You may have experienced this situation already: the metro is packed and you are willing to give your seat to someone who needs it the most, but there is a dilemma: whom to give your seat? Between the pregnant lady, the elderly person or the one moving around in crutches, who can ask for the seat first?
You may have certainly noticed that there are in public transportation little signs reminding you priority is given to travelers who cannot commute whilst standing for a while. Little pictograms explain the categories of people allowed to claim the seats. But yet, they give no specification as for the order of priority.
When seats are rare, who can get the precious seat first between disabled people, pregnant women or with very young children or elderly people?
And to answer this question and avoid lots of tricky situations, the RATP unveiled an order of priority:
Here is then the order of priority in theory. As for practice, it is of course recommended to speak nicely and propose the seat to the person with the most difficult physical condition.