From October 3, 2019 to January 6, 2020 the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle invites you to dream with the “Carapaces et Sortilèges” [Carapaces and Spells] exhibition. We have 30 animal sculptures by François Chapelain-Midy scattered around the four greenhouses which give a new approach of science that gets lost, here, between insect anatomic observation and surrealism.
Trained at the prestigious Boulle school, François Chapelain-Midy (1937-2007) was very versatile: plastic artist, taxidermist, as well as creator of mineral bases and “primitive” art, he specializes in bronze sculpting. He mainly represents insects in all shapes and sizes. With a very anatomical point of view, some of his works seem yet coming straight out of another universe or a science-fiction book.
Chapelain-Midy’s nature and insect creations are often fragmented, enlarged, contracted, their roles and places in the public’s look change, insects – often repellent – are now elevated and are simply beautiful.
“Man takes himself for a superior being, he needs to be put in his place” François Chapelain-Midy said. And it’s a success. When we’re in front of a 2.50m insect, we can be nothing but impressed! We’re fascinated by the subject represented and the artist’s remarkable work.
This exhibition aptly named “Carapaces et Sortilèges” is a declaration of love to nature and its inhabitants, the smallest ones and the most repellent ones. So, let yourself be charmed by insects and enjoy this bestiary of another world yet so close to ours!
Dates and Opening Time
From October 3, 2019 to January 6, 2020
Large greenhouses at the Jardin des Plantes
57 Rue Cuvier
75005 Paris 5
57 rue Cuvier Metro, RER: Line 5 Gare d'Austerlitz, Line 7 Censier Daubenton, Line 10 Jussieu or Gare d'Austerlitz, RER C Gare d'Austerlitz Train: Gare d'Austerlitz and Gare de Lyon
Tarif Réduit: €5
Plein Tarif: €7
Official website