The Golden Age of Danish Painting, a virtual guided tour of the Petit Palais

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Published by Cécile de Sortiraparis · Photos by Cécile de Sortiraparis · Published on January 12, 2021 at 07:01 p.m.
Le Petit Palais is offering to rediscover Danish painting with the exhibition "The Golden Age of Danish Painting", from September 22, 2020 to January 3, 2021. Come and meet the great Danish artists and their daily lives in the 19th century. Until the exhibition reopens, take advantage of our virtual guided tour.

Le Petit Palais presents The Golden Age of Danish Painting, an exhibition featuring the great Danish painters from 1800 to 1864. Developed in partnership with the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm and the SMK in Copenhagen, the exhibition brings together over 200 works distinguished by their originality and the skill of their creators. Originally scheduled to run from April 28 to August 16, 2020, the exhibition will now run from September 22, 2020 to January 3, 2021. The exhibition remains closed until further notice.

However, it is possible to take advantage of a virtual guided tour, thanks to the filmed visit offered as a replay on the Parismusees website, hosted by journalist Myriam Bounafaa. She also gives the floor to the exhibition's two curators: Christophe Leribault, director of the Petit Palais, and Servane Dargnies-de Vitry, curator at the museum. These two enthusiasts explain the most beautiful paintings in the exhibition and answer questions posed by Internet users before the video was shot.

Art lovers and budding painters alike can't fail to appreciate the precision of the artists' work on light and the attention to detail in each scene depicted. These works are astonishingly precise, and become veritable windows on Denmark and Copenhagen.

L'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photos

This exhibition offers us an escapade to Denmark, without leaving Paris. The painters showcased by the Petit Palais depicted numerous scenes of life around travel, work, family and life in the Danish capital. Strolling through the various hangings, we feel transported to landscapes of another time. The atmosphere is softer and lends itself to daydreaming, as the paintings suck you in with a single glance.

L'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photos

The Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris offers more than just beautiful paintings. The artists featured in this exhibition, such as Christoffer Eckersberg, Christen Købke, Martinus Rørbye and Constantin Hansen, have, in their own way, expressed their thoughts on politics, the economy and social conditions in Denmark at the time.

The variety of works on display takes us on a journey to a time and place lost today. Each painting reveals theextreme mastery these painters had of their art, and the subjects can be as poetic as they are comic or serious. Flowers, portraits, scenes of life, seashores... We'd love to be able to enter all these paintings and enjoy the beauty within.

L'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photosL'Age d'or de la peinture danoise, l'exposition au Petit Palais : nos photos

After your visit to the Golden Age of Danish Painting exhibition, don't forget to take a tour of the Petit Palais' permanent collections and free exhibitions. Across the street, you can also visit the exhibitions and permanent collections of the Grand Palais.

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Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris 8

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- de 18 ans: Free
tarif réduit: €11
tarif plein: €13

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Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm, until 9pm on Fridays for temporary exhibitions.

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