Invalides district - activities

Le Musée Pouchkine : 500 ans de dessins de maîtres, l'expo à la Fondation CustodiaLe Musée Pouchkine : 500 ans de dessins de maîtres, l'expo à la Fondation CustodiaLe Musée Pouchkine : 500 ans de dessins de maîtres, l'expo à la Fondation CustodiaLe Musée Pouchkine : 500 ans de dessins de maîtres, l'expo à la Fondation Custodia

The Pushkin Museum at Paris Fondation Custodia: last days

After enchanting Paris with the wonderful exhibition of Japanese etchings, Fondation Custodia set in Paris 7th arrondissement welcomes “The Pushkin Museum, Five Hundred Years od Master Drawings” from February 2 to May 12, 2019.
Brunch de Pâques au QuaiBrunch de Pâques au QuaiBrunch de Pâques au QuaiBrunch de Pâques au Quai

Easter Brunch 2019 by the water at Le Quai

At the foot of the Musée d'Orsay, Le Quai welcomes you for Easter brunch! This Easter weekend, take a break aboard Le Quai and enjoy a delicious, all-you-can-eat brunch!
Le modèle noir de Géricault à Matisse au Musée d'Orsay, nos photosLe modèle noir de Géricault à Matisse au Musée d'Orsay, nos photosLe modèle noir de Géricault à Matisse au Musée d'Orsay, nos photosLe modèle noir de Géricault à Matisse au Musée d'Orsay, nos photos

Black Models: from Gericault to Matisse at the Musée d’Orsay, our pictures

From March 26 to July 21, 2019 Black Models are displayed at the Musée d’Orsay with an exhibition aiming at being historic. Over 100 works return on the representation of black figures in visual arts, from the abolition of slavery in France (1794) to nowadays.
Anting-Anting, l'âme secrète des Philippins au Musée du Quai BranlyAnting-Anting, l'âme secrète des Philippins au Musée du Quai BranlyAnting-Anting, l'âme secrète des Philippins au Musée du Quai BranlyAnting-Anting, l'âme secrète des Philippins au Musée du Quai Branly

Anting-Anting, The Secret Soul of the Filipino at Paris Musée du Quai Branly

Magical and protective amulets in the Philippines, Anting-Anting are displayed at the Musée du Quai Branly from March 12 to May 26, 2019.
Renoir Père et Fils, peinture et cinéma au Musée d'OrsayRenoir Père et Fils, peinture et cinéma au Musée d'OrsayRenoir Père et Fils, peinture et cinéma au Musée d'OrsayRenoir Père et Fils, peinture et cinéma au Musée d'Orsay

Renoir Père et Fils, painting and cinema at the Musée d'Orsay

The Musée d'Orsay is devoting an exhibition to the Renoir family and their art, entitled Renoir Père et Fils, from November 6, 2018 to January 28, 2019. Auguste Renoir, renowned painter, and Jean Renoir, director, a father and son, often dialogued like two artists debating their art! A multidisciplinary retrospective that delves into their respective fields, intelligently responding to each other.
Exposition Madagascar au musée du Quai Branly Exposition Madagascar au musée du Quai Branly Exposition Madagascar au musée du Quai Branly Exposition Madagascar au musée du Quai Branly

Madagascar, arts of the Big Island at the Musée du Quai Branly: photos and video

The Musée du Quai Branly is devoting a major exhibition to Madagascar, from September 18, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the first in France to question the Art History of the Big Island. For this major exhibition, over 360 objects will be brought together in the museum's spaces, chosen for their historical and ethnological interest.
Galette des rois 2019 de Karamel by Nicolas HaelwynGalette des rois 2019 de Karamel by Nicolas HaelwynGalette des rois 2019 de Karamel by Nicolas HaelwynGalette des rois 2019 de Karamel by Nicolas Haelwyn

Galettes des rois 2019 by Nicolas Haelewyn for Karamel Paris

A traditional galette with inverted puff pastry and a creation galette made with Riviera lemon and hazelnut: these are the two gourmet creations imagined by Nicolas Haelewyn, Pastry Chef at Karamel Paris, for this Epiphany 2019.
Orsay vu par Julian Schnabel, l'exposition au musée d'OrsayOrsay vu par Julian Schnabel, l'exposition au musée d'OrsayOrsay vu par Julian Schnabel, l'exposition au musée d'OrsayOrsay vu par Julian Schnabel, l'exposition au musée d'Orsay

Orsay seen by Julian Schnabel, the Musée d'Orsay exhibition

The Musée d'Orsay invites American artist Julian Schnabel to his own reading of the museum's collections, through an exhibition of some of the institution's pieces and his works. Entitled Orsay vu par Julian Schnabel, it runs from October 10, 2018 to January 13, 2019.
A l'est la guerre, l'exposition au Musée de la GuerreA l'est la guerre, l'exposition au Musée de la GuerreA l'est la guerre, l'exposition au Musée de la GuerreA l'est la guerre, l'exposition au Musée de la Guerre

The endless war in the East at the Musée de l'Armée, photos

The Musée de l'Armée is devoting an exhibition to the Endless War in the East between 1918 and 1923. While conflicts ceased in Western Europe on November 11, 1918, they continued in the East and Near East until 1923, a part of history little known in France. On view from October 5, 2018 to January 20, 2019!
Bûches de Noël 2018 chez Karamel by Nicolas Haelewyn Bûches de Noël 2018 chez Karamel by Nicolas Haelewyn Bûches de Noël 2018 chez Karamel by Nicolas Haelewyn Bûches de Noël 2018 chez Karamel by Nicolas Haelewyn

Yule log 2018 by Nicolas Haelewyn for Karamel Paris

Karamel Paris unveils its new Yule log created especially for these 2018 festive season, a beautiful and gourmet log that makes the most of lemon!
Picasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'ArméePicasso et la guerre au Musée de l'Armée

Picasso and War at Paris Musée de l’Armée

All along his life, Picasso experiences major conflicts. From the Spanish war to the war in Vietnam, the Picasso and War exhibition will highlight the way all this impacted his works. To discover from April 5 to July 28, 2019 at Paris Musée de l’Armée.
Déjeuner du Nouvel An 2018 Chez FrançoiseDéjeuner du Nouvel An 2018 Chez FrançoiseDéjeuner du Nouvel An 2018 Chez FrançoiseDéjeuner du Nouvel An 2018 Chez Françoise

New Year’s Day Lunch 2019 at Chez Françoise in Paris

If you want to start 2019 with a relaxing lunch, head to the Invalides, underneath the air terminal at Chez Françoise. You’ll be offered a festive lunch at a very competitive rate!
Les Noces de Figaro dans la Cour des Invalides, opéra en plein airLes Noces de Figaro dans la Cour des Invalides, opéra en plein airLes Noces de Figaro dans la Cour des Invalides, opéra en plein airLes Noces de Figaro dans la Cour des Invalides, opéra en plein air

Carmen, the 2018 open-air opera at Les Invalides

The opera Carmen revisited by Radu Mihaileanu, director and screenwriter of the films, is an experience to be seen in the Cour des Invalides, from September 5 to 8, 2018. In addition to the magnificent setting, the 4 performances are an opportunity to rediscover Carmen in a form revisited by a great name in cinema!
Picasso, bleu et Rose au Musée d'OrsayPicasso, bleu et Rose au Musée d'OrsayPicasso, bleu et Rose au Musée d'OrsayPicasso, bleu et Rose au Musée d'Orsay

Picasso. Blue and Rose, the exhibition at Paris Musée d’Orsay: pictures

From September 18, 2018 to January 6, 2019, the Musée d’Orsay will dedicate an exhibition to Pablo Picasso. Picasso. Blue and Rose, will return on 6 crucial years in the art of Pablo Picasso, these years of blues followed by joy known as the periods of blue and rose, as a nod to the main colors of his works!
Nymphe endormie, Klagman, 1876 - exposition En Couleurs au Musée d'OrsayNymphe endormie, Klagman, 1876 - exposition En Couleurs au Musée d'OrsayNymphe endormie, Klagman, 1876 - exposition En Couleurs au Musée d'OrsayNymphe endormie, Klagman, 1876 - exposition En Couleurs au Musée d'Orsay

En couleurs, the polychrome sculpture exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay

Discover sculptures in color at the Musée d'Orsay, from June 12 to September 9, 2018. In a beautiful exhibition, the Musée d'Orsay highlights the work of certain artists who applied color to a medium often left the white of marble in the 19th century.

Heritage Days 2018 at Les Invalides

To mark Heritage Days 2018, the Palais des Invalides and its Musée de l'Armée are opening their doors to us free of charge. Saturday, September 15 and Sunday, September 16, 2018, guided tours, workshops and concerts await you there!
1918, Armistice(s), l'exposition au musée de l'Armée1918, Armistice(s), l'exposition au musée de l'Armée1918, Armistice(s), l'exposition au musée de l'Armée1918, Armistice(s), l'exposition au musée de l'Armée

1918, Armistice(s), the exhibition at the Musée de l'Armée : our photos

The Musée de l'Armée - Invalides is devoting an exhibition to the November 11, 1918 armistice, a veritable "historical and memorial caesura", from July 24 to September 30, 2018. An opportunity to delve back into our history lessons on the First World War.
Fête de la Musique 2018 : curieuse nocturne au Musée d'OrsayFête de la Musique 2018 : curieuse nocturne au Musée d'OrsayFête de la Musique 2018 : curieuse nocturne au Musée d'OrsayFête de la Musique 2018 : curieuse nocturne au Musée d'Orsay

Fête de la Musique 2018: a curious nocturne at the Musée d'Orsay

The Musée d'Orsay celebrates the Fête de la Musique and the summer solstice with not-to-be-missed concerts all evening on Thursday, June 21, 2018. Please note that admission to the museum remains paying, except for those under 26!
Restaurant PetrossianRestaurant PetrossianRestaurant PetrossianRestaurant Petrossian

Petrossian, the restaurant where caviar is king

At Petrossian, caviar is king. And this is certainly the case in their new restaurant, opened on boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, opposite the historic Petrossian boutique. Exceptional dishes centered around the black gold, to the delight of purists.
Le rêve américain : exposition d'estampes du British Museum à la Fondation CustodiaLe rêve américain : exposition d'estampes du British Museum à la Fondation CustodiaLe rêve américain : exposition d'estampes du British Museum à la Fondation CustodiaLe rêve américain : exposition d'estampes du British Museum à la Fondation Custodia

The American Dream: prints from the British Museum exhibited at Paris Fondation Custodia

Set in Paris 7th arrondissement, from June 2 to September 2, 2018, the Fondation Custodia welcomes a beautiful exhibition entitled “The American Dream: Pop to the Present. Prints from the British Museum”.