable performance in the Alias series. The film, written by Chad St. John, also reunites John Ortiz(Fast and Furious) and John Gallagher Jr.(10 Cloverfield Lane). Peppermint explores the brutal journey of a woman who decides to take revenge on a corrupt system after the tragic loss of her family.
Riley North, a young mother, finds her life turned upside down when her husband and daughter are murdered by a gang. When justice fails to punish the culprits, Riley decides to take matters into her own hands. Armed with dogged determination and an impressive arsenal of weapons, she methodically hunts down and eliminates all those involved in her family's murder, from the killers to the corrupt justice system that protected them. In her quest for vengeance, Riley becomes a formidable vigilante, taking on a criminal world where mercy has no place.
Peppermint will appeal to fans of intense thrillers and action films where vengeance is at the heart of the plot. The film stands out for the physical and emotional performance of Jennifer Garner, who powerfully embodies a woman ready to do anything to achieve justice. Fans of films such as Taken or John Wick will certainly appreciate Riley North's rise to power, which, in her quest, recalls the anti-heroes of revenge films. The film offers an effective blend of hard-hitting action scenes and dramatic moments that underscore the main character's pain and determination.
Available on Prime Video from September 1, 2024, Peppermint is a thrilling action film that leaves no stone unturned. Jennifer Garner plays a mother transformed into a relentless vigilante, delivering an intense performance in this suspenseful thriller of revenge. If you like tales of revenge where justice is served with fists and bullets, this is the film for you.
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