Madagascar, an animated film by American production company DreamWorks, will be turned into a musical from October 19, 2024. The show, directed by Philippe Hersen, will be staged at the Théâtre du Gymnase in Paris's 10th arrondissement.
DreamWorks has awarded the rights for the first time to a French director: Philippe Hersen. After the success of the musical Charlie et la Chocolaterie, Priscilla and Flashdance, the director is taking on a new challenge with the animated film Madagascar.
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Released in 2005 and selling over 3 million tickets in France, the cult animated film Madagascar tells the story of Alex, a lion, and his mythical companions, who escape from a New York zoo to Madagascar. The musical is set to bring the story to life with colorful choreography and costumes, and all to music!
Madagascar was a huge commercial success, grossing over $532 million at the worldwide box office on a production budget estimated at around $75 million. This success made it one of the most profitable animated films of 2005, and spawned several sequels(Madagascar 2, Madagascar 3) and spin-off series such as The Penguins of Madagascar.
Following on from The Lion King, which is still running at the Théâtre Mogador in Paris, Madagascar is the opportunity to discover a French production of the show. The musical has already toured in English in the UK, Ireland and even Hong Kong, with Kirk Jameson as director, before arriving in Paris.
The Madagascar cartoon, with its famous "I Like to Moove it" soundtrack, is suitable for adults and children alike, and can be seen at the Théâtre du Gymnase in Paris's 10th arrondissement from October 19.
Dates and Opening Time
From October 19, 2024 to December 31, 2024
Théâtre du Gymnase Marie-Bell
38 Boulevard de Bonne Nouvelle
75010 Paris 10
Official website
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