Enfin le cinéma!, our pictures of the exhibition about the seventh art at the Musée d’Orsay

Published by Cécile de Sortiraparis · Photos by Laurent de Sortiraparis · Published on September 30th, 2021 at 10:12 a.m.
The Lumière brothers give rise to cinema in 1895. Two centuries later, the Musée d’Orsay go back to square one of this invention that changed art and the world for ever. The “Enfin le cinéma!” exhibition runs from September 28, 2021 to January 16, 2022.

All cinephiles know the very first “animated photographs” such as “The arrival of a train at La Ciotat Station” and “Exiting the Factory” shot and screened in 1895 by the Lumière brothers. A little technologic, artistic, cultural and social revolution that is part of the improvement of experiments and plans enabling to make pictures come to life.

From September 28, 2021 to January 16, 2022, the Musée d'Orsay tells us about the origins of cinema through the “Enfin le cinéma ! Arts, images et spectacles en France (1833-1907)” [Cinema at last! Arts, pictures and shows in France (1833-1907)] exhibition.

Enfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'Orsay

Over 300 works, items and movies are put together to create this never-before-seen exhibition co-curated with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the CNC, Gaumont and Pathé.

Let us (re)discover creations from the very early 20th century by Pierre Bonnard, Auguste Rodin, Léon Gaumont, Alice Guy, Auguste and Louis Lumière, George Méliès, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot and Charles Pathé. Anonymous artists or big names of culture, masterpieces or visual experimentations, attend the very debut of cinema all along the Musée d’Orsay display.

Enfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'Orsay

All these artists are fascinated by this modern technology and its ability to represent the living world. In direct reach with the artistic movements of the 19th century such as naturalism or realism, the first “movie directors” satisfy their craving for “full realism”.

The Musée d’Orsay’s exhibition offers us to relive the debut in a themed tour shining a light on the power of cinema, and its quick conquest of the audience’s hearts. Influenced by Fine Arts, impressionisms, Art Nouveau, dedicated show venues, first scenarios and original creations, curiosity elements, then events likely to compete with theater and music-hall: cinema has experienced a quick evolution in over a decade only.

Enfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'OrsayEnfin le cinéma !, nos photos de l'exposition sur l'apparition du 7e art au Musée d'Orsay

Dive into the story of this French and extraordinary invention that fascinated all classes of the society as soon as it emerged.

After your tour, and to appreciate all this way even better, do not hesitate to head to the closer movie theater and enjoy one of the latest movies.

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From September 28th, 2021 to January 16th, 2022

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


    62 rue de Lille
    75007 Paris 7

    Accessibility info

    tarif réduit: €13
    plein tarif: €16

    Official website


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