Navigo pass - activities

Navigo ou Navigo + : Quelle solution est la plus rentable pour vous déplacer en Ile-de-France ?Navigo ou Navigo + : Quelle solution est la plus rentable pour vous déplacer en Ile-de-France ?Navigo ou Navigo + : Quelle solution est la plus rentable pour vous déplacer en Ile-de-France ?Navigo ou Navigo + : Quelle solution est la plus rentable pour vous déplacer en Ile-de-France ?

Navigo or Liberté +: Which is the most cost-effective way to get around Paris?

With fares set to rise on January 1ᵉʳ 2025, the all-zone Navigo Pass will now cost €88.80 a month. An alternative, the Liberté+ card, charges only for your actual journeys. So, which of these subscriptions is the most cost-effective based on your commuting habits?
Visuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigo

Navigo and Imagine R Pass price increases in January 2025: what you need to know

The price of the monthly Navigo Pass has been confirmed, and will increase by 2.8% from January 2025, from €86.40 to €88.80. This increase, confirmed on Wednesday December 11, is part of a financial agreement between Île-de-France Mobilités and the government providing for regular increases until 2031. This is also the case for the Imagine R card, we take stock.
Navigo Liberté +, lancement des inscriptions pour des trajets moins chersNavigo Liberté +, lancement des inscriptions pour des trajets moins chersNavigo Liberté +, lancement des inscriptions pour des trajets moins chersNavigo Liberté +, lancement des inscriptions pour des trajets moins chers

Pass Liberté +, sign up for cheaper travel in Paris and the Ile-de-France region

From January 2025, public transport in the Île-de-France region will change, with a single fare of €2.50 for metro and RER journeys. However, the Pass Navigo Liberté + offers an economical solution, reducing the cost to €1.99 per journey. Registration for this offer is now open, and we recommend that you act before the end of the year to receive your badge in time.
Bon plan : 100€ remboursés sur la carte Navigo Imagine R avec la Région Ile-de-FranceBon plan : 100€ remboursés sur la carte Navigo Imagine R avec la Région Ile-de-FranceBon plan : 100€ remboursés sur la carte Navigo Imagine R avec la Région Ile-de-FranceBon plan : 100€ remboursés sur la carte Navigo Imagine R avec la Région Ile-de-France

100€ reimbursed on Navigo Imagine R card with the Ile-de-France Region, applications now open

Would you like to get €100 back on your Navigo imagine R pass for high-school students? That's what the Ile-de-France region has come up with for the back-to-school season, via its Labaz app for 15-25 year-olds. In addition to recouping a good part of the cost of the transport pass, it's also a great way to find out about a whole host of good deals. Don't miss the opening of refund applications on October 1, 2024.
Visuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigo

4-euro metro ticket: how long will this increased fare remain in force?

Paris public transport ticket prices have almost doubled during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, increasing the T+ ticket from €2.15 to €4. When will fares return to normal?
Métro et RER : Comment profiter de trajets gratuits avec la carte NavigoMétro et RER : Comment profiter de trajets gratuits avec la carte NavigoMétro et RER : Comment profiter de trajets gratuits avec la carte NavigoMétro et RER : Comment profiter de trajets gratuits avec la carte Navigo

Metro and RER: How to enjoy free travel with your Navigo card

Bonus alert for free train tickets and journeys! From July 1 to August 31, 2024, Île-de-France public transport users can enjoy five free journeys thanks to a sponsorship offer from Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM). This initiative, supported by Valérie Pécresse, is designed to encourage the use of Liberté + season tickets ahead of the fare hike planned for the Olympic Games.
Visuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigo

Did you know? The Navigo pass entitles you to discounts at cinemas, museums, châteaux, festivals...

Not many people know about it, but did you know that the Navigo Pass offers a range of cultural benefits in the Paris region? Access discounts at cinemas, museums, châteaux, theaters and even festivals. We tell you all about it!
Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892Le Moulin jaune - Hanami 2023 -  A7C1892

Hippies Flowers weekend at Le Moulin Jaune: an unusual and colorful bohemian escape

Immerse yourself in the colorful, bohemian world of the Moulin Jaune on June 1 and 2, 2024. A festive, immersive weekend awaits you in this enchanting garden, transformed for the occasion into a hippie paradise.
Visuel actualités - gare Montparnasse valise voyageVisuel actualités - gare Montparnasse valise voyageVisuel actualités - gare Montparnasse valise voyageVisuel actualités - gare Montparnasse valise voyage

Navigo: free toilets for subscribers at eight Paris stations

At last! Holders of a Navigo or Imagine'R pass will be able to use the toilets in Paris stations without paying a cent, thanks to their pass - a relief for many subscribers.
Visuels Paris - Métro SolférinoVisuels Paris - Métro SolférinoVisuels Paris - Métro SolférinoVisuels Paris - Métro Solférino

Paris transport: you can now recharge and use your Navigo pass from your iPhone!

Forget the plastic card that clutters your wallet: the Navigo pass is finally available directly on iPhone and Apple Watch. As of this May 21, 2024, Apple users can use their smartphone or Apple Watch to travel on the Île-de-France Mobilités network.
Festival Escales d'Ailleurs au Château de Plaisir, le programme de spectacles et concerts gratuitsFestival Escales d'Ailleurs au Château de Plaisir, le programme de spectacles et concerts gratuitsFestival Escales d'Ailleurs au Château de Plaisir, le programme de spectacles et concerts gratuitsFestival Escales d'Ailleurs au Château de Plaisir, le programme de spectacles et concerts gratuits

Escales d'Ailleurs Festival at Château de Plaisir, a program of free shows and concerts

The Escales d'Ailleurs Festival awaits you this Saturday, June 8, 2024 at the Château de Plaisir en Yvelines. More than 10,000 people are expected to attend this free, open-air cultural event. Click here for the program!
Visuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rer

New Navigo Pass refund this Wednesday: which lines are affected?

Five transport lines lacked punctuality in 2023, and Île-de-France Mobilités is planning to compensate users who use them regularly, starting this Wednesday, March 20, 2024.
Visuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rerVisuels Paris - transport - train - sncf - rer

Olympics: why are RER tickets more expensive to get to Olympic venues outside Paris?

Be careful when traveling outside Paris: to access certain Olympic sites, the usual metro ticket is not enough! You'll need to be vigilant and buy another one, to make sure you don't get fined on arrival!
Le Gué, l'installation éphémère du Domaine de Sceaux qui fait marcher sur l'eau -  grand canalLe Gué, l'installation éphémère du Domaine de Sceaux qui fait marcher sur l'eau -  grand canalLe Gué, l'installation éphémère du Domaine de Sceaux qui fait marcher sur l'eau -  grand canalLe Gué, l'installation éphémère du Domaine de Sceaux qui fait marcher sur l'eau -  grand canal

La Ceinture Verte d'Île-de-France, the long-distance hiking trail in the inner suburbs of Paris

If you think the Île-de-France region isn't a great place for hiking, think again! On the contrary, with its forests and large natural valleys, it's a veritable paradise for walkers, with numerous long-distance footpaths (GR) such as the Green Belt of Ile-de-France.
Maison Littéraire de Victor Hugo - image00047Maison Littéraire de Victor Hugo - image00047Maison Littéraire de Victor Hugo - image00047Maison Littéraire de Victor Hugo - image00047

Victor Hugo's literary home, a country house lost in the Bièvre valley (91)

You've heard of the house of writer Victor Hugo, located on the Place Vosges, but have you heard of Victor Hugo's literary home? Far from Paris, this exceptional residence is well worth a visit. Shall we take you there?
Château d'Écouen - Musée national de la Renaissance  -  A7C8374Château d'Écouen - Musée national de la Renaissance  -  A7C8374Château d'Écouen - Musée national de la Renaissance  -  A7C8374Château d'Écouen - Musée national de la Renaissance  -  A7C8374

Discover the Château d'Écouen, a Renaissance jewel and national museum

Explore the Château d'Écouen, home to the National Renaissance Museum, located 20 km from Paris. Immerse yourself in the history of this exceptional site and admire its unique collections.
Motigny-sur-Loing - image00229Motigny-sur-Loing - image00229Motigny-sur-Loing - image00229Motigny-sur-Loing - image00229

A day in Montigny-sur-Loing, the bucolic village on the banks of the Loing (77)

If Moret-sur-Loing is a well-known town, Montigny-sur-Loing is just a few kilometers away, along the Loing river. A small village on the banks of the Loing, it has retained its charm of yesteryear: set off to discover this verdant little village.
Augmentation du Prix du Pass Navigo en Île-de-France : les Raisons ExpliquéesAugmentation du Prix du Pass Navigo en Île-de-France : les Raisons ExpliquéesAugmentation du Prix du Pass Navigo en Île-de-France : les Raisons ExpliquéesAugmentation du Prix du Pass Navigo en Île-de-France : les Raisons Expliquées

Increase in the price of the Pass Navigo in Île-de-France: Reasons Explained

The Île-de-France transport authority, Île-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), has confirmed that the price of the Navigo pass in Île-de-France will increase for 2024. The new fare will be voted on in December.
Visuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigoVisuel Paris transport pass navigo

Paris transport: towards a €120 Navigo pass by 2024?

While the price of the Navigo pass has already undergone a major increase in 2023, it could go beyond the 100 euro mark, fears the deputy mayor of Paris and member of the board of Île-de-France Mobilités. He even accuses Emmanuel Macron of "preparing a 120-euro Navigo pass".
Métro pollution, stations Métro pollution, stations Métro pollution, stations Métro pollution, stations

Transport in Île-de-France: a train, metro or RER journey will now cost no more than €5

According to information from Le JDD, a fare shield is to be introduced on public transport in the Île-de-France region: from March 7, 2022, a journey on the metro, RER or train will cost no more than 5 euros for those without a Navigo pass.