Parisian elegance, exceptional music and gastronomy are set to infuse from the heart of the capital during La Nuit Enchantée at the Ritz Paris, on Monday June 3, 2024.
In the sumptuous, chic and bucolic setting of the hotel's Grand Jardin, a stage is set for the famous violin virtuoso Renaud Capuçon. He and pianist Guillaume Bellom will perform a spellbinding concert of classical works and film music, in the hushed intimacy of the garden, illuminated at nightfall.
But even before the first notes ring out, the Ritz Paris displays its art of entertaining with an exceptional champagne cocktail dînatoire. Guests can enjoy a farandole of sweet and savory delicacies concocted by the legendary address's chefs, Jérôme Legras and François Perret.
This concert under the stars of the Grand Jardin du Ritz Paris promises a moment out of time, where magic works and emotions vibrate in tune with Capuçon's violin, an instrument he has cherished since he was a child.
Looking for a feast for the eyes (and ears)? Don't wait any longer and reserve your place for the Nuit Enchantée at the Ritz Paris, a unique and memorable evening that embodies the apogee of French refinement and art de vivre.
Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, please drink responsibly.
Dates and Opening Time
On June 3, 2024
Starts at 07:30 p.m.
Ritz Paris
15 place Vendôme
75001 Paris 1
€250 - €320
Official website