January 2026 promises to be an exciting month for theater lovers. Paris, a cultural capital par excellence, offers a multitude of shows to suit all tastes. From light-hearted comedies to captivating dramas and modern adaptations of the great classics, this winter season's program is rich and varied.
The comedies promise to make you laugh out loud, while the dramas will plunge you into more intense and moving worlds. Lovers of the classics will delight in revisited stagings, offering a fresh perspective on timeless works. As for contemporary creations, they will tackle topical themes with boldness and creativity.
In the capital's prestigious theaters, renowned directors collaborate with talented actors to deliver top-quality shows. Whether you're a regular visitor to Parisian theaters or curious to discover a new play, the start of the new year has some memorable evenings in store.
Don't delay in booking your tickets for these flagship events, as they attract large audiences. January 2025 will be a must-see month for enjoying the best of Parisian theater.
La Séparation at the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens: Claude Simon's oppressive behind-closed-doors story
Claude Simon's only play, between the unspoken and the isolated, is on view from September 23, 2025 to January 4, 2026, at the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens. [Read more]
New plays to discover in Paris in January 2026
Discover the new plays in Paris in January 2026: emotions, surprises and great talents. [Read more]
Dates and Opening Time
From January 1, 2025 to January 31, 2026