Free exhibitions to see in December 2024 in Paris and the Île-de-France region

Published by La Rédac · Photos by Caroline de Sortiraparis · Published on July 11, 2024 at 11:58 a.m.
Looking for a great free exhibition to see in December 2024? You've come to the right place (or clicked on the right link): here's our selection of free exhibitions to see in Paris this month. Follow the guide!

We know it, we expect it, we prepare for it, and yet, every year, it's the same: the month of December and its many parties and celebrations drain our wallets awfully fast. We've got to face it: if we don't want to end up in the red (and we're not talking about Santa's outfit), we've got to save a little...

However, there's no reason to stop going out: in Paris, there are enough good deals and free events to keep us entertained every day, without spending a penny.

Do you love art and culture? So do we: that's why we've selected for you the best of the free exhibitions to discover in Paris and the Île-de-France region, during this month of December 2024. Let's not waste any more time: take a look at your next cultural outings.

Benjamin Lacombe, nos photos de son exposition chez Deyrolle à Paris - DSC05549Benjamin Lacombe, nos photos de son exposition chez Deyrolle à Paris - DSC05549Benjamin Lacombe, nos photos de son exposition chez Deyrolle à Paris - DSC05549Benjamin Lacombe, nos photos de son exposition chez Deyrolle à Paris - DSC05549 Benjamin Lacombe: his original works from "Monsieur le Lapin Blanc" exhibited at Deyrolle in Paris
To mark the publication of his album "Monsieur le Lapin Blanc", Benjamin Lacombe is exhibiting several of his new original works in Paris. The exhibition runs free of charge from October 15 to December 2, 2024, at Maison Deyrolle, in the capital's 7th arrondissement. [Read more]

Total : l'exposition en mode supermarché de Martine Syms à Lafayette Anticipations - DSC 1528Total : l'exposition en mode supermarché de Martine Syms à Lafayette Anticipations - DSC 1528Total : l'exposition en mode supermarché de Martine Syms à Lafayette Anticipations - DSC 1528Total : l'exposition en mode supermarché de Martine Syms à Lafayette Anticipations - DSC 1528 Total: Martine Syms' supermarket-style exhibition at Lafayette Anticipations
When an exhibition turns into an art supermarket to raise questions about consumer societies... Lafayette Anticipations is devoting an exhibition to American artist Martine Syms, entitled Total, from October 16, 2024 to February 9, 2025. A truly immersive experience where art and commerce meet in an innovative concept store. [Read more]

Nouvel accrochage chez M.A.K. Galerie par Marc-Arthur KohnNouvel accrochage chez M.A.K. Galerie par Marc-Arthur KohnNouvel accrochage chez M.A.K. Galerie par Marc-Arthur KohnNouvel accrochage chez M.A.K. Galerie par Marc-Arthur Kohn Rare works by Bernard Buffet, Chagall, Picasso and Niki de Saint-Phalle at M.A.K. Galerie
Sponsored - This autumn, the great modern masters are exhibited on the walls of the M.A.K Galerie. Bernard Buffet, Marc Chagall and Pablo Picasso accompany works by Niki de Saint-Phalle in a space with 18th-century wood-panelled walls. Not to be missed, a second Picasso painting alongside a Jean-Michel Atlan canvas and Italian Renaissance panels painted by Bonifacio Bembo and his workshop. [Read more]

Ito Meikyū, l'exposition en réalité virtuelle de Boris Labbé au Drawing Lab à Paris - IMG 0467Ito Meikyū, l'exposition en réalité virtuelle de Boris Labbé au Drawing Lab à Paris - IMG 0467Ito Meikyū, l'exposition en réalité virtuelle de Boris Labbé au Drawing Lab à Paris - IMG 0467Ito Meikyū, l'exposition en réalité virtuelle de Boris Labbé au Drawing Lab à Paris - IMG 0467 Ito Meikyū, Boris Labbé's virtual reality exhibition at Drawing Lab in Paris - our photos
Attention exhibition and virtual reality fans! The Drawing Lab invites you to discover its VR exhibition, imagined by Boris Labbé, "Ito Meikyū", from October 11, 2024 to January 5, 2025. Inspired by Japanese art and literature, this interactive work invites you to wander freely through a digital labyrinth where drawings, fractal architectures and animated scenes intersect. [Read more]

Ylva Snöfrid, exposition Cosmos et Vanitas à l'Institut suédois, nos photos - IMG 6408Ylva Snöfrid, exposition Cosmos et Vanitas à l'Institut suédois, nos photos - IMG 6408Ylva Snöfrid, exposition Cosmos et Vanitas à l'Institut suédois, nos photos - IMG 6408Ylva Snöfrid, exposition Cosmos et Vanitas à l'Institut suédois, nos photos - IMG 6408 Cosmos et Vanitas: a solo exhibition by Ylva Snöfrid at the Swedish Institute, our photos
Scandinavian artist Ylva Snöfrid presents "Cosmos et Vanitas", her very first solo exhibition in Paris. On view from October 15, 2024 to February 23, 2025 at the Swedish Institute, this free installation showcases the work of this artist, known for her figurative paintings and sculptural objects, which she uses notably in the scenography of her various performances, conceived as "rituals". [Read more]

La Faune en plis : l'exposition gratuite d'origamis animaliers, à Clichy (92)La Faune en plis : l'exposition gratuite d'origamis animaliers, à Clichy (92)La Faune en plis : l'exposition gratuite d'origamis animaliers, à Clichy (92)La Faune en plis : l'exposition gratuite d'origamis animaliers, à Clichy (92) La Faune en plis: an unusual, free exhibition of animal origami, at the Pavillon Vendôme (92)
From October 16 to January 11, 2025, a free and, to say the least, unusual exhibition takes up residence in the Pavillon Vendôme in Clichy: discover Faune en plis, a work by Gerard Ty Sovann. [Read more]

Visuels musée et monument - Fondation EDFVisuels musée et monument - Fondation EDFVisuels musée et monument - Fondation EDFVisuels musée et monument - Fondation EDF Dans(e) la lumière: a free exhibition combining art and dance at the EDF Foundation
From October 18, 2024 to January 30, 2025, the EDF Foundation presents an unusual, dreamlike exhibition: Dans(e) la lumière brings art and dance together to create a magical, timeless experience. [Read more]

Paris, capitale de la perle : l'exposition gratuite à l'Hôtel de Mercy-ArgenteauParis, capitale de la perle : l'exposition gratuite à l'Hôtel de Mercy-ArgenteauParis, capitale de la perle : l'exposition gratuite à l'Hôtel de Mercy-ArgenteauParis, capitale de la perle : l'exposition gratuite à l'Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau Paris, capital of the pearl: free jewelry exhibition at Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau
From the origins of the pearl to its use in jewelry, L'École des Arts Joailliers' new free exhibition tells the story of this pearly splendor in the heart of the Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau, from November 21, 2024 to March 23, 2025. [Read more]

Exposition sur l'art inuit au Centre culturel canadien, nos photos - IMG 6120Exposition sur l'art inuit au Centre culturel canadien, nos photos - IMG 6120Exposition sur l'art inuit au Centre culturel canadien, nos photos - IMG 6120Exposition sur l'art inuit au Centre culturel canadien, nos photos - IMG 6120 Paris: a rare exhibition dedicated to Inuit art opens at the Canadian Cultural Centre, our photos
Inuit art on show in Paris this autumn! Come and discover the works of artists from Canada's Far North, from the Claude Baud and Michel Jacot collections, in a rare, free exhibition at the Canadian Cultural Centre. This fascinating artistic journey to the heart of Nunavut is not to be missed from October 2, 2024 to January 17, 2025. [Read more]

Trésors : une exposition gratuite qui voyage à travers l'histoire millénaire d'Argenteuil Trésors : une exposition gratuite qui voyage à travers l'histoire millénaire d'Argenteuil Trésors : une exposition gratuite qui voyage à travers l'histoire millénaire d'Argenteuil Trésors : une exposition gratuite qui voyage à travers l'histoire millénaire d'Argenteuil Treasures: a free exhibition exploring the thousand-year-old history of Argenteuil (95)
Until March 2, 2025, the town of Argenteuil has brought out its archives and its finest artistic and historical treasures to present them to you in an exhibition that traces the fascinating history of this Val-d'Oise commune. [Read more]

Trans*galactique : l'exposition photo et vidéo à la Gaité LyriqueTrans*galactique : l'exposition photo et vidéo à la Gaité LyriqueTrans*galactique : l'exposition photo et vidéo à la Gaité LyriqueTrans*galactique : l'exposition photo et vidéo à la Gaité Lyrique Trans*galactique: the photo and video exhibition at Gaité Lyrique
The TRANS*GALACTIQUE exhibition lands at La Gaîté Lyrique from October 18, 2024 to February 9, 2025. A visual exploration celebrating trans and queer identities and questioning notions of gender, identity and resistance in a rapidly changing world. [Read more]

We are Here : l'exposition d'art urbain au Petit Palais - IMG20240611093151We are Here : l'exposition d'art urbain au Petit Palais - IMG20240611093151We are Here : l'exposition d'art urbain au Petit Palais - IMG20240611093151We are Here : l'exposition d'art urbain au Petit Palais - IMG20240611093151 We are here: the free urban art exhibition is extended at the Petit Palais - photo
You'd never expect to see urban art in a fine arts museum... And yet that's exactly what the We are here exhibition offers, on view free of charge from June 12, 2024 to January 19, 2025. [Read more]

Les cabines de 70 artistes street-art à Molitor, 2e édition internationale - photos -  visuelLes cabines de 70 artistes street-art à Molitor, 2e édition internationale - photos -  visuelLes cabines de 70 artistes street-art à Molitor, 2e édition internationale - photos -  visuelLes cabines de 70 artistes street-art à Molitor, 2e édition internationale - photos -  visuel The cabins of the Molitor swimming pool by 70 international artists! Unusual street-art exhibition
Did you know that street art reigned supreme in the cabins of Molitor's indoor pool? After a successful first edition in 2018, the Molitor swimming pool in Paris is offering us a second and even bigger edition of the artists' cabins. From floor to ceiling, 70 international artists have transformed these former cabins into works of art, to be discovered from Sunday, September 22, 2024 for the Heritage Days, then on guided tours or free of charge by reservation. [Read more]

Visuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-EmilionVisuel Paris 12 - Bercy Village Cour Saint-Emilion INfusion: the blood donation exhibition at Bercy Village
Bercy Village and the EFS are committed to raising awareness of blood donation, through a free and moving exhibition to be found from September 19, 2024 to January 12, 2025 on the walls of Bercy Village. [Read more]

Speedy Graphito à Fluctuart, nos photos - IMG 6022Speedy Graphito à Fluctuart, nos photos - IMG 6022Speedy Graphito à Fluctuart, nos photos - IMG 6022Speedy Graphito à Fluctuart, nos photos - IMG 6022 Speedy Graphito: the street artist presents "La Grande Illusion" on Fluctuart, our photos
Speedy Graphito takes over the Fluctuart barge in Paris to offer an "immersive optico-play experience". To be seen free of charge from September 19 to December 22, 2024, this exhibition entitled "La Grande Illusion" is an opportunity to discover more about the fascinating work of this key urban art artist. [Read more]

exposition quai de la photoexposition quai de la photoexposition quai de la photoexposition quai de la photo Quai de la Photo celebrates the bicentenary of the invention of photography with a free exhibition
Celebrate 200 years of history and creativity! Discover the free exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of the invention of photography at Quai de la Photo, from September 16 to December 22, 2024. [Read more]

L'Hôtel de Soubise, un écrin remarquable pour les Archives nationalesL'Hôtel de Soubise, un écrin remarquable pour les Archives nationalesL'Hôtel de Soubise, un écrin remarquable pour les Archives nationalesL'Hôtel de Soubise, un écrin remarquable pour les Archives nationales Made in France, a textile history: the free exhibition at the National Archives
In a free exhibition, the Archives Nationales tell the story of textiles "Made in France" with a collection of unique samples, from the most popular to the most luxurious fabrics, from October 16, 2024 to January 27, 2025. [Read more]

Lesage, 100 ans de mode et de décoration : l'exposition couture gratuite à la Galerie du 19M - image00014Lesage, 100 ans de mode et de décoration : l'exposition couture gratuite à la Galerie du 19M - image00014Lesage, 100 ans de mode et de décoration : l'exposition couture gratuite à la Galerie du 19M - image00014Lesage, 100 ans de mode et de décoration : l'exposition couture gratuite à la Galerie du 19M - image00014 Lesage, 100 years of fashion and decoration: the free couture exhibition at Galerie du 19M
Lesage celebrates its centenary with a free retrospective exhibition in Paris! From September 26 to January 5, 2024, visit the Galerie du 19M to go behind the scenes of this famous embroidery and weaving house, with haute couture creations and immersive installations, not to mention workshops to introduce you, too, to the art of thread! [Read more]

Les mondes imaginaires : l'exposition de sculptures onirique de l'Espace Monte-Cristo - photos - IMG20240412103716Les mondes imaginaires : l'exposition de sculptures onirique de l'Espace Monte-Cristo - photos - IMG20240412103716Les mondes imaginaires : l'exposition de sculptures onirique de l'Espace Monte-Cristo - photos - IMG20240412103716Les mondes imaginaires : l'exposition de sculptures onirique de l'Espace Monte-Cristo - photos - IMG20240412103716 Imaginary worlds: the dreamlike sculpture exhibition at Espace Monte-Cristo - photos
Poetic, dreamlike, surprising: with its new free exhibition, Espace Monte-Cristo aims to awaken our childlike hearts. Discover Imaginary Worlds from April 13 to December 15, 2024. [Read more]

Exposition Faisons Corps - IMG 5443Exposition Faisons Corps - IMG 5443Exposition Faisons Corps - IMG 5443Exposition Faisons Corps - IMG 5443 Faisons corps: the free exhibition exploring intimacy at the Maif Social Club unveiled
The Maif Social Club is organizing a group exhibition on the body, intimacy and identity. From March 30, 2024 to January 4, 2025, visit Faisons corps free of charge. [Read more]

L'Esquisse, le nouvel Hôtel culturel de Barbizon à la fois café et Musée gratuitL'Esquisse, le nouvel Hôtel culturel de Barbizon à la fois café et Musée gratuitL'Esquisse, le nouvel Hôtel culturel de Barbizon à la fois café et Musée gratuitL'Esquisse, le nouvel Hôtel culturel de Barbizon à la fois café et Musée gratuit L'Esquisse, Barbizon's new cultural hotel, both café and free museum
L'Esquisse is a fusion of hotel, café and free museum. We're off to Barbizon, the famous artists' village, to take advantage of this new spot that combines large, charming rooms, a great café by the fireplace and a free museum honoring the artists who have influenced Barbizon around the world. [Read more]

hachehachehachehache Viking heroes: a free exhibition combining history and culture at the Val d'Oise archaeological museum
The Musée d'archéologique du Val d'Oise introduces us to the world of the Vikings, between history and imaginary clichés, with the Viking Heroes exhibition on view from February 10 to December 29, 2024. [Read more]

Exposition Notre-Dame de Paris : au cœur du chantier -  A7C4581Exposition Notre-Dame de Paris : au cœur du chantier -  A7C4581Exposition Notre-Dame de Paris : au cœur du chantier -  A7C4581Exposition Notre-Dame de Paris : au cœur du chantier -  A7C4581 Notre-Dame de Paris at the heart of the construction site, the free exhibition under the forecourt in photos
The Notre-Dame de Paris: au coeur du chantier exhibition, which takes place beneath the cathedral's forecourt, is now unveiled. From March 7, 2023, until the monument reopens, discover the work of the hundreds of men and women who are rebuilding the cathedral. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the highlights of the titanic construction site, to discover the work of the journeymen and craftsmen, and the challenges of reconstruction. [Read more]

With a program like this, you're already pretty busy. But that's not all! Free artistic and cultural events can be added to your agenda in the near future. To make sure you don't miss a thing, check out this guide regularly.

Visuels musée et monument LouvreVisuels musée et monument LouvreVisuels musée et monument LouvreVisuels musée et monument Louvre Musée du Louvre: a free nocturne on November 1st, the first Friday of the month
It's the perfect opportunity to take advantage of every month, without exception: the Musée du Louvre opens its doors to all visitors free of charge on the first Friday of each month, after 6pm. Next date to remember: November 1, 2024. [Read more]

Couvent des Cordeliers Paris 6Couvent des Cordeliers Paris 6Couvent des Cordeliers Paris 6Couvent des Cordeliers Paris 6 Salon des Beaux-Arts 2024: dates and programme for this free event in Paris
It's an annual event you don't want to miss: the Salon des Beaux-Arts is back for another edition from December 4 to 15, 2024, at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers in Paris. [Read more]

There's no shortage of good deals in Paris: you can always treat yourself at a low price! We wish you a wonderful December, and a wonderful festive season with

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From December 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


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