Olympics Paris 2024: Games Pass and QR Code, how to get it, for whom and to go where? All you need to know

Published by My de Sortiraparis · Photos by My de Sortiraparis · Published on July 22, 2024 at 04:23 p.m.
The Olympic Games are coming up, and you're wondering whether you'll need a Games Pass and, in particular, its QR code to go out in certain places, get around or visit, from July 18 to 26, 2024? If a QR Code won't be compulsory for pedestrians in the red zone, what about the grey zone? Who is entitled to one, when and why?

It's a real headache for all Parisians, Ile-de-France residents and tourists who want to get around Paris in the run-up to the Olympic Games. The Pass Jeux, which provides a digital pass within the secure perimeters of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, issued in the form of a QR code, is essential for circulating within certain perimeters and at certain times. Who is entitled to a Games Pass? For what reasons? At what times? For which outings? We try to answer all your questions.

How do I get a QR Code?

To obtain a Games Pass, visit the dedicated platform at www.pass-jeux.gouv.fr. You'll need to fill in an online form, provide a photo ID and a supporting document. Applications may take several days to process.

The red zone is accessible to pedestrians and cyclists without a Games Pass, but vehicles must have a pass to use it.

The grey zone is strictly closed to pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles from July 18 to 26 until 1 p.m., unless you have the QR code for the Games Pass.

To obtain your Games Pass, follow these steps :

  1. Go to Pass-Jeux.gouv.fr
  2. Choose the zone for which you need a pass: red (vehicles) or grey (all types of traffic).

For the red zone :

  • Select the reason for your request (resident, worker, visitor, etc.).
  • Fill in the form with your personal details.
  • Choose between a "driver" or "vehicle" form and provide the necessary supporting documents (ID, passport photo, vehicle registration document, etc.).
  • Send us proof of your need to use a vehicle in this zone (proof of address, employer's certificate, etc.).

For the grey zone :

  • Select the reason for your request (resident, worker, visitor, etc.).
  • Fill in the form with your personal details.
  • Provide proof of identity (ID card, passport, driving license or residence permit) and a passport photo.
  • Indicate the address for which you need the Games Pass, and provide proof of the need for access (utility bill, hotel reservation, employer's certificate, etc.).

Who should request a QR Code?

All visitors to the grey perimeter during the Opening Ceremony and the week preceding it (July 18 to 26) must apply for a Games Pass. This includes workers, local residents and visitors, whatever their mobility.

At what age is the QR Code required?

Children over 13 must also obtain a digital pass. The application must be made by a parent or legal guardian on the online platform, providing the same supporting documents as for an adult.

Do I need a QR code to use the metro?

No, metro users are not affected by the Games Pass. However, some stations within the grey perimeter will be closed during the Opening Ceremony and the week preceding it.

How do you get through the red and gray zones?

To cross the red and gray zones, you'll need a Games Pass. The red zone requires a pass only for motorized vehicles, while the grey zone requires a Games Pass for all types of movement (pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles). The zones and their rules will change on the day of the opening ceremony, July 26, from 1pm.

Will it be possible to relocate during the Olympic Games?

Removals will be possible in the red zone only if the move cannot be postponed. For the gray zone, no moving authorization will be granted.

Willmy QR Code also be valid for competition sites?

No, each QR Code is specific to one application and one period. A Games Pass for the opening ceremony will not be valid for the competition venues. People with tickets for the competitions will not need a pass, they will have to present their ticket present via a QR code on the Paris 2024 tickets application, which is compulsory.

Are cab and VTC drivers eligible for the Games Pass?

Cab and VTC drivers must comply with the same rules as other vehicles. They do not need a Games Pass before the opening ceremony in the red zone, but must be able to justify their presence in the grey zone. Customers must show a Games Pass to justify their presence.

How can I prove a reservation for a hairdresser, an event or a restaurant?

Establishments located within the gray perimeter must provide proof of reservation in order to obtain a Pass Jeux. This document is required when applying on the dedicated platform. Please note that proof of reservation alone is not sufficient. You absolutely must apply for a Pass Jeux with this proof of reservation.

I'm visiting a museum. Do I need to apply for a Games Pass?

Some museums and monuments in the gray zone require a Games Pass application after booking tickets. This is the case for the Crypte Archéologique, the Musée d'Art Moderne and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs. This is not the case for the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre or the Musée d'Orsay , which all require proof of reservation in your name, together with proof of identity. Note that museums in the red zone are still accessible on foot, but require a Games Pass for vehicles with an exemption. This applies to the Musée du Louvre, which does not require a Pass Jeux for pedestrians, the Petit Palais, the Palais Galliera and the Maison de Balzac.

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As you know, in the run-up to the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, access to certain areas is restricted to ensure the safety of all. A gray zone has been set up from July 18 to 26, so if you're wondering whether the museum or monument you'd like to visit requires a Games Pass, we've got an update. [Read more]

What are the safety zones and their rules?

Three main zones are defined: red, grey and blue. The red zone requires a receipt for vehicles, while the gray zone requires a Games Pass for all journeys. The blue zone does not require a QR Code, but drivers will be asked for proof of identity in the event of an inspection.

JO Paris 2024 : Pass Jeux et QR Code, comment et pour qui ? Permis ou pas, on vous dit toutJO Paris 2024 : Pass Jeux et QR Code, comment et pour qui ? Permis ou pas, on vous dit toutJO Paris 2024 : Pass Jeux et QR Code, comment et pour qui ? Permis ou pas, on vous dit toutJO Paris 2024 : Pass Jeux et QR Code, comment et pour qui ? Permis ou pas, on vous dit tout

How do I know which zone I'm in?

Consult the interactive online map. By entering your address, you'll see in which perimeter it's located and what rules apply.

Willthe markets be closed during the Olympic Games?

Parisian markets will remain open, except in the grey zone where they will not be able to be supplied. In the red zone, vendors and producers will need a Games Pass to obtain supplies during the Games.

The introduction of the Games Pass and QR Codes aims to secure and organize travel during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Whether you want to visit a museum, go to a festival on the quays of the Seine or go to a restaurant in a grey zone, the watchword is: anticipate! Make sure you get your reservation receipt, and then hurry off to apply online, depending on the location.

Do I need a Games Pass for the opening ceremony?

Before 1pm, the games pass is still required. After 1pm, ticket holders for the opening ceremony will not need the QR code to access their zone. A valid identity card is still required.

Any other questions? A hotline has been set up

If you have any further questions about the Pass Jeux, the Préfecture de Police has set up an information and assistance number from Monday to Friday, 7am to 10pm. Dial 34 30.

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