Directed by Rob Letterman, Pokémon: Detective Pikachu offers a live-action adaptation of the Detective Pikachu video game, released in 2016. The film is scripted by Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit, and stars Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu, alongside Justice Smith and Kathryn Newton. The film combines the genres ofaction andadventure, offering Pokémon fans an immersive experience in a live-action universe.
After the mysterious disappearance of private detective Harry Goodman, his son Tim(Justice Smith) sets out to find out what happened. To do this, he's joined by his father's old partner, Detective Pikachu(Ryan Reynolds). Together, they set off in search of clues in Ryme, a modern, sprawling metropolis where humans and Pokémon live side by side. In the course of their investigation, they uncover a dangerous plot threatening to disrupt this peaceful coexistence.
This film is aimed primarily at Pokémon fans, especially those who enjoyed the video game Detective Pikachu. It may also appeal to fans of action-adventure films . The live-action dimension of the film brings a fresh perspective to the world of Pokémon, incorporating modern visual effects to bring the creatures to life in a realistic urban environment. Fans of Pokémon and films such as Sonic, the movie or Space Jam may also find similarities in this work.
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu offers a modern adaptation of the Pokémon universe, combining action and adventure in a live-action format. With a captivating plot and sophisticated visual effects, the film invites Pokémon fans and action enthusiasts alike to immerse themselves in a thrilling investigation. Now available on Prime Video, it offers an immersive and entertaining experience for fans of the franchise and the general public alike.
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