Fascinating creations of the human species in the face of death, mummies span cultures and emotions.
Objects of curiosity attracting crowds and covetousness, these beings both fragile and powerful arouse in us many feelings, between concern and admiration. Death, yes, but forever.
For its new issue, Curieux Transfo invites Laure Cadot, curator and restorer of organic materials and human remains, with whom we will discuss, with the respect they deserve, these curious figures promised to eternity.
During the evening, Monsieur K, a well-preserved cabaret singer, will open the doors to the beyond with his voice.
Curieux Transfo is a themed cultural aperitif designed and hosted by Céline du Chéné. The aperitif is concocted by people supported by Emmaüs Solidarité and sold at a free price.
On Tuesday April1, it will be prepared by residents of the Pereire accommodation and social reintegration center.
About the guests :
Her research in the archaeology and ethnography department of the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France has led her to work on the little-addressed question of the status of these materials.
She regularly publishes on the subject in specialized journals and books, including "En chair et en os : le cadavre au musée" (Grand Palais RMN, 2009).
For almost 20 years, his repertoire has been enriched with original songs, and he has created shows and recitals with musicians, composers and performers.
A member of the Madame Arthur cabaret, he also created the Barbichette cabaret.
Curieux Transfo is a monthly meeting with a taste for curiosity and inclusiveness.
Since the start of the 2024 school year, every first Tuesday of the month, in a friendly, subdued atmosphere, Curieux Transfo tackles an original theme with 2 guests. The first is chosen for his singular thinking. The second, for his cabaret act. The idea: spend an hour together, discovering and enjoying.
Céline du Chéné, author and documentary filmmaker at France Culture, is in charge of designing and hosting the event. The aperitif is prepared by people supported by Emmaüs Solidarité. In other words, Curieux Transfo is a cultural aperitif with a cabaret twist!
Dates and Opening Time
On April 1, 2025
Center Culturel Emmaüs Le Transfo
36 Rue Jacques Louvel-Tessier
75010 Paris 10
Instagram page
More information
Bar opens at 7 p.m. (cash only) Admission: free, subject to availability Duration: 1 hour