Anne hidalgo

Les Champs-Elysées piétons le dimanche 7 janvier 2024Les Champs-Elysées piétons le dimanche 7 janvier 2024Les Champs-Elysées piétons le dimanche 7 janvier 2024Les Champs-Elysées piétons le dimanche 7 janvier 2024

Pedestrian Champs-Elysées: the most beautiful car-free avenue in the world on Sunday, April 6, 2025

The Champs-Élysées is pedestrianized one Sunday a month all year round! A chance to discover the world's most beautiful avenue in a different way, and to take a selfie in front of the Arc de Triomphe without a car to spoil the picture. Next date to note: Sunday April 6, 2025.
Visuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de ville

Paris: the Hôtel de Ville opens its doors free of charge on March 22, 2025 - program & reservations

Have you always dreamed of strolling through the Salons of Paris City Hall, pushing open the doors of the Salle du Conseil or the Salon des Arcades? Your wish will come true this Saturday, March 22, 2025! Exceptionally, the monument will be opening its doors to you, free of charge, for a day packed with events. Click here for the program!
Visuels Musée du LouvreVisuels Musée du LouvreVisuels Musée du LouvreVisuels Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre: after Emmanuel Macron's announcements, the area around the museum is also redeveloped

After the Louvre, the surroundings... The City of Paris has announced in a press release that it is considering the transformation of the area around the museum, in the wake of the press conference held by French President Emmanuel Macron on January 28, 2025, as part of the New Louvre project. The aim is to improve accessibility and visitor enjoyment of the site, while continuing the greening and pedestrianization of public spaces. We take stock!
Paris-Meaux à vélo, nos photos - image00049Paris-Meaux à vélo, nos photos - image00049Paris-Meaux à vélo, nos photos - image00049Paris-Meaux à vélo, nos photos - image00049

Paris's new bicycle plan for a 100% bikeable city

The City of Paris launches phase 2 of its Bicycle Plan! After a first program (2015-2020) worth 150 million euros, the new 2021-2026 plan further strengthens the place of cycling in Paris and continues the development of a city designed for cyclists.
Le Théâtre de la Concorde : le nouveau lieu culturel ouvre bientot ses portes Le Théâtre de la Concorde : le nouveau lieu culturel ouvre bientot ses portes Le Théâtre de la Concorde : le nouveau lieu culturel ouvre bientot ses portes Le Théâtre de la Concorde : le nouveau lieu culturel ouvre bientot ses portes

A mock trial at the Théâtre de la Concorde on the banks of the Seine

Opening its doors on October 5 and 6, the Théâtre de la Concorde was conceived as a place for debate, reflection, contradictions and creation, where art and democracy are linked. This Monday, December 9, the theater hosts a mock trial on the theme: what if the Seine could defend its rights in court?
Illuminations nations des Champs-Élysées 2022, inauguration avec Tahar RahimIlluminations nations des Champs-Élysées 2022, inauguration avec Tahar RahimIlluminations nations des Champs-Élysées 2022, inauguration avec Tahar RahimIlluminations nations des Champs-Élysées 2022, inauguration avec Tahar Rahim

Paris: Anne Hidalgo announces she will not seek a 3rd term as mayor

Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris since 2014, confirms in an interview with Le Monde that she will not be standing in the 2026 municipal elections. She wishes to step down after two terms and invest in new projects, while completing the transformations undertaken in the capital, particularly in the face of climate disruption.
Visuels Paris - Tour Eiffel SeineVisuels Paris - Tour Eiffel SeineVisuels Paris - Tour Eiffel SeineVisuels Paris - Tour Eiffel Seine

Anne Hidalgo will finally be swimming in the Seine this Wednesday, July 17

Will Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo finally bathe in the Seine, as promised? It seems so, this Wednesday, July 17, 2024, as she announced at a press conference.
Visuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de villeVisuels musée et monument - hotel de ville

Paris: the Bal de l'Amour returns to the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville, the program

After celebrating the 10th anniversary of marriage for all in 2023, the 'Bal de l'Amour' returns to the forecourt of Paris City Hall with a new, second edition on Friday, May 17, 2024. On the program? Giant karaoke, choir, cabaret show, flower throwing, pole dancing and DJ sets!
La Fontaine Stravinsky restaurée à Paris, nos photos - IMG 1745La Fontaine Stravinsky restaurée à Paris, nos photos - IMG 1745La Fontaine Stravinsky restaurée à Paris, nos photos - IMG 1745La Fontaine Stravinsky restaurée à Paris, nos photos - IMG 1745

Paris: the mythical Stravinsky fountain freshly restored, our photos

After eighteen months of restoration work, the Fontaine Stravinsky in Paris has been freshly restored! An opportunity to (re)discover this emblematic and poetic work of art in the Beaubourg district, and the sixteen sculptures that make it up, created by Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely.
Sempé : un lieu inauguré en mémoire de l'auteur dans le 6e arrondissement de ParisSempé : un lieu inauguré en mémoire de l'auteur dans le 6e arrondissement de ParisSempé : un lieu inauguré en mémoire de l'auteur dans le 6e arrondissement de ParisSempé : un lieu inauguré en mémoire de l'auteur dans le 6e arrondissement de Paris

Sempé: a memorial site inaugurated in Paris's 6th arrondissement

One year after his death, Paris City Hall has announced that a site in the 6th arrondissement will be inaugurated in tribute to Jean-Jacques Sempé. The exact location has not yet been revealed.
station de métro de Type B d'Hector Guimard - chateletstation de métro de Type B d'Hector Guimard - chateletstation de métro de Type B d'Hector Guimard - chateletstation de métro de Type B d'Hector Guimard - chatelet

Place du Châtelet gets a makeover for 2024: what work is planned?

In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo announced the guidelines for future redevelopment work on the Place du Châtelet.
Visuel Paris Champs de Mars Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Champs de Mars Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Champs de Mars Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Champs de Mars Tour Eiffel

Works around the Eiffel Tower: the final project is up

Discussed for years, the maintenance works around the Eiffel Tower project seems to have found its way and is likely to be up for the 2024 Summer Olympics.
Éphéméride du 24 août à Paris : Le massacre de la Saint-BarthélémyÉphéméride du 24 août à Paris : Le massacre de la Saint-BarthélémyÉphéméride du 24 août à Paris : Le massacre de la Saint-BarthélémyÉphéméride du 24 août à Paris : Le massacre de la Saint-Barthélémy

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: a memorial erected rue de l’Amiral-de-Coligny

This Friday September 16, 2022, for the 450th anniversary of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, Anne Hidalgo inaugurated a memorial garden commemorating this tragic event that caused over 10,000 deaths.
visuel Musée de la Libération de Parisvisuel Musée de la Libération de Parisvisuel Musée de la Libération de Parisvisuel Musée de la Libération de Paris

78th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris: discover the program of the ceremonies

This year, the Liberation of Paris turns 78 years old. On the occasion, the city hosts a series of traditional ceremonies on Wednesday August 24 and Thursday 25, 2022. Ceremonial drills, troop inspection, tributes to the dead and even exhibition…
Réouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de Boulogne

Global warming: air-conditioned stores obliged to close their front doors

To fight against global warming, the City of Paris and several others have issued a decree obliging air-conditioned stores to close their front doors, under threat of a fine, to prevent higher energy consumption.
Paris : la limitation de vitesse à 30km/h généralisée d'ici la fin de l'annéeParis : la limitation de vitesse à 30km/h généralisée d'ici la fin de l'annéeParis : la limitation de vitesse à 30km/h généralisée d'ici la fin de l'annéeParis : la limitation de vitesse à 30km/h généralisée d'ici la fin de l'année

Driving in Paris: speed limited to 30km/h and generalized starting this Monday August 30, 2021

In Paris, drivers will have to go easy. Starting from Monday August 30, 2021, the speed is limited to 30km/h (18mph) in most streets of the French capital.
Paris 2024Paris 2024Paris 2024Paris 2024

Paris 2024: France takes over 100 years later

Many festivities have marked the hand-over from Tokyo to Paris for the upcoming 2024 Olympics. More about this Olympic day.
Paris : vers le stationnement payant des scooters, motos et autres deux-roues motorisés ?Paris : vers le stationnement payant des scooters, motos et autres deux-roues motorisés ?Paris : vers le stationnement payant des scooters, motos et autres deux-roues motorisés ?Paris : vers le stationnement payant des scooters, motos et autres deux-roues motorisés ?

Paris: paid parking for scooters and motorbikes starting from 2022

Starting from 2022, scooter and motorbikes will now have to pay for parking in Paris. Announced a while ago, this measure has been presented this Tuesday June 15, 2021 by David Belliard - Anne Hidalgo's deputy entrusted with transport and mobility. In all, 120,000 parking spots will disappear to give "more nature and more space to pedestrians and cyclists".
Visuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris Seine

Paris wants to clean the Seine so one can bathe by the Olympics 2024

Bathing in the Seine: sweet utopia or real project? Paris has set up a sanitation plan of the river so that by the Olympics 2024, everyone can swim in it.
Visuel Paris rue de Rivoli trotinetteVisuel Paris rue de Rivoli trotinetteVisuel Paris rue de Rivoli trotinetteVisuel Paris rue de Rivoli trotinette

Cars to be banned from Paris city center by 2022? The heart of the capital could be pedestrianized

Cars are to be given less space in Paris. Among the measures considered by the City Hall, it is about making the city’s historic heart pedestrianized. Transit vehicles could be then banned from Paris city center.