After Peter Jackson's acclaimed film trilogy, the Lord of the Rings universe continues to inspire new stories. This time, it's an animated film that plunges us into Middle-earth's past, more precisely into the history of the House of Helm Hammerhand, king of the kingdom of Rohan. Directed by Kenji Kamiyama, a Japanese filmmaker renowned for his work in animation (notably for the Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie series), this project stands out for its ability to combine thefantastic universe of J.R.R. Tolkien with an artistic direction inspired by the classics of animation. Set 183 years before the events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the film focuses on a key event: the defense of the fortress of Hornburg, later known as Helm's Deep, against the attack of the ruthless vengeful lord Wulf.
The story revolves around the courage of Helm's daughter Hera, who is forced to lead the resistance against enemies determined to destroy her people. The film features a rich gallery of characters and voices, including those of Brian Cox (Helm), Gaia Wise (Hera), and Miranda Otto, who reprises her role as Eowyn in a significant appearance.
The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim will be released in cinemas from December 11, 2024.
Synopsis: This new chapter, set 183 years before the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, explores the history of the House of Helm Hammerhand, King of Rohan. Faced with the sudden attack of Wulf, a vengeful and cruel lord, Helm and his people barricade themselves in the fortress of Hornburg, renamed Helm's Deep. In this desperate struggle, Helm's daughter Hera must summon the courage to lead the resistance against an enemy determined to destroy her people.
This film is primarily aimed at fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's universe, whether they have already explored it via the books or the film adaptations. The distinctive animation style, combined with the epic nature of the story, will also appeal to fans of spectacular animated films, especially those who appreciate productions such as The Wandering Castle or The Wind Rises, which blend adventure and fantasy elements in large-scale narratives. Viewers looking for a more adult animated film with themes of war, courage and resistance will also find something to their taste. On the other hand, those unfamiliar with Tolkien's films or work may feel a little lost in the references and immersion in this rich universe.
The originality of this film lies in its ability to enrich the universe of Rohan, a region often mentioned in the trilogy without necessarily delving into its origins. Kamiyama's animated direction revisits this story with a unique visual approach, while remaining faithful to the epic spirit of the saga.
While little has been revealed about the exact details of the plot, it's clear that this film offers a fresh perspective on the events leading up to the immortalization of the fortress of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers. The story also seems to take particular care to humanize the characters, especially Hera, a strong female protagonist, against a backdrop of war, family and survival.
All in all, The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim is an ambitious animatedadventure that delves into the little-known history of the kingdom of Rohan, while maintaining the epic spirit of J.R.R. Tolkien's saga. This film should appeal to fans of the franchise as much as to those with a passion for rich, dramatic animation.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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