Originally released in 2007, Transformers marked the start of an iconic cinematic saga directed by Michael Bay. This action-sci-fi film blends spectacular scenes with a thrilling plot. Written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, the film depicts a war between two races of alien robots - the Autobots and the Decepticons - that comes to Earth. At the heart of this conflict, young Sam Witwicky, played by Shia LaBeouf, becomes humanity's ultimate hope. At his side, Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel add intensity and emotion to this unforgettable adventure, accessible from age 8.
Transformers will be available on Netflix from December 1, 2024.
Synopsis: Since time immemorial, there has been a merciless war between two races of extraterrestrial robots: the Autobots and the cruel Decepticons. At stake: control of the universe...
In the early years of the 21st century, the conflict spreads to Earth, and young Sam Witwicky unwittingly becomes humanity's last hope. Like thousands of teenagers, Sam has only known the worries of his age: high school, friends, cars, girls...
Drawn together with his new girlfriend, Mikaela, into the heart of a deadly confrontation, it won't be long before he understands the meaning of the Witwicky family motto: "Without sacrifice, there is no victory!"
Transformers will appeal to fans of spectacularaction and science fiction, as well as to fans of titanic battles and intergalactic tales. With its gigantic robots and impressive battles, the film offers a visual spectacle that will captivate both young viewers (aged 8 and up) and adults nostalgic for the Hasbro toys that inspired the story.
It will particularly appeal to those who have enjoyed other technology blockbusters such as Jurassic Park or Independence Day. However, those who prefer less noisy narratives or more realistic plots may not find it to their liking.
With Transformers, Michael Bay lays the foundations for a cult saga combining action, science fiction and human emotions. This film is an ideal gateway to discover or rediscover the world of Autobots and Decepticons.
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