Riot Games' flagship Teamfight Tactics competition, the TFT Open Series, is coming to Europe for the first time, setting up shop in Paris in 2025. Open to all players, this esport competition promises to bring amateurs and professionals together in a competitive atmosphere in front of a large audience. As to where the competition will take place in Paris, no details have yet been released.
Presented as part of Teamfight Tactics ' roadmap for 2025, these Open Series are part of a strategy to consolidate the competitive side of the game. At the 2024 edition of the TFT Open in Macau, Riot Games confirmed enhancements to the competitive experience, accompanied by evolutions in game mechanics and technical stability. The world championship,"Tactician's Crown", will remain a key event, while promoting greater accessibility for local and international competitions.
In addition to the Paris event, 2025 will see the arrival of new content for Teamfight Tactics, including three new themed sets:"Cyber City","Shonen Tournament" and"Return to Runeterra". The return of the"Destinies: Festival of Beasts" set in January 2025, adjusted to players' expectations, as well as the introduction of customized duo lounges, underlines the developers' efforts to renew the game experience while responding to player feedback.