Public transport - activities

Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: indoor facemask-wearing to be ditched from March 14 in France, excluding in transportation

Invited on TF1 television news, Jean Castex announced the end of compulsory facemask-wearing indoor from March 14, 2022. Yet, masks will be mandatory in transportation.
SNCF : bientôt des films en streaming dans les TGVSNCF : bientôt des films en streaming dans les TGVSNCF : bientôt des films en streaming dans les TGVSNCF : bientôt des films en streaming dans les TGV

Covid: eating and drinking banned in several public places, starting from this Monday

Following the latest health defense council, Jean Castex announced drinking and eating was banned in all movie theaters, theaters, sport facilities and public transit – including long hauls. This measure will come into effect from Monday January 3, 2022, for three weeks.
Les trains sont-ils des clusters ambulants ? La SNCF défend ses TGVLes trains sont-ils des clusters ambulants ? La SNCF défend ses TGVLes trains sont-ils des clusters ambulants ? La SNCF défend ses TGVLes trains sont-ils des clusters ambulants ? La SNCF défend ses TGV

Covid: facemask-wearing compulsory in transport “for at least the entire summer”

Facemask-wearing stays compulsory in transport “for at least the entire summer”, despite the health pass extended to long-haul transit, Minister for Transports Jean-Baptiste Djebbari claims.
Une Grève SNCF prévue ce jeudi 17 septembre 2020Une Grève SNCF prévue ce jeudi 17 septembre 2020Une Grève SNCF prévue ce jeudi 17 septembre 2020Une Grève SNCF prévue ce jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Covid: is it possible to take the train or a plane in the evening during curfew?

Starting from May 3, 2021 France starts the first step to exit lockdown. Yet curfew from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. is still implemented in mainland France. Many people then are wondering if they can take transport. Is it possible to take the train or a plane in the evening during curfew? Here is the answer.
Visuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon

Lockdown exit: trips between regions allowed from May 3, 2021 in France

It is time to speak about the end lof lockdown in France. The government's plan's first step, on May 3, 2021, will be the end of the 10km rule and the derogatory trip certificate. Therefore, it will be once again possible to travel between regions.
Pollution : vitesse réduite de 20km/h à Paris et en Ile-de-France ce mercrediPollution : vitesse réduite de 20km/h à Paris et en Ile-de-France ce mercrediPollution : vitesse réduite de 20km/h à Paris et en Ile-de-France ce mercrediPollution : vitesse réduite de 20km/h à Paris et en Ile-de-France ce mercredi

Pollution: speed reduced by 20km/h in Paris and Ile-de-France, this Wednesday

Pollution is back in Paris and therefore speed is reduced by 20km/h in Paris and Île-de-France on several roads, and only Crit'Air 0,1 and 2 cars are allowed to run on the beltway this Wednesday. And for good reason, the PM10 particle rate has exceeded the limit thresholds! The prefect recommends to differ road trips in the area.
La RATP révolutionne son réseau de bus à Paris La RATP révolutionne son réseau de bus à Paris La RATP révolutionne son réseau de bus à Paris La RATP révolutionne son réseau de bus à Paris

Covid: Paris public transit to test virus-destroying fabric

A French SMB has come up with an anti-microorganism and self-cleaning fabric likely to destroy virus when exposed to light. This product has been set in some public transit in the Paris area.
Coronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundi

Coronavirus: all metro stations open, traffic forecast in Paris on June 22

Since May 11th, first day of the containment exit, the public transportation public in Paris and Ile-de-France has improved. All statiosn are open, and here is the traffic forecast for Monday June 22, in Paris and Ile-de-France.
Coronavirus : des masques en vente dans les stations de métro dès le 11 maiCoronavirus : des masques en vente dans les stations de métro dès le 11 maiCoronavirus : des masques en vente dans les stations de métro dès le 11 maiCoronavirus : des masques en vente dans les stations de métro dès le 11 mai

Coronavirus: Social distancing rules soon made softer in public transportation?

Minister for Ecological Transition Elisabeth Borne said social distancing rules in public transportations will be made softer starting from June 2 to enable “more flux at peak hours”. Another goal: increasing the number of seats in TGV and enabling French people to go on summer holidays.
Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro

Employer’s certificate in Île-de- France public transit to download or online

Île-de-France inhabitants will need an “employer’s certificate”, or “Attestion employeur” in French, to ride public transit at peak hours and go to work starting from May 11th. Ile-de-France region President has had this proposition listed in a charter signed this Wednesday with the State, the local authorities, employers, union trades and public transit operators and validated by the government. This certificate will be mandatory at peak hours between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. upon penalization. The Police Prefecture confirmed tolerance will be shown until Tuesday May 12th.
Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023

SNCF's deconfinement: 50% of the TER traffic and 60% of the Transilien traffic working from May 11th

The SNCF is getting ready for a difficult containment exit starting from May 11th, 2020. Jean-Baptiste Djebbari and SNCF group CEO Christophe Fanichet presented the train company's deconfinement plan. Mandatory facemasks, filtering system and even details as for the inflow forecasted, everything has been thought up so that the passengers can travel the best way possible. Note that the SNCF says 50% of the TER and 60% of the Transilien trains will be working from Monday May 11th.
Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro

Coronavirus: 2 million facemasks given in 400 Ile-de-France stations from May 11

While deconfinement is said to start on May 11, 2020, Ile-de-France president Valérie Pécresse announces two million facemasks will be given for free to Ile-de-France train travelers. They will be given from Monday May 11 in 400 stations in Ile-de-France.
Coronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en commun

Masks to be compulsory in public transit: security officers could fine

This April 28, Edouard Philippe presented the government's deconfinement plan to the National Assembly. In his speech, the Prime Minister said facemasks will be compulsory in public transit starting from May 11. Invited on Europe 1 radio station on April 29, Minister of Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said "there will be sanctions if you were no mask in public transit". Statements confirmed by Christophe Castaner this May 2, at the end of the council of Ministers.
RATP : Des stickers pour faire respecter la distanciation sociale dans le métroRATP : Des stickers pour faire respecter la distanciation sociale dans le métroRATP : Des stickers pour faire respecter la distanciation sociale dans le métroRATP : Des stickers pour faire respecter la distanciation sociale dans le métro

RATP: stickers to uphold social distancing in the subway

“Pour notre santé à tous, laissons ce siège libre” (for everyone’s health, please let this seat free), this si the message that will be featured one seat in two on RATP network platforms. Stickers that will encourage commuters to uphold social distancing during the coronavirus health crisis.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Coronavirus: hand sanitizer distributors soon everywhere in Paris

The City of Paris keeps on fighting against covid-19 and announces the massive and gradual deployment of hand sanitizer distributors in public spaces and in the hall of municipal places welcoming people.
Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023

Coronavirus: bus shuttles reserved only for the hospital staff in Paris

Île-de-France Movilités has announced to set up from March 23rd and for as long as it’s needed twenty bus shuttles reserved only for the hospital staff. Goal? Help the health staff in Île-de-France move around more easily as the public transit traffic is already very limited.
Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre

Coronavirus: consequences and measures taken as the pandemic reached stage 3 in France

Amid the coronavirus pandemic in France stage 3 is now reached. More radical measures are taken to limit the propagation of the covid 19 on French soil.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Coronavirus: Should you come to Paris or delay your trip?

With the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in France, tourism in Paris has been impacted straight away since fairs, concerts or sport events are being cancelled in town. In such a context, should you still come to Paris or delay your trip? We will try and answer this thorny question!
Grève du 17 février : les prévisions de trafic à Paris et en île de FranceGrève du 17 février : les prévisions de trafic à Paris et en île de FranceGrève du 17 février : les prévisions de trafic à Paris et en île de FranceGrève du 17 février : les prévisions de trafic à Paris et en île de France

February 17's strike : traffic forecast in Paris and Île de France

Because of a call for unlimited strike of the public transportation started on December 5, 2019, Paris metros, RERs and Transilien lines are likely to be very badly disrupted in Paris and Île de France. Let's discover the traffic forecast for Monday February 17, 2020.
métro neigemétro neigemétro neigemétro neige

Snow in Ile de France: road traffic and public transport

The snow actually falling on Paris and the Ile-de-France makes road and public transport traffic difficult. This is the occasion for the editorial board to come back on the road traffic and public transportation: buses, trains and other transport.