No more beer, but vineale! The beer-wine hybrid concept has been launched recently by craft brewery Gallia Paris, set in Pantin. Gustatorily speaking, it is a beer bearing the recognizable features of wine.
In Gallia production site, brewer Rémy starts the beer revolution by dusting off the old codes of ale to carry out creative experiments. Then were created “modern” beers, with character and analogy of the French terroirs. Tired by the classic and non-flattering image of beer, the craftsman decided to give it a sexy-chic touch mixing wine – a more noble beverage. “Vineale” was born! The drink comes in several “vintages” including Merlot, Muscat and Pinot Noir, to enjoy at the bar or to shop online.
Voir cette publication sur InstagramUne publication partagée par Brasserie GALLIA Paris (@galliaparis)
The little things:
Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, please drink responsibly.
Dates and Opening Time
On August 7, 2022
Brasserie and bar Gallia
35 Rue Méhul
93500 Pantin
Metro 5 Église de Pantin
Official website