Coronavirus: never again, 34 measures to build tomorrow together

Published by Caroline de Sortiraparis · Published on May 27, 2020 at 01:06 p.m.
“Never again” – “Plus jamais ça” - this is the petition launched a few weeks ago by twenty associative and union trade organizations. Greenpeace, Oxfam, Attac and even the CGT call to build tomorrow together and propose 34 measure to make it.

Facing the health emergency, breaking measures are needed”. This is the message send by several association and union trade organizations behind the “Plus jamais ça, construisons ensemble le jour d’aprèspetition.

AttacCCFD Terre SolidaireCGTGreenpeaceles Amis de la TerreOxfam, and even… All these players are teaming up to get out of this health crisis and prepare the future as well as possible. These organizations have launched a petition to ask the government to make immediate measures and start public policies on a long-term basis.

Tweet reads: “20 associative and trade union organizations including Greenpeace France propose 34 measures to meet the health, social, economic and ecologic emergency #ForTomorrow

They have set up a crisis exit scheme with 34 measures mixing economic, social, and ecologic emergencies.

The time is for health and social emergencies and the fulfillment of essential needs of the population, in the respect of democratic rights: the weeks yet to come are decisive and the government must urgently change its logic to meet the goals that are vital and that we et for the first two parts of this crisis exit scheme” the scheme published reads.

These associative and union trade players especially ask for an emergency plan for the public hospital, a plan against domestic abuse, free masks and the access to tests for everyone, increased salaries, access and right to good accommodation for all, invalidation of debts of the poorest countries, effective fight against fraud and tax avoidance, stopping public supports to polluting players and a plan for social and ecologic transition of farming and food. Here are the 34 measures detailed, in French.

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