Fête de la Science 2024: unusual events not to be missed in Paris and the Île-de-France region

Published by Margot de Sortiraparis, Cécile de Sortiraparis · Photos by Margot de Sortiraparis · Published on September 9, 2024 at 04:24 p.m.
The Fête de la Science is back in Paris and Île-de-France for an even more exciting 33rd edition! Here's a selection of unusual and fun activities to enjoy from October 4 to 14, 2024.

October is Science Month in France! From October 4 to 14, 2024, libraries, museums, research centers, universities and cultural centers all over France will be offering free activities for the whole family. The Fête de la Science is back, and you can enjoy it without moderation in Paris and many other towns in theÎle-de-France region.

Fête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-FranceFête de la Science 2022 à Paris et en Ile-de-France Fête de la Science 2024 in Paris and Ile-de-France, free events to discover
The Fête des Sciences returns from October 4 to 14, 2024 for its 33rd edition! What's it all about? A week dedicated to scientific culture, with numerous free events all over France. Experiments, shows, open houses, visits and a host of workshops, open to all and adapted to children, await you in the four corners of Paris and the Île-de-France region! [Read more]

The Fête de la Science is an annual event that promotes French scientists and their work, opens the doors of various disciplines to young people, and reconciles grown-ups with this often misunderstood and unloved field.

On this occasion, many educational and scientific sites welcome the general public free of charge, and offer a wide range of activities. Exhibitions, meetings with researchers, conferences and round tables, games, manual workshops, guided tours, shows... The program for this festival is packed, and the days are too short! To help you make your choice, and make the most of this major event, we've selected a few unusual activities for you to enjoy in Paris and the Ile-de-France region.

Unusual activities at the 33rd Fête de la Science :

At the Musée des Arts et Métiers

  • Celebrate Science at the Musée des Arts et Métiers!
    05 - 06 october

    The museum invites you to celebrate science free of charge on the weekend of October 5 and 6, 2024! Dive into an ocean of knowledge by (re)discovering our collections through flash visits, embark on the new adventures of our mascots Lucie and Lucien, or learn about the art of textile repair and embroidery.
    Discover the program!

    Paquebot France, commissioned in 1912
    © Musée des Arts et Métiers-Cnam/photo Pascal Faligot
    Saturday, October 5, 2024
    Flash visits | Sail through the museum's collections
    Stroll through the museum and be surprised by our flash visits throughout the day. Our mediators will help you discover the nuggets of our collections related to the maritime world.
    10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, 3:30 pm, 4 pm, & 4:30 pm (15 min) Without reservation, subject to availability Meet at museum reception
    Storytelling tour | Lucie et Lucien à travers les océans (4-6 yrs. family)
    Embark on Lucie and Lucien's new adventures at sea! The museum's most mischievous mascots will help you (re)discover the treasures of our collections.
    11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (45 min.) Online booking required Meet at museum reception

    Demonstration | Foucault's pendulum
    Come and see the Earth rotate!
    The question of the Earth's rotation was still not scientifically proven at the dawn of the second half of the 19th century. It took all the ingenuity of physicist Léon Foucault to provide an answer in this now-famous scientific experiment.
    Find out more
    12pm and 5pm No reservation required, subject to availability Meet on the first floor of the church

    Relaxation break in the museum's documentation center
    Take a 100% marine break in the museum's documentation center. Young and old alike can discover our selection of children's books and share a unique moment with games and puzzles. Ocean immersion guaranteed!
    1pm to 6pm (continuous access) No reservation necessary, subject to availability Meeting point on 1st floor in the documentation center

    Les fabricateurs | De fil en aiguille (from age 7)

    © Michel-Dupré
    How do you mend a boat's sail? Initiate yourself collectively to the art of textile repair and embroidery, and create a unique collaborative work of art!
    2pm to 5pm (continuous access) No reservation necessary, subject to availability Meet in the Fabricators area on the 2nd floor of the museum

    Sunday, October 6, 2024

    Flash visits | Sail through the museum's collections
    Stroll through the museum and be surprised by our flash visits throughout the day. Our mediators will help you discover the nuggets of our collections related to the maritime world. 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am, 2 pm, 3 pm, 3:30 pm, 4 pm, & 4:30 pm (15 min) Without reservation, subject to availability Meet at museum reception
    Storytelling tour | Lucie and Lucien across the oceans (4-6 yrs. family)
    Embark on Lucie and Lucien's new adventures at sea! The museum's most mischievous mascots will help you (re)discover the treasures of our collections. 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (45 min.) Online booking required Meet at museum reception
    Demonstration | Foucault's pendulum
    Come and see the Earth rotate!
    The question of the Earth's rotation was still not scientifically proven at the dawn of the second half of the 19th century. It took all the ingenuity of physicist Léon Foucault to provide an answer in this now-famous scientific experiment.
    Find out more 12pm and 5pm No reservation required, subject to availability Meet on the first floor, in the church
    Relaxation break in the museum's documentation center
    Enjoy a 100% marine break in the museum's documentation center. Young and old alike can discover our selection of children's books and share a unique moment with games and puzzles. Ocean immersion guaranteed! 1pm to 6pm (continuous access) No reservation necessary, subject to availability Meeting point on 1st floor in the documentation center
    Les fabricateurs | De fil en aiguille (from age 7)

    © Michel-Dupré
    How do you mend a boat's sail? Initiate yourself collectively to the art of textile repair and embroidery, and create a unique collaborative work of art! 2pm to 5pm (continuous access) No reservation required, subject to availability Meet in the Fabricators area on the 2nd floor of the museum

At the Musée de l'Homme

  • Gender in language and culture
    October 11 - 13

    And how does this interact with gender identities and gendered biases?
    An opportunity to examine the diversity of gender representation in cognitive systems, languages and cultures.

  • Human evolution over the past 7 million years
    October 11 - 13

    With the help of specialists and character sheets, learn to recognize different casts of human skulls.

  • Extracting DNA
    October 11 - 13

    Discover and practice these molecular biology operations live with the Museum's scientists.

  • Archaeozoological methods
    October 11 - 12

    Analyzing these remains enables us to reconstruct part of the lifestyle of human groups and their relationship with the animal world.

  • Beekeeping through the evolution of its hives
    October 12 - 13

    Meet in front of the beehives in the Galerie de l'Homme for a presentation of a selection of old and new beehives from France and other countries, drawn from the Museum's reserves.
    Specialists will explain the bee's habitat, life cycle and production (honey, wax, propolis).

  • Fête de la Science 2024 at the Musée de l'Homme
    October 12 - 13

    Science enthusiasts of all ages, the Museum's researchers and scientific mediators invite you to join them for a special program of workshops.
    For the occasion, the Galerie de l'Homme is exceptionally free from October 11 to 13. An opportunity to explore the great themes of humanity through three questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

At Necker Children's Hospital

  • La Science en Fête at the Institut Necker Enfants Malades
    October 11 - 12

    The Institut Necker Enfants Malades invites you to discover the mysteries of science through interactive workshops. Learn how researchers track down aggressive cancer cells and observe proteins at work in our bodies. Take part in our Escape game "To the rescue of the polycystic kidney disease biobank" and explore the beauty of the microworld. Investigate the micro-organisms that inhabit us and discover why our intestinal bacteria are so interesting. Take part in art workshops with the Readymade-ART-Lab.
    These workshops are designed to awaken the scientific curiosity of young and old alike, with no prior knowledge required. Join us for a day of discovery and fun learning!
    + Info on the link: https://www.institut-necker-enfants-malades.fr/index.php/event-seminar/la-science-en-fete

  • Escape game - To the rescue of the polycystic kidney disease biobank!
    October 11 - 12

    The Kidney Disease Mechanisms and Therapeutics team is recruiting you, our young researchers, to save our biobank filled with urine samples from patients with polycystic kidney disease. Join our laboratory for an "escape game" that will highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research in facilitating innovative research and advances in the understanding of chronic kidney disease.

  • Journey to the heart of the cell: proteins in action
    October 11 - 12

    Proteins are biological molecules that perform numerous functions to keep our cells healthy. Come and discover a technique used daily in our laboratory, which enables us to separate and analyze them. This method uses antibodies to reveal the mysteries of proteins, offering a detailed insight into the cellular machinery.

  • The hunt for aggressive cancer cells
    October 11 - 12

    We invite you to discover the mysteries of the cells that cause cancer. Where do they come from, and how can they be eliminated? Plunge into the heart of cancer research by observing these very special cells under the microscope.

  • At the heart of the lab: the mysteries of an unveiled gene
    October 12

    Would you like to immerse yourself in the day-to-day life of a microbiology laboratory without having to put on a lab coat? Around the table, reorganize the tools available and try to figure out which technique will be useful in answering the question: what's that gene for?

  • Readymade-ART-Lab
    October 12

    Scientists are like artists, making amazing connections that lead to incredible discoveries. Join us at the Readymade-Art-Lab to explore the fascinating tools and laboratory materials used by scientists in their experiments. Together we'll create unique art objects from laboratory materials, which you can take home to dazzle your friends and family!

  • Investigating the little beasts that live inside us
    October 12

    Bacteria are all around you, and even inside you! Some species are involved in fermenting yoghurt or sauerkraut, others work in harmony with your intestines, but you also know that some species can make you ill... How can you tell them apart? Come and discover which one is hiding under your microscope.

  • Who knew our intestinal bacteria were so interesting?
    October 12

    The intestinal microbiota is made up of hundreds of different types of bacteria and can be considered an organ, since it performs many essential functions. Some, like the SFB bacterium, are even necessary for the education of our immune system. This bacterium may look scary and make your intestines hairy, but without it, you're more likely to suffer from infections. Come and discover this mysterious bacterium with us! On the program: reading, poster exhibition, comic strip and demonstration.

  • Journey into the beauty of the microworld
    October 12

    Admire the beauty of organ structure and cell dynamics during an exhibition of our finest photos and videos, then rediscover everyday objects in a new light thanks to our digital microscope and a fun quiz.
    A unique visual and educational experience not to be missed!


  • Unusual CNRS tours
    04 - 14 october

    Les Visites insolites du CNRS (Unusual Visits to the CNRS) takes the surprising, the quirky and the unique as its starting point, to create special moments with scientists.

    Created in 2020, each year they offer unique experiences, in small groups, at the heart of research. Inaccessible sites, atypical experiences and singular encounters are on the program throughout France for the lucky few selected by lottery.

  • Unusual Visits - CNRS Ile-de-France
    04 - 14 october

    During the Fête de la Science, the CNRS delegations in Ile-de-France invite you to discover remarkable installations and experiments at its various research centers. Enjoy privileged encounters with passionate researchers.
    There's just one condition for taking part: you must be selected at random.
    Visit: https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr

In Villepreux (78)

  • Science Show: The Water Wizard
    October 05

    Why does ice float? Can you walk on water? How can you have burning arms without burning yourself? Why can an ant drown in a drop of water? How do you "saber" Badoit without a sword, and without spilling any?
    Everyday objects, observations on the surface of a lake or at the bottom of the sea - everything is a pretext for taking an interest in water, which is everywhere.
    This science show will provide an opportunity, through experiments and challenges (both manipulative and intellectual), to discover what water is, its properties and how it interacts with its surroundings...
    From small manipulations with kitchen utensils to big experiments, there's something for everyone!
    Open to all, ages 7 and up

In Versailles (78)

  • Sea Shepherd scientific workshop
    October 12

    Come and take part in fun, educational workshops on protecting, defending and conserving the seabed. On the program: experiments, games and debates to raise awareness of the preservation of endangered marine species, the dangers of noise and plastic pollution, and ways to help preserve the oceans.

  • A tale of drops
    October 09

    Conte-gouttes is a show on the theme of water, evoking its scientific properties (liquid, solid, gaseous), its natural cycle and ecological issues in a playful and poetic way.
    Through short stories and anecdotes, the aim is to make children aware of the presence of water around them in all its forms, and to raise their awareness of the issues that water raises as an essential element of life.

  • Ocean of knowledge
    October 12

    What does science know about the oceans? Come and discover what's at stake, through activities, games, experiments and constructions. Different themes will be addressed: ocean and climate, ocean and global warming, ocean and life, and ocean and resources.

In Plaisir (78)

  • Artificial intelligence" exhibition
    September 30 - October 25

    Through games and experiments, get to know how they work, and develop your own questions thanks to the exhibition's spaces for reflection and exchange.
    The exhibition consists of :
    21 free-standing panels (80x215cm)
    4 digital manipulations
    3 games to play
    2 volume devices
    1 robot and its video
    1 user guide (.PDF)
    1 educational booklet (.PDF)
    This first part gives a definition of Artificial Intelligences and related concepts. By reading the panels and using the devices, you can discover different types of AIs and how they learn to perform the tasks assigned to them.
    This second part focuses on the societal and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence. It raises questions about their impact on our society, and enables us to take stock of our responsibilities.

In Courbevoie (92)

  • Atmosphères Festival
    October 09 - 13

    A CINEMA, ART AND SCIENCE FESTIVAL dedicated to the challenges and solutions of sustainable development, the Atmosphères Festival has been questioning tomorrow's world through cinema, art and science for 13 years.
    ENTIRELY FREE OF CHARGE, the festival welcomes a wide cross-generational audience, with between 15 and 20,000 people and 3,000 schoolchildren attending each edition.
    OUR VISION? To put culture and science at the service of ecological and social transition.
    OUR PROMISE? A multi-disciplinary program accessible to all, inspiring, entertaining and based on solid scientific foundations.
    ITS AMBITION? To prepare the future of the next generations by sharing knowledge, emotions, experiences and solutions, while preserving the dream that drives reality.

In Meudon (92)

  • Welcome to Astronomy
    October 10 - 12

    Get away from it all in an astronomical environment on the heights of Meudon, and enjoy a variety of free activities designed by astronomers, for enthusiasts and families alike.
    In search of water in the Universe
    Water is everywhere on Earth, but it is also present in various forms throughout the Solar System. On the Moon and Mercury, it is found as ice in polar craters. Even on Venus, where the surface temperature is several hundred degrees Celsius, there are traces of water vapor in the atmosphere. Mars, on the other hand, has atmospheric water vapour, as well as two polar ice caps and underground reserves of water ice. In the distant past, we know that liquid water even flowed on its surface, with an ocean that has now disappeared, probably comparable in size to the Atlantic! Comets, Pluto and the satellites of giant planets are mainly composed of ice. And of these, only five have oceans beneath their icy surfaces: Europa and Ganymede, moons of Jupiter, and Enceladus and Titan, moons of Saturn. The last known to date is Mimas, a satellite of Saturn, whose existence was revealed in 2024 by... a scientific team from Paris Observatory - PSL!

    In short, whether you're into surfing or scuba diving, there's something for everyone in the Solar System!
    And, of course, the big question is: since water is so present, what about life on all these celestial objects? Does liquid water necessarily mean bacteria, plankton and white whales?
    On the "Solar System on a Scale" walking tour of the Meudon campus, researchers from Observatoire de Paris - PSL will be presenting the latest discoveries on water in the Universe to school classes and the general public, in a fun and enthusiastic way, as well as the methods and instruments used for this purpose!
    So get ready to take the plunge: it's time to take the plunge!

    Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11 are reserved for school classes booked in advance by teachers.
    Saturday 12th is open to all, with a free booking required, at the following link: https: //www.billetweb.fr/bienvenue-en-astronomie-2024 (ticketing will be activated in September)
    All tours include a visit to an observation instrument and educational workshops, led by our scientists. Three departures: 12pm, 2pm or 4pm. Duration: 1h30

    The different itineraries are identified on the booking site. It will not be possible to make changes once a reservation has been made. You will be assigned a group number that cannot be changed.
    Please note that it will not be possible to visit everything, nor to take part in all workshops.
    Most of our activities are accessible to people with reduced mobility, but not all. We apologize for any inconvenience.
    Any delay will prevent you from taking part in your visit. Please allow plenty of time for your arrival.

In Aubervilliers (93)

  • Behind the scenes at Ined
    October 09 - 14

    Do you have questions about the population in France and around the world? Do you want to know how to become a researcher? Do you know about other jobs at INED that support research?
    Then come and talk to research professionals (researchers, doctoral students, engineers) who will show you the different research professions at Ined and the wealth of topics covered.

In Cergy (95)

  • Science Village
    October 12

    Experimental archaeology
    Laboratoire de mécanique et matériaux du génie civil
    Discover Gallo-Roman building techniques and materials through experimental archaeology: from the selection of rubble and blocks to the mixing of lime mortar and the actual masonry, become a Gallo-Roman mason for a day.
    Centre de recherche multidisciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales
    Outwit the master of rhetoric who will try to seduce you with metaphors!
    Photovoltaic solar energy
    Equipe Dynamique et Interactions en phase Condensée
    Since 2021, electrical energy produced by photovoltaic panels has been the cheapest form of energy whose use is still largely neglected in France. We propose to demonstrate and explain the production of 220V electricity by panels.
    Equipe Dynamique et Interactions en phase Condensée
    Come and observe the astonishing properties of superconducting materials, enabling us to build a magnetic levitation train.
    Groundwater and rivers
    Laboratoire géosciences et environnement Cergy
    Three laboratory devices will enable you to visualize the path of groundwater during rainfall, river formation, erosion and landslides.
    Journey to the heart of the infinitely small
    Equipe de recherche sur les relations extracellulaire-cellules
    Come and discover the world of the infinitely small through an immersive journey with images from the ERRMECe laboratory's research, and learn how a microscope works!
    Story time
    In French or English, enjoy an interactive reading of children's books created by Master 1 Sciences et Techniques students. (30 min maximum per session; ages 4 and up).
    Sport and stereotypes, let's cast off!
    ILEPS - École Supérieure des Métiers du Sport et de l'Enseignement
    Researchers use a variety of quizzes to dispel preconceived ideas about the place of women in sport.
    Camion laboratoire
    Les Petits Débrouillards
    Georgette the van comes to Cergy! Take part in a wide range of ocean-related workshops for young and old alike.
    What if my balance wasn't right?
    Information processing and systems team
    Walk, sit down, stand up... Observe your activities thanks to various devices using artificial intelligence.
    The mathematical garden
    China, 2nd century CE. Observing wasps, we discover a strange material they produce from bark to make their nests. What if we did the same? Paper was born! Today, paper is indispensable, used for everything... including origami!
    The forest of Notre-Dame
    The mathematical garden
    Paris, 13th century. For many years now, masons, stonemasons and sculptors have been hard at work on a gigantic construction site. For you, the team of carpenters, the time has come to assemble the incredible framework, the forest of Notre-Dame. It's your masterpiece! But be careful, it has to be perfect... Otherwise, the cathedral roof could collapse!
    Scientific board games
    Discover the contribution of women scientists to major innovations through board games in English, created by students in the Master 1 Sciences et Techniques program.
    Adventures in mathematics
    Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Modélisation
    Through puzzles, comic strips and illustrations, set off on an adventure into the world of mathematics!
    Forensic Science
    Forensic Consulting France
    A crime scene reconstruction will take you behind the scenes of forensic science. On the program: fingerprinting and luminescence.
    Visual computing
    CY Tech
    Take part in an interactive game session to understand how visual environments are formed in computing.
    La vérité a ses sciences
    Institut de recherche criminelle des gendarmerie nationale (IRCGN)
    Science is constantly opening up new perspectives for judicial investigation. Come and meet the experts in criminal intelligence, who will explain the methods they use at crime scenes, disasters and accidents.
    Scientific books
    Cergy-Pontoise media library network
    Satisfy your curiosity and discover surprising answers to questions you may never have asked yourself! Why aren't vampires vegetarians? Do cats have belly buttons? Or why does yawning make you yawn?
    The water cycle
    The lantern
    Playful discovery of how water infiltrates the ground, depending on its composition and surface (asphalt pavement, plant cover, etc.)
    Vegetable ink art workshop
    Watered workshops
    Make paintings from fruit and vegetable scraps: recycling, chemistry and plastic creation workshop.

In Genainville (95)

  • Restoring Roman wall paintings in Soissons
    October 05

    The Centre d'Etude des Peintures Murales Romaines is an archaeological research laboratory specializing in the treatment of Roman wall paintings and stucco. The painted renderings on the Genainville archaeological site, preserved by the MADVO, are currently undergoing restoration. After a guided tour of the archaeological site, set off on an exceptional visit to the CEPMR premises and discover the technique of Roman painted plaster, as well as the process of studying and restoring these wall paintings.
    Discovery day departing from Genainville, collective return bus transport to Soissons.
    With the Centre d'Étude des Peintures Murales Romaines

Here's something to reconcile us with all science! Where do you start?

Practical information

Dates and Opening Time
From October 4, 2024 to October 14, 2024

× Approximate opening times: to confirm opening times, please contact the establishment.


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