Directed by Philippe Mechelen and Julien Hervé, the comedy Le Doudou brings together two key figures in French humor: Kad Merad and Malik Bentalha. Originally released in 2018, the film tells the unlikely story of Michel, a family man desperate to find his daughter's doudou, and Sofiane, an opportunistic employee. Between misunderstandings, lies and absurd situations, this adventure turns into a real odyssey, full of surprises and laughter.
Le Doudou will be available on Netflix from December 4, 2024 and now on Max.
Synopsis: Michel has lost his daughter's cuddly toy at Roissy airport. He puts out an APB with a reward. Sofiane, an airport employee, sees an opportunity to make some money and claims to have found the cuddly toy. The lie revealed, Michel and Sofiane set out to find the cuddly toy. A mission more complicated than expected...
With Kad Merad, an actor popular for his roles in cult comedies such as Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, and Malik Bentalha, a well-known comedian and actor, Le Doudou relies on an explosive tandem. Their alchemy promises hard-hitting dialogue and outrageous situations, in a warm, accessible style of humor. Fans of French comedies and absurd yet touching stories should find what they're looking for.
This comedy is aimed at a wide audience, from families looking for a funny, light-hearted film to fans of comedy duos. With its good-natured humor and scenario based on an unlikely quest, Le Doudou will appeal to those who enjoyed films like Rien à déclarer or Babysitting. However, those looking for grittier humor or a more complex plot may be left wanting more.
Le Doudou is a family comedy, ideal for relaxing in front of a film full of laughter and improbable situations. If you're looking for a simple, engaging story with a cast of well-known actors, this is the film for you.
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