Contemporary art exhibition guide - activities

Exposition Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali - Jardins de Rêves à l'Institut GiacomettiExposition Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali - Jardins de Rêves à l'Institut GiacomettiExposition Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali - Jardins de Rêves à l'Institut GiacomettiExposition Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali - Jardins de Rêves à l'Institut Giacometti

Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali - Gardens of Dreams exhibition at the Institut Giacometti

The Institut Giacometti invites you to discover its latest exhibition, "Alberto Giacometti/Salvador Dali, Jardins de Rêves", from December 13, 2022 to April 9, 2023. An unprecedented plunge into the heart of an imaginary garden created by the two artists in the 1930s.
Paul Klee, peindre la musique : l'exposition immersive et insolite de l'Atelier des Lumières, photos - IMG20230216101950Paul Klee, peindre la musique : l'exposition immersive et insolite de l'Atelier des Lumières, photos - IMG20230216101950Paul Klee, peindre la musique : l'exposition immersive et insolite de l'Atelier des Lumières, photos - IMG20230216101950Paul Klee, peindre la musique : l'exposition immersive et insolite de l'Atelier des Lumières, photos - IMG20230216101950

Paul Klee, painting music: the immersive and unusual exhibition of the Atelier des Lumières, photos

The Atelier des Lumières presents its new short program: come and discover Paul Klee, painter and musician, from February 17, 2023 to January 7, 2024.
Exposition Au-delà à Lafayette AnticipationsExposition Au-delà à Lafayette AnticipationsExposition Au-delà à Lafayette AnticipationsExposition Au-delà à Lafayette Anticipations

Au-delà exhibition at Lafayette Anticipations - our photos

Lafayette Anticipations presents a group exhibition entitled Au-delà, from February 15 to May 7, 2023. A retrospective featuring 20 artists, it focuses on "the relationships we build with the living", rituals celebrating "the happy rebirth of a wounded world".
 Jane Jin Kaisen, Of Specters or returns, une exposition lumineuse et immersive au Bicolore, Maison du Danemark Jane Jin Kaisen, Of Specters or returns, une exposition lumineuse et immersive au Bicolore, Maison du Danemark Jane Jin Kaisen, Of Specters or returns, une exposition lumineuse et immersive au Bicolore, Maison du Danemark Jane Jin Kaisen, Of Specters or returns, une exposition lumineuse et immersive au Bicolore, Maison du Danemark

Free electro-percussion concert by the Sistro Duo at Le Bicolore, Maison du Danemark

Le Bicolore, Maison du Danemark invites Sistro Duo for a free concert on Tuesday June 20, 2023 at 8pm. This electro-percussion concert offers the public a musical performance for the evening. Free admission, subject to availability.
 Le bégaiement de l'Histoire, l'exposition troublante de Thomas Demand au Jeu de Paume - photos - IMG20230213104859 Le bégaiement de l'Histoire, l'exposition troublante de Thomas Demand au Jeu de Paume - photos - IMG20230213104859 Le bégaiement de l'Histoire, l'exposition troublante de Thomas Demand au Jeu de Paume - photos - IMG20230213104859 Le bégaiement de l'Histoire, l'exposition troublante de Thomas Demand au Jeu de Paume - photos - IMG20230213104859

The Stammering of History, Thomas Demand's disturbing exhibition at the Jeu de Paume - photos

What reality is hidden behind the strange images of Thomas Demand? Come and discover this artist and his mysterious universe by visiting the exhibition The Stammering of History, to be discovered from February 14 to May 28, 2023 at the Jeu de Paume.
Dialogue NextStreet GalleryDialogue NextStreet GalleryDialogue NextStreet GalleryDialogue NextStreet Gallery

DIALOG, the shock exhibition by Jeremy N. Garamond & Seny at Next Street Gallery

NextStreet Gallery presents the project by Jeremy N. Garamond and Seny, from February 11 to 16, 2023. DIALOG features 7 children, immortalized by the lens of the former and then represented in paint by the latter. The magic happens before our very eyes, with two visions that complement each other perfectly. Don't miss the opening on Saturday, February 11, 2023!
Exposition Fragiles colosses Boulevard Haussmann - photos - Michel Bassompierre -  A7C2539Exposition Fragiles colosses Boulevard Haussmann - photos - Michel Bassompierre -  A7C2539Exposition Fragiles colosses Boulevard Haussmann - photos - Michel Bassompierre -  A7C2539Exposition Fragiles colosses Boulevard Haussmann - photos - Michel Bassompierre -  A7C2539

Fragile colossi, the free outdoor exhibition of Michel Bassompierre in the Haussmann district

The monumental bears and gorillas of sculptor Michel Bassompierre await you in the streets of the Haussmann sector. A free outdoor exhibition to discover until March 31, 2023.
Super Terram, l'exposition d'art urbain sur 3000 m2 Super Terram, l'exposition d'art urbain sur 3000 m2 Super Terram, l'exposition d'art urbain sur 3000 m2 Super Terram, l'exposition d'art urbain sur 3000 m2

Super Terram, the free immersive urban art exhibition at Espace Voltaire, photos and video

A giant and immersive urban art exhibition: it's happening at the Espace Voltaire, from February 10 to March 19, 2023. Come and admire the works of the Super Terram exhibition for free.
Ombres, les bougies - Christian BoltanskiOmbres, les bougies - Christian BoltanskiOmbres, les bougies - Christian BoltanskiOmbres, les bougies - Christian Boltanski

Bachelard contemporain, the tribute exhibition at La Fab.

La Fab. honors the philosopher Gaston Bachelard with a new group exhibition. From February 17 to April 30, 2023, discover contemporary Bachelard.
Butt TherapyButt TherapyButt TherapyButt Therapy

Butt Therapy, the free and uncomplicated exhibition to discover at the Miyu gallery

Miyu Gallery welcomes the Japanese artist Sawako Kabuki, for an exhibition without taboos! Come and discover Butt Therapy, from February 24 to April 8, 2023.
Exposition Avant l'orage à la Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection - urgence climatiqueExposition Avant l'orage à la Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection - urgence climatiqueExposition Avant l'orage à la Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection - urgence climatiqueExposition Avant l'orage à la Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection - urgence climatique

Before the storm, exhibition at the Bourse de Commerce on the climate emergency - photos

The Bourse de Commerce lives to the rhythm of the seasons, with its new cycle of exhibitions: Before the Storm. From February 8 to September 11, 2023, immerse yourself in these original and monumental works.
Caked, 2018Caked, 2018Caked, 2018Caked, 2018

Anonymous women: Patty Carroll's zany pop exhibition at Gallery XII

A free, colorful and fun exhibition awaits us at Gallery XII. Come and discover Patty Carroll's Anonymous women from February 18 to March 25, 2023.
Faith Ringgold, l'art engagé et féministe dans une exposition au musée Picasso - nos photosFaith Ringgold, l'art engagé et féministe dans une exposition au musée Picasso - nos photosFaith Ringgold, l'art engagé et féministe dans une exposition au musée Picasso - nos photosFaith Ringgold, l'art engagé et féministe dans une exposition au musée Picasso - nos photos

Faith Ringgold, committed and feminist art in an exhibition at Paris Musée Picasso - Our pictures

American artist Faith Ringgold comes to the Musée Picasso for an eponymous exhibition running from January 31 to July 2, 2023.
Exposition Matières par Bruno Catalano à la Galerie Bartoux : les photosExposition Matières par Bruno Catalano à la Galerie Bartoux : les photosExposition Matières par Bruno Catalano à la Galerie Bartoux : les photosExposition Matières par Bruno Catalano à la Galerie Bartoux : les photos

A free immersive and interactive exhibition presents Bruno Catalano's travelers in Paris

Ready for a total change of scenery? Head to the Bartoux Gallery where the first exhibition dedicated to the French artist Bruno Catalano awaits you from January 27 to February 18, 2023. On the program? An immersive and free adventure through an interactive journey among surprising sculptures.

Coup de foudre, Patrick Rimoux's hypnotizing and free exhibition at the Minsky Gallery

Patrick Rimoux is a true art magician: come and discover his unusual works, exhibited at the Minsky Gallery from January 20 to March 18, 2023. Beware, artistic love at first sight!
L’exposition de sculptures géantes de Julien Marinetti, avenue George V L’exposition de sculptures géantes de Julien Marinetti, avenue George V L’exposition de sculptures géantes de Julien Marinetti, avenue George V L’exposition de sculptures géantes de Julien Marinetti, avenue George V

Julien Marinetti’s giant sculpture exhibition on Avenue George V – video

A new and free open-air exhibition by Julien Marinetti expects you until March 16, 2023, on Avenue George V, by the Champs-Elysées. Let us go and discover the Juliogoths aka the contemporary artist’s colorful animals.
Yayoi Kusama chez Louis Vuitton sur les Champs-Elysées - photos Yayoi Kusama chez Louis Vuitton sur les Champs-Elysées - photos Yayoi Kusama chez Louis Vuitton sur les Champs-Elysées - photos Yayoi Kusama chez Louis Vuitton sur les Champs-Elysées - photos

Yayoi Kusama's crazy installations at Louis Vuitton Champs-Elysées and Vendôme

The contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama, who signed a new collaboration with Louis Vuitton, invests two Parisian stores with unusual works! On the Champs-Elysées, her monumental installation is quite surprising. It can be seen in giant format, decorating the brand's emblematic building. And on Place Vendôme, a robot version of herself draws signature peas continuously on the window. A must see!
Faut-il voyager pour être heureux ?, l'exposition dépaysante de l'Espace Fondation EDF - nos photosFaut-il voyager pour être heureux ?, l'exposition dépaysante de l'Espace Fondation EDF - nos photosFaut-il voyager pour être heureux ?, l'exposition dépaysante de l'Espace Fondation EDF - nos photosFaut-il voyager pour être heureux ?, l'exposition dépaysante de l'Espace Fondation EDF - nos photos

Do you have to travel to be happy?, the exhibition at the Espace Fondation EDF - photos

The EDF Group Foundation is offering us a small tour of the world, to meet 32 French and international artists and their works highlighted by the exhibition "Do you have to travel to be happy? A free exhibition to discover from May 20, 2022 to April 2, 2023.
Le Musée de la Franc-Maçonnerie, l'organisation entre Histoire et mystères Le Musée de la Franc-Maçonnerie, l'organisation entre Histoire et mystères Le Musée de la Franc-Maçonnerie, l'organisation entre Histoire et mystères Le Musée de la Franc-Maçonnerie, l'organisation entre Histoire et mystères

Illustrious of Freemasonry, the original street-art exhibition of the artist C215

The urban artist C215 occupies the space of the Museum of Freemasonry with an exhibition that pays tribute to the most illustrious characters of the secret society, from January 17 to April 16, 2023.
Exposition Der Sonnenstich : Katinka Bock dévoile ses photos à la Fondation Pernod RicardExposition Der Sonnenstich : Katinka Bock dévoile ses photos à la Fondation Pernod RicardExposition Der Sonnenstich : Katinka Bock dévoile ses photos à la Fondation Pernod RicardExposition Der Sonnenstich : Katinka Bock dévoile ses photos à la Fondation Pernod Ricard

Der Sonnenstich exhibition: Katinka Bock unveils her photos at the Pernod Ricard Foundation

You thought you knew everything about the artist Katinka Bock? The sculptor may yet surprise you: discover her first exhibition of photographs, presented at the Pernod Ricard Foundation from February 14 to April 29, 2023.