Fête de la Science 2024: family events to discover in Essonne (91)

Published by La Rédac · Published on September 12, 2024 at 03:01 p.m.
From October 4 to 14, 2024, take advantage of the Fête de la Science to learn more about space, nature and the climate, in Paris and the Île-de-France region. Numerous events are planned in the Essonne department, from Palaiseau to Evry.

The Fête de la Science, a free and exceptional cultural event, is once again offering an outstanding program of activities from October 4 to 14, 2024. The theme of this 33rd edition is "Oceans of Knowledge". Hundreds of events are being organized in Paris and throughout the Île-de-France region, for young and old alike, especially in Essonne. From workshops to shows and exhibitions, there's something for everyone in the département!

The whole family can take part, and meet the scientists who will be showcasing their exceptional advances and research at this national event. A wide range of topics are covered, from biodiversity to astronauts and the future of science. Between Palaiseau, Evry and many other participating towns, there's no doubt that you'll find what you're looking for for a week filled with new knowledge!

And if you'd like to get out and about in the region to discover more events, head for the neighbouring départements and the capital, where plenty of curious onlookers will be on hand!

Fête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-France Fête de la Science 2024 in Paris and Ile-de-France, free events to discover
The Fête des Sciences returns from October 4 to 14, 2024 for its 33rd edition! What's it all about? A week dedicated to scientific culture, with numerous free events all over France. Experiments, shows, open houses, visits and a host of workshops, open to all and adapted to children, await you in the four corners of Paris and the Île-de-France region! [Read more]

The Fête de la Science 2024 program in Essonne :

List currently being updated

Fête de la Science 2022 : des ateliers et expositions dans les médiathèques de l'EssonneFête de la Science 2022 : des ateliers et expositions dans les médiathèques de l'EssonneFête de la Science 2022 : des ateliers et expositions dans les médiathèques de l'EssonneFête de la Science 2022 : des ateliers et expositions dans les médiathèques de l'Essonne Fête de la Science 2024: workshops and exhibitions in Essonne media libraries
The Fête de la Science promises a rich 2024 edition. From October 4 to 14, 2024, a wide range of research-related events will be held throughout mainland France. In Essonne, media libraries will be showcasing science with workshops and original exhibitions. [Read more]

La Fête de la Science 2018 à l’École polytechniqueLa Fête de la Science 2018 à l’École polytechniqueLa Fête de la Science 2018 à l’École polytechniqueLa Fête de la Science 2018 à l’École polytechnique Fête de la Science 2024 at École polytechnique: tours, workshops and escape game on the program
École Polytechnique is opening its doors to us for the Fête de la Science on Saturday, October 5, 2024. In the hall, a science village and many other fun activities are on offer to raise awareness of scientific research. [Read more]

In Bruyères-le-Chatel

  • CEA DAM Île-de-France - Fête de la Science 2024
    October 05

    CEA DAM Île-de-France is organizing the Fête de la Science at its Bruyères-le-Châtel site, 2 rue de la Piquetterie, on Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 10am to 5pm.
    As in previous years, we'll be opening up part of our site to present the CEA's scientific activities and professions, and introducing youngsters to the world of science through fun experiments. We're also organizing expert talks in line with the event's national theme.
    Foodtrucks will be on hand to provide refreshments if you wish.
    If you would like to take part in this event, please let us know by contacting us on or by e-mail at communicationdif@cea.fr

In Cerny

  • Science at sea, science in the air
    October 12 - 13

    People in virtually every civilization have used the physical properties of water to get around. Noticing that certain objects floated, mankind instinctively invented boats. They were quick to use the force of air displacement to move faster and steer their courses with sails. Air and water thus became linked fluids for man.
    Over the centuries, through trial and error, knowledge of the physics of the elements has led to the creation of ever more efficient devices for moving around on land, water, in the air and even in space - each technological advance building on previous discoveries in different fields.
    The activities on offer to the public will reveal the evolution of the creations of these inventors, often self-taught engineers whose imagination and tenacity are often impressive.
    We'll be focusing on the origins of inventions that, while not necessarily obvious, are now part of everyday life: protection and safety with sea surveillance aircraft linked to rescue boats, observation of potential pollution, seaplane water bombers against fires, and thanks to satellites, weather forecasts, sea level monitoring, tsunami prevention, etc.

    Stimulate curiosity, provide knowledge of physics, history and techniques little known to the general public, enable dialogue with specialists, technicians, enthusiasts and educators by offering a wide variety of activities adapted to the age range of participants.
    Through games, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, workshops for building small machines, presentations of different trades, over the course of two days, children, young people and families will make unexpected discoveries, acquire new knowledge, build with their own hands, talk to specialists and get answers to their questions.
    A visit to the Musée Volant will also allow them to discover, for example, a copy of one of the first seaplanes in flying condition.
    Planned actions and partners
    1- Title : Seaplanes, from François Denhaut's 1910 seaplane to today's
    Speaker: Henri Hermabessière, seaplane pilot trainer
    Presentation of the different types of seaplane: floatplane, hull, pure seaplane or amphibious
    History and development: From the first to the largest, the period of glory, military use
    - Float or hull
    - Pure seaplanes or amphibious
    - History and development:
    - From the first to the largest, the period of glory, military use, the end of commercial activity, the present, the future.
    - Local players.
    2- Title: Landing on an aircraft carrier
    Speaker: a Hawkeye pilot
    3-Title : Water protection, ocean surveillance and humanism
    Speaker: to be confirmed
    4- Title: The Flotille operating the "Atlantique 2" aircraft: submarine surveillance and public service missions (fishing, pollution, illicit trafficking, sea rescue). Observation systems, dropping of acoustic buoys...
    Speaker: a naval aviator Lieutenant de Vaisseau
    5- Title : Wings and sails: Scientific explanation of the similarities between boat sails and aircraft wings.
    Speaker: Alexandre Mulard, skipper and pilot.
    6- Flight and disability: Disability is not insurmountable when it comes to flying.
    Speaker: Patrick Guedj, founding president of the "Envole-moi" association for the promotion of leisure aviation for all types of physical handicaps, responsible for the validation of adapted control systems by the authorities (GSAC, DGAC...)

    Annie Carteron president of the Jonathan Club association, EN teacher, J.S. medal, Mérite national medal and FAI (international aeronautical federation) for actions with young people.
    Céline Rocci, EN teacher, CNEA
    Alexis Collinet military pilot
    Jonathan Club activities (30 years of aeronautical discovery activities for 6/16 year-olds)
    - Small seaplane models (test in a small inflatable pool)
    - Air rockets
    - Water rockets
    - Enclosing air in water (physical explanations and giant soap bubble making)
    Games : from water to air
    -The water cycle (horizontal puzzle)
    -Clouds (photos to classify)
    -Making a clepsydra
    -Quiz on the similarities between boat hulls and aircraft fuselages
    Quiz on the different means of sea and air transport (hovercrafts, hydrofoils, etc.)..)
    Guided exhibitions, demonstrations and meetings
    -Exhibition "Mémoire de l'aviation civile": François Denhaut, inventor of the hull seaplane
    -Underwater archaeology and discovery of aircraft wrecks (wreck of Saint Exupéry's P-38 Lightning, probably found by diver Luc Vanrell in May 2000) presentation of photos and documents, presentation of COMEX Compagnie maritime d'expertise, which also participates in astronaut pool training)
    -To be an aviator in the Navy: meet an aviator from the Aéronavale
    -Visit the Musée Volant Salis: France's only museum of vintage aircraft in flying condition (from the beginnings of aviation to the 1980s)
    -Photo exhibition: "Quand la mer vue du ciel devient une œuvre d'art"
    Career prospects
    Planned participation
    - from the Cerny and Sainte Geneviève des Bois high schools (teachers responsible for Brevet d'initiation aéronautique training: Xavier Truchet, Rosteum Chadi, Benoît Geraud.
    - CIRAS de l'académie de Versailles (Brevet d'initiation à l'aéronautique) and BIMer (brevet d'initiation à la navigation en mer)
    - Armée de l'Air, aéronavale (CIRFA)
    - CFA: center de formation aux métiers de l'aérien.
    - Stand on naval aviation careers, participation of young recruits and presence of the person in charge of recruiting naval officers and relations with schools.
    Scientific committee:
    Jacques Arnould in charge of ethical issues at the Centre National des Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
    François Besse writer aeronautical journalist, pilot instructor plane, Ulm, glider. Aerobatic pilot; creator and editor-in-chief of the AeroVFR website.
    Patrick Guedj , aircraft instructor, founding president of the "Envole-moi" association for the promotion of leisure aviation for all types of physical handicaps, responsible for the validation of adapted control systems by the authorities (GSAC, DGAC...).

In Gif-sur-Yvette

  • Underfoot
    October 05

    Maggots, protozoa, bacteria, earthworms... Who are the decomposers or transformers of the earth? What is their environmental importance? Mixing physical theater and acrobatic stunts, a duo takes over the gardens of ENS Paris-Saclay to represent these relationships and metamorphoses, for the duration of the Fête de la Science.
    As part of the Fête de la Science and the Village des Sciences de l'Université Paris-Saclay.

In Igny

  • "Escape Box: DNA extraction
    October 16

    20 minutes to solve a few riddles in a locked box and design a drug to cure a genetic disease.
    Codes, keys, DNA extraction and teamwork to achieve the impossible!

In Linas

  • Conte-gouttes show
    October 12

    Conte-gouttes is a show on the theme of water, evoking its scientific properties (liquid, solid, gaseous), its natural cycle and ecological issues in a playful and poetic way.
    Through short stories and anecdotes, the aim is to make children aware of the presence of water around them in all its forms, and to raise their awareness of the issues that water raises as an essential element of life.
    This show is not only educational: thanks to the evocative power and poetic universe of puppets and other anthropomorphic objects, it is above all entertainment from which children will come away with a different view of their environment, answers to questions or new interrogations...
    Writing, direction, set design, puppet set design and music: Hélène Martinot and Sarah de Foresta
    Costumes and fabric set elements: Marie Ledebt
    Performance: Hélène Martinot and Sarah de Foresta

In Montlhéry

  • Artificial intelligence" exhibition
    September 30 - October 25

    Through games and experiments, get to know how they work, and develop your own questions thanks to the exhibition's spaces for reflection and exchange.
    The exhibition consists of :
    21 free-standing panels (80x215cm)
    4 digital manipulations
    3 games to play
    2 volume devices
    1 robot and its video
    1 user guide (.PDF)
    1 educational booklet (.PDF)
    This first part gives a definition of Artificial Intelligences and related concepts. By reading the panels and using the devices, you can discover different types of AIs and how they learn to perform the tasks assigned to them.
    This second part focuses on the societal and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence. It raises questions about their impact on our society, and enables us to take stock of our responsibilities.

In Mennecy

  • Vincent BUGEAT in an astronomy workshop at Mennecy (91)
    October 09

    If the Sun is higher in our sky in summer than in winter, what about the Earth as seen from the Sun? Would it be lower? Does the Earth rise and set when we're on the Moon? Vincent Bugeat explains various notions of astronomy, from our immediate environment to the far reaches of the Universe: on Earth and around, the Moon and us, the solar system and why it's impossible to have a realistic diagram, the Milky Way: understanding the stars, their color, the constellations etc. galaxy and cosmology: what exactly do we see and what information does it give us?
    Vincent Bugeat, author of "Astronomie : changez de perspective ! - A question of point of view", published by EDP sciences.

In Orsay

  • Coriolis and Detritus
    October 11

    Détritus miraculously catches the ghost of the great professor Gustave Gaspard Coriolis in his nets.
    With the help of the little sailors in the audience, Coriolis tries to make Détritus respect and love the sea.

  • From lab to table, science and art through the kitchen lens
    October 12

    What will we eat tomorrow? That's the question Raphaël Haumont and Floriane Facchini will be asking.
    Together with Michelin-starred chef Thierry Marx, Raphaël Haumont founded the Centre Français d'Innovation Culinaire MARX HAUMONT at the Université Paris-Saclay, where he develops new dishes by finely analyzing all the elements of our diet. Floriane Facchini explores the relationship between a region, its culinary heritage and its agricultural practices. Both invite you to discover their work during this evening event.

  • Yummy! Play with your senses
    October 09

    A series of fun little experiments to help you better understand your senses! The workshop is led by two ISPICA teachers: N'Deye-Anta Diop, Head of Flavor Laboratories, Pauline Chalut, Head of Sensory Analysis Services, and Valérie Pasmanian, freelance perfumer, member of Nez en Herbe and inventor of P'tit Sniff.

In Palaiseau

  • The immense possibilities of the infinitely small!
    04 - 06 october

    From solar panels to quantum computers and microchips, nanosciences and nanotechnologies are present in many of our everyday applications, yet remain little-known. Thanks to a variety of on-site activities (exhibition, café-rencontres, scientific demonstrations, original expeditions) and meetings with our experts, you can discover with amazement and fascination how scientific research is responding to the challenges of today and tomorrow. During these exceptional days, our scientific speakers and presenters will take you on a journey into the mysteries of the infinitely small beyond what the eye can see.
    Full program: https://www.c2n.universite-paris-saclay.fr/fr/science-societe/33eme-edi...

  • The immense possibilities of the infinitely small!
    04 - 06 october

    From solar panels to quantum computers and microchips, nanosciences and nanotechnologies are present in many of our everyday applications, yet remain little-known. Thanks to a variety of on-site activities (exhibition, café-rencontres, scientific demonstrations, original expeditions) and meetings with our experts, you can discover with amazement and fascination how scientific research is responding to the challenges of today and tomorrow. During these exceptional days, our scientific speakers and presenters will take you on a journey into the mysteries of the infinitely small beyond what the eye can see.
    Full program: https://www.c2n.universite-paris-saclay.fr/fr/science-societe/33eme-edi...

  • Counting sheep? No...fish!
    October 04 - 05

    It's hard to count them on the fingers of one hand. And yet, in ecology, researchers often need to know the size of animal populations. So we invite you to come and try out a method for counting them!

  • How friendly microbes help plants grow
    October 04 - 05

    In this workshop, delve into the world of symbiosis and discover how fungi and soil microbes can help plants feed and grow. Use a microscope to observe fungi and microbes.

  • New foods and consumer acceptability
    October 04

    A steak made from micro-organisms, genetically modified cookies: what are you prepared to accept for a sustainable diet? An introduction to economics to understand the concept of food demand.

  • Plant and animal proteins in the diet
    October 04

    Quality and digestibility: are all protein sources the same? How do they influence our eating habits? A two-stage journey to a better understanding of proteins in the diet.

  • Awakening the senses
    October 05

    Discover how sight, smell and taste can influence our perception of food.

  • Pack and weigh!
    October 05

    Here are some fun activities to help you understand what packaging is used for, and how to be more environmentally friendly.

  • Birds at the table
    October 05

    A smartphone app for scientific purposes? Yes, it is! The aim of the game is to observe in real time the behavior of birds at the feeder in winter.
    This animation invites you to discover the BirdLab program.

  • Coriolis et Détritus" show
    October 12

    Détritus miraculously catches in his nets the ghost of the great Professor Gustave Gaspard Coriolis himself. With the help of the little sailors in the audience, Coriolis tries to make Detritus respect and love the sea, through a series of scientific and entertaining experiments. But that's without counting on Detritus' indiscipline, who never misses an opportunity to get into mischief...
    For families aged 6 and over. Registration required.

In Vauhallan

  • Board games activity
    October 05

    The "Playa playa" board game lets you have fun while learning about the causes and consequences of beach pollution. Guided by an animator, come and discover this educational game!

  • Under the ocean
    October 09

    At the bottom of the oceans, but also at -40°C or +40°C. Living things adapt in surprising ways! Do oceans and seas have weight? Do the species that live there all have the same characteristics? And what about the color of the water? Is it blue or transparent?

In Verrières-le-Buisson

  • Under the ocean
    October 09

    Science raises a lot of questions... Do the oceans and seas have weight? Do the species that live there all have the same characteristics? And what about the color of the water: blue? Transparent? With Les Savants Fous, kids will get answers while having fun!
    For children aged 8 to 12

In Vigneux-sur-Seine

  • Ocean mission
    04 - 18 october

    This exhibition introduces visitors to marine and ocean biodiversity and the effects of plastic pollution on these natural environments. It also features portraits of several marine animals (who they are, where they live, why we need to protect them...) and portraits of the most common types of garbage found in the oceans. The exhibition answers many questions: Where does this waste come from? What impact does it have on water and ocean life? How can we combat this problem on a global scale? What eco-actions can we take to reduce, recycle and reclaim our waste?

  • Science workshop
    October 05

    Discover marine environments and ecosystems, play a sorting game on animal and plant species, discover pelagic zones, study the morphology of individuals (often turtles), model population monitoring over several generations, raise awareness of pollution and their diet.

In Yerres

  • Is water in danger? INRAE's Vazken ANDREASSIAN takes stock
    October 19

    Can we continue to consume so much water?
    Will we have to reduce our daily water requirements to preserve the resource?
    How will we manage water-related risks and the conflicts they can engender?
    In their crystal-clear style, a journalist and a hydrologist give us the keys to preserving this precious resource and better understanding the economic and political stakes involved.
    The comic strip "Sciences en Bulles: l'eau dans tous ses états" will be offered to you by your bookseller on this occasion!

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From October 4, 2024 to October 14, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


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