The Netflix live-action series of One Piece, closely supervised by the manga's author, Eiichiro Oda himself, has created a tidal wave in the TV landscape. While some were skeptical, the adaptation has not only garnered critical acclaim, but has also managed to surpass such TV hits as Wednesday and Stranger Things. With so much hype, it was only natural that the world of video games should seek to imbibe it. And what better way to do so than a collaboration between One Piece and Battle Royale giant Fortnite?
Will you pull off a daring escape as a Straw Hat pirate, or bring order to the sea as a Marine? Get your swords and pistols ready for an epic showdown on @FortniteGame. Join us to play the map with code: 7374-8187-1871 #ONEPIECE #OnePieceLiveAction #OnePieceNetflix
- ONE PIECE(ワンピース) Netflix (@onepiecenetflix) September 3, 2023
Collaborations between Fortnite and popular universes are nothing new. Characters from major works such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Dragon Ball and Naruto have already made an appearance. But the collaboration with One Piece goes further. Instead of the usual skins and cosmetic elements, Fortnite offers players an entirely dedicated map: the famous restaurant boat, the Baratie.
This new experience allows fans of both worlds to experience the series' adventure in a new, immersive way. Indeed, the Baratie will be more than just a backdrop. Players will have the opportunity to sail on the Vogue Merry, engaging in naval combat and firing her cannons.
For aficionados eager to dive into this universe, simply enter the exclusive code: 7374-8187-1871. You're all set for epic battles aboard the Baratie and the Vogue Merry. This unique collaboration underlines the importance of One Piece in today's pop culture, and above all, its ability to reinvent itself and conquer new horizons. So, shall we get to the map, folks?