On October 13, 2023, French workers will be taking to the streets in response to a call from the CGT, Solidaires, FO, FSU, UNSA, CFE-CGC, CFDT and CFTC trade unions, which are demanding higher wages and continuing the fight against austerity. In Paris, the demonstration declared by the unions is due to set off from the Place d'Italie (13th arrondissement) at 2pm on Friday, to reach the Place Vauban (7th arrondissement) at around 7pm, taking in the boulevards des Gobelins, de Port-Royal, du Montparnasse, des Invalides and the Avenue de Villars.
Strike for wages: the route of this Tuesday's demonstration in Paris
An inter-union strike is being organized this Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Demonstrators will set off from Place Denfert-Rochereau to demand higher wages and the repeal of pension reform. [Read more]
Strike on Friday October 13: what to expect on the transport network
New call for strikes and demonstrations launched by the inter-union group. Friday October 13, 2023 will mark a national day of mobilization "against austerity, for wages and gender equality". So, what can we expect on public transport at RATP and SNCF? Are there likely to be any disruptions on the metro, RER or Transilien networks? We take a look. [Read more]
The Préfecture de police de Paris announced that a special traffic control system would be put in place around the demonstration, " adding to the public order service ". In a press release issued on October 12, the Préfecture de police explained that road traffic was likely to be " severely disrupted " on the Left Bank side of Paris.
As a result, traffic arrangements have been put in place around the demonstration, " between Place d'Italie and Place Vauban ", in order to " alleviate any difficulties encountered as the procession progresses. "
Motorists are therefore invited to avoid and bypass this area and perimeter for the duration of the demonstration. In addition, " private vehicles parked along the route or in its vicinity will be subject to removal measures ", states the Prefecture in its press release. As for traffic, it will be gradually restored, "depending on the appearance of the site ".
" Access to the Necker and Cochin hospitals will be maintained ", it adds.
The Prefecture also specifies that a reinforced security and control system will be put in place prior to the event, " aimed in particular at combating the carrying of prohibited weapons or illicit or dangerous objects ".
In addition, the Prefecture recalls that a prefectoral decree (n°2023-01224) authorizes the capture, recording and transmission of images by means of cameras installed on aircraft, " to prevent attacks on the safety of people and property, and to ensure the safety of gatherings, within a defined perimeter around the declared itinerary ".