Measures to prevent another lockdown?

Published by Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis · Photos by Rizhlaine de Sortiraparis · Published on January 26, 2021 at 05:26 p.m.
As the threat of coronavirus variants has France worried, the government wishes to give its chance to curfew from 6 p.m. before recording new measures. Could restrictions enable to avoid another nationwide lockdown? Here are scenarios that could be considered.

Can France still prevent a third lockdown? As around the globe several countries have decided to implement this extreme measure to fight against the coronavirus epidemic, the French government wishes to give a chance to curfew.

It has been pulled forward to 6 p.m. on January 16, 2021 all over mainland France. Even though first observations on its efficacy have been revealed this past Thursday, results of the measure are to be known by the end of the week. According to conclusions delivered by the health authorities, the executive could decide whether to place France back into lockdown for the third time or not.

Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement Coronavirus: Is curfew from 6 p.m. effective? More about the latest data
The coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France and despite curfew from 6 p.m., another lockdown is more and more dreaded. Can it be prevented? It depends on the effectiveness of nationwide curfew that has been assessed. Here is what the latest data from Santé Publique France says. [Read more]

In the event curfew is paying off, intermediary measures could be implemented in order to curb the epidemic without having to place the entire country into another nationwide quarantine. So, what restrictions to expect?

Weekend-based lockdown in addition to curfew has been considered on many occasions. By limiting inter-regional trips and by limiting social interactions that usually occur at that time of the week, this solution could enable to halt the spread of the epidemic while lowering the economical impact in comparison with a total lockdown.

Targeted lockdown has also been suggested recently. It would be about only confining the most fragile people, for instance people aged 65+, in order to lower coronavirus-related mortality and hospitalizations for severe forms of the disease.

Another solution that has emerged: closing schools which could look like extended break. It would be a way to limit contaminations in a school environment as more and more classes are shutting down because of Covid. A lead that – so far – does not please the minister of the national education who thinks this measure should be considered only as a last resort, reminding on the occasion that preventing children from going to school could have severe consequences on several levels.

The government might be also thinking about leads in order to urge companies to use remote working more in order to limit contaminations in a professional environment. Last but not least, the reopening of facilities currently closed could also be postponed because of the evolution of the situation.

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Tags: france, curfew
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