Si on chantait is a film directed by Fabrice Maruca that follows a group of colleagues from an industrial town in northern France, Quiévrechain. The main characters are played by Jeremy Lopez, Alice Pol and Philippe Rebbot, and the story is written by Fabrice Maruca himself, in collaboration with Isabelle Lazard. The plot is rooted in the closure of a factory, prompting the former employees to embark on a unique project: creating a home-delivery song business.
After the closure of their factory, Franck (Jeremy Lopez), a passionate fan of French pop, decides to launch a home delivery business, convincing his former colleagues to follow him in this adventure. Among them are Sophie, played by Alice Pol, who doesn't leave Franck indifferent, José, a singer with little talent, and Jean-Claude (Clovis Cornillac), a proud former executive. Together, they set about singing for retreats, birthdays and other occasions, working their way through tensions and problems.
The comedy Si on chantait is aimed at audiences who appreciate light, entertaining and emotionally-charged films. It will appeal to fans of French cinema and musical variety. Its uniqueness lies in its innovative approach to professional retraining and solidarity through music, interspersed with many humorous moments.
Si on chantait takes viewers on an entertaining and emotional journey through a small town in northern France, highlighting music, solidarity and the challenges of professional retraining. The show features engaging characters, a lively soundtrack and will premiere on M6 on May 3, 2024.
Streaming: what are we watching this Sunday December 22, 2024 on Netflix, Amazon and Disney+ platforms?
Feeling like curling up in front of the TV today? We've got the week's releases on your favorite streaming platforms, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+! [Read more]Cinema: which film to see today, this Sunday December 22, 2024?
Not sure which film to see today? Well, we've got plenty of films to show near you. [Read more]