Coronavirus in France, the situation on Tuesday September 8

Published by My de Sortiraparis · Photos by My de Sortiraparis · Published on September 8, 2020 at 03:30 p.m.
Discover the situation in France as for the Covid-19 epidemic on Tuesday September 8, 2020. As of September 7 in France, have been reported 25 deaths at the hospital in 24 hours, a total of 30,726 deaths and 4,203 new contaminations have been reported in 24 hours.

Here is the live situation in France as of Tuesday September 8, 2020 as for the Covid-19 pandemic. Trips, openings, masks, schools, aids, and other measures, here are news. The Direction générale de la Santé - Health Authorities - warned: "The viral circulation is clearly increasing in France [...]. With a daily toll over 1,000 infections, we came back to levels comparable with the end of lockdown".

In France, according to the latest report from the health authorities as for the COVID-19 pandemic, about 328,980 cases have been reported (+4,203) and 30,726 people have died. As of Monday September 7, 25 deaths in 24 hours have been reported in hospitals in 24 hours. The death toll in nursing homes states 10,514 deaths. And 20,250 (+25) people have died in hospitals. 

In France, 1,898 people have been checked in at the hospital over the past 7 days, including 326 serious cases in ICU. The positivity rate to tests skyrockets to 5.1% (4.9 yesterday). 

According to Santé Publique France data, 68 departments are currently vulnerable:

  • Highly vulnerable - 28 departments: (Martinique, Guadeloupe (including Saint Marteen and St Barthelemy), Ain, Alpes-Maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Corse du Sud, Côte d'Or, Essonne, Gard, Gironde, French Guiana, Haute-Corse, Haute-Garonne, Hauts-de Seine, Hérault, Loiret, Nord, Paris, Pas de Calais, Rhône, Sarthe, Seine et Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Val d’Oise, Var, Vaucluse, Yvelines)

  • Midly vulnerable - 40 departments: (Ardèche, Ariège, Aude, Alpes de Haute Provence, Aube, Aveyron, Bas-Rhin, Deux-Sèvres, Corse du Sud, Drôme, Gard, Gers, Haut-Rhin, Haute Loire, Haute-Savoie, Hautes Pyrénées,Haute Vienne, Indre et Loire, Ille-et-Vilaine, Isère, Eure-et-Loir, Loire, Loire-Atlantique, Lot et Garonne, Lozère, Maine-et-Loire, Marne, Mayenne, Mayotte, Meurthe et Moselle, Moselle, Oise, Puy de Dôme, Pyrénées Atlantique, Pyrénées Orientales, Réunion, Savoie, Seine Maritime, Somme, Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne, Yonne)

In mainland France, the number of new COVID cases for 100,000 inhabitants (incidence) increases in all age ranges. The increase is particularly noticeable in 25-35 years-old. Concurrently, the number of people hospitalized for COVID has been increasing for 3 weeks, especially in people under 40 years old.

About half people for who RT-PCR tests have been positive showed no symptom but were likely to transmit COVID-19 to their entourage.

Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France and Grand Est gather 70% of people in ICU

  • Île-de-France: 2,345 people hospitalized, and 5 deaths in 24h
  • Grand Est: 368 people hopistalized, and 2 deaths in 24h
  • Hauts de France: 429 people hospitalized, and 1 death in 24h
  • Auvergne Rhône Alpes: 398 people hospitalized, and 3 deaths in 24h
  • Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur: 535 people hospitalized, and 7 deaths in 24h
  • Brittany: 62 people hospitalized
  • Normandy: 64 people hospitalized
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine: 120 people hospitalized
  • Pays de la Loire: 85 people hospitalized, and 3 deaths in 24h
  • Occitanie: 186 people hospitalized, and 1 death in 24h
  • French Guiana: 57 people hospitalized
  • Centre-Val de Loire: 66 people hospitalized, and 1 death in 24h
  • Bourgogne-French-Comté: 37 people hospitalized
  • Reunion: 70 people hospitalized

France reports 562 clusters including 58 new ones

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Visuel Paris Palais GarnierVisuel Paris Palais GarnierVisuel Paris Palais GarnierVisuel Paris Palais Garnier Renovations at Paris opera house: no performances before the end of 2020 at the Palais Garnier
Paris Opera is highly struggling. After a huge strike against the pension system and the coronavirus crisis, the cultural venue has to close again for renovations. Consequences? The Opéra Bastille will reopen on November 25, and the Palais Garnier house will not house performances until the end of 2020. Here is what you have to know. [Read more]

Visuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de Triomphe Coronavirus: 4 re-containment scenarios formulated by the Castex office
As France is facing a new coronavirus epidemic wave, the government says nothing shall be excluded. Furthermore, it worked on a likely re-containment in France. Four scenarios have been formulated depending on the seriousness of the situation. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Il n'y aura peut-être jamais de vaccin selon l'OMSCoronavirus : Il n'y aura peut-être jamais de vaccin selon l'OMSCoronavirus : Il n'y aura peut-être jamais de vaccin selon l'OMSCoronavirus : Il n'y aura peut-être jamais de vaccin selon l'OMS Coronavirus: a vaccine will not be enough to stop the pandemic, WHO warns
As the Pfizer and BioNTech laboratories have announced their vaccine was 90% effective, the World Health Organization director greets the rallying to curb the coronavirus epidemic while vouching every country will be able to enjoy this scientific breakthrough. Yet, this Monday November 16, 2020 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warns a vaccine will not be enough to stop Covid. [Read more]

Coronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en Europe Coronavirus: the pandemic will be “lengthy” WHO says
WHO Emergency Committee gathered on August 1st at the organization headquarters, in Geneva. They say the coronavirus pandemic is likely to be “lengthy”. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une immunité préexistante chez la moitié des personnes jamais infectéesCoronavirus : une immunité préexistante chez la moitié des personnes jamais infectéesCoronavirus : une immunité préexistante chez la moitié des personnes jamais infectéesCoronavirus : une immunité préexistante chez la moitié des personnes jamais infectées Coronavirus: preexisting immunity in half people never infected
Half the population is said to be already protected against coronavirus thanks to specific lymphocytes T. This is what a study published in the famous scientific Nature magazine finds. [Read more]

Coronavirus : détecter le virus dans l'air expiré par le malade, c'est bientôt possibleCoronavirus : détecter le virus dans l'air expiré par le malade, c'est bientôt possibleCoronavirus : détecter le virus dans l'air expiré par le malade, c'est bientôt possibleCoronavirus : détecter le virus dans l'air expiré par le malade, c'est bientôt possible Coronavirus: detecting the virus in the air exhaled by the patient to be possible soon?
A quick test inspired by breathalyzer but for coronavirus? CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) scientists are on track to find Covid-19 “volatile signature” vital to detect the virus in the air exhaled. If they succeed, you will only have to blow in a tube, much more pleasant than PCR tests. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les jeunes enfants plus contagieux que les autres selon une étudeCoronavirus : les jeunes enfants plus contagieux que les autres selon une étudeCoronavirus : les jeunes enfants plus contagieux que les autres selon une étudeCoronavirus : les jeunes enfants plus contagieux que les autres selon une étude Coronavirus: young children may be more contagious than others, a study finds
According to an American study released on Thursday July 30, 2020 young children may carry 10 to 100 times greater coronavirus genetic material than older children or adults, and therefore, they are more contagious. A study that goes against everything that has been said on that matter so far. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les vaccins auront des effets secondaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueCoronavirus : les vaccins auront des effets secondaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueCoronavirus : les vaccins auront des effets secondaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueCoronavirus : les vaccins auront des effets secondaires selon le Conseil scientifique Coronavirus: vaccines have side effects, but results are positive, the ANSM says
Covid-19 vaccine adverse effects are still being studied: headaches, shivers, fatigue, as well as sore muscles and in rare cases tachycardia... The French Agency for the Safety of Health Products has recently issued a report on these effects and intends to be reassuring. All in all, 135 cases in 400,000 people studied have been reported and most cases were minor. [Read more]

Coronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avrilCoronavirus : hausse de 50% de la mortalité en Europe entre fin mars et avril Coronavirus: mortality increased by 50% between late March and April in Europe
According to the Insee (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), a 50% more excessive death rate in Europe because of coronavirus has been noticed between late March and early April 2020. Among the countries the most hit: France, Spain, Belgium and Italy. [Read more]

Coronavirus : comment se procurer un masque de protection à Paris ?Coronavirus : comment se procurer un masque de protection à Paris ?Coronavirus : comment se procurer un masque de protection à Paris ?Coronavirus : comment se procurer un masque de protection à Paris ? Heatwave: Can we dampen cloth facemasks when it is too hot?
As temperatures are still rising, reaching 40°C (104°F) in South of France, coronavirus is still around and face coverings can be hard to bear. And yet, it remains vital to wear them. Therefore, can we dampen cloth face coverings to make wearing them more bearable? According to the Afnor (French Association for Standardization), the answer is absolutely no. [Read more]

Coronavirus : bientôt des tests salivaires dans les aéroports assure Olivier VéranCoronavirus : bientôt des tests salivaires dans les aéroports assure Olivier VéranCoronavirus : bientôt des tests salivaires dans les aéroports assure Olivier VéranCoronavirus : bientôt des tests salivaires dans les aéroports assure Olivier Véran Coronavirus: traffic in Paris airports should return to normal between 2024 and 2027
Deeply impacted by the health crisis, the Paris airport traffic is expected to return to normal “between 2024 and 2027” according to the Aéroports de Paris group. [Read more]

Coronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le mondeCoronavirus et traitements : les pistes de médicaments évoquées dans le monde Covid: vaccines and therapies available or still being reviewed
Take a stock on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments across the world. Where are the first vaccines at? Are there effective Covid-19 treatments? What are the latest discoveries and breakthroughs performed by scientists? [Read more]

Coronavirus : troubles cognitifs, problèmes moteurs... Les effets persistants des patients guérisCoronavirus : troubles cognitifs, problèmes moteurs... Les effets persistants des patients guérisCoronavirus : troubles cognitifs, problèmes moteurs... Les effets persistants des patients guérisCoronavirus : troubles cognitifs, problèmes moteurs... Les effets persistants des patients guéris Coronavirus: cognitive impairment, loss of basic motor skills… consequences noticed in patients
Accoridng to doctors from the hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, some coronavirus patients develop persisting side effects such as cognitive impairments and even loss of basic motor skills… Here are what you should know about side effects of the disease. [Read more]

Coronavirus : sur le Tour de France 2020, un laboratoire mobile pour tester les coureursCoronavirus : sur le Tour de France 2020, un laboratoire mobile pour tester les coureursCoronavirus : sur le Tour de France 2020, un laboratoire mobile pour tester les coureursCoronavirus : sur le Tour de France 2020, un laboratoire mobile pour tester les coureurs Coronavirus: a mobile laboratory to test Tour de France 2020 racing cyclists
Before leaving for the Tour de France 2020, all racing cyclists must submit to the strict health protocol as designed by the Union Cycliste Internationale. And it is in a mobile laboratory that cyclists will have to be tested for Covid-19. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les frontières avec l'Espagne seront-elle ouvertes pour les vacances d'été ?Coronavirus : les frontières avec l'Espagne seront-elle ouvertes pour les vacances d'été ?Coronavirus : les frontières avec l'Espagne seront-elle ouvertes pour les vacances d'été ?Coronavirus : les frontières avec l'Espagne seront-elle ouvertes pour les vacances d'été ? Coronavirus: Spain does not want to close border with France
As in Spain, there are more and more contaminatiojns, leading to the re-containment of some of the Spanish population, in France, Jean Castex does not exclude the closure of the French-Spanish border, one month after it reopened. A possibility worrying tourists. As for Spain, the country hopes this scenario will not happen. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les recommandations en cas de caniculeCoronavirus : les recommandations en cas de caniculeCoronavirus : les recommandations en cas de caniculeCoronavirus : les recommandations en cas de canicule Coronavirus: recommendations in case of heat wave
How to protect yourself from coronavirus in the middle of a heat wave? Santé Publique France has just shared a note in which it recommends wearing a mask, using well-maintained air conditioners and ventilating interiors. The agency reminds that nothing indicates that the heat allows to reduce the virus, and that it is necessary to respect the barrier gestures in any place. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avion Coronavirus: health guidelines for air travels
The International Civil Aviation Organization has released a series of health guidelines in order to relaunch the air sector safely. Careful, non-surgical clothes facemasks are not allowed before boarding. The only masks authorized are disposable surgical masks. [Read more]

Coronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écoles September 2021's school start: health protocol in schools, junior high schools, and high schools
What is the health protocol in schools, junior high schools, and high schools starting from September 2021? This July 28, 2021, the Minister of the National Education addressed the issue, unveiling the "health framework" instated in schooles and classes starting from Thursday September 2, when school starts again. Compulsory facemask indoor, classes closed only in elementary schools and vaccination non compulsory for teachers; keep reading to find out more. [Read more]

Le plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du Coronavirus Emergency re-containment: the government's plan for the second wave of the epidemic
As the second Covid-19 epidemic wave is hitting France and the rest of the world, Jean Castex – then entrusted with deconfinement at the government – proposed a re-containment plan. And prudence is required. The one who became Prime Minister warned that "emergency re-containment should be anticipated". Today, this scenario seems bound to happen. What is the strategy of the French government? [Read more]

Inside Opéra, l'escape game immersif à l'Opéra GarnierInside Opéra, l'escape game immersif à l'Opéra GarnierInside Opéra, l'escape game immersif à l'Opéra GarnierInside Opéra, l'escape game immersif à l'Opéra Garnier Coronavirus: Paris opera house loses about 50% of subscriptions for 2020-2021
Paris Opera house is in a very bad way with a 40-million-euro loss director Stéphane Lissney says. Recovery might be a major challenge, with about half of subscriptions for 2020-2021 being lost. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus: what are the closed public places facemasks are mandatory in?
Facemasks are now mandatory in closed public places from Monday July 20, 2020 in France. Health Minister Olivier Véran shared the list of places concerned. Here there are. [Read more]

Rupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippeRupture de stock : plus de 70% des pharmacies n'ont plus de vaccin anti-grippe Coronavirus: Moderna Therapeutics vaccine 94% effective, the laboratory claims
The fight against coronavirus is escalating! American laboratory Moderna has announced this Monday November 16 that their vaccine against coronavirus was 94.5% effective. An announcement following their rival Pfizer's statement. [Read more]

Les masques à usage unique bientôt réutilisables ?Les masques à usage unique bientôt réutilisables ?Les masques à usage unique bientôt réutilisables ?Les masques à usage unique bientôt réutilisables ? Disposable masks soon to be reusable?
Disposable surgical masks and FFP2 masks may soon be reusable. Four French scientists say they have found an effective washing method to sterilize masks and keep their filtration properties. They still have to test this process on a big scale. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le vaccin du BCG aurait des effets protecteurs selon une étudeCoronavirus : le vaccin du BCG aurait des effets protecteurs selon une étudeCoronavirus : le vaccin du BCG aurait des effets protecteurs selon une étudeCoronavirus : le vaccin du BCG aurait des effets protecteurs selon une étude Coronavirus: BCG vaccine to have protecting effects, a study says
According to an American study released in PNAS magazine, BCG vaccine is said to have an effect on the coronavirus-related fatality, making it drop as vaccination increases. A study that only shows a link, and that will have to deepen searches to confirm or not if the vaccine really is effective. [Read more]

Coronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains malades Coronavirus: stroke, hallucinations… Covid-19 affects the brain too
Would the novel coronavirus have severe consequences on the brain? If a British study released on July 8, 2020 is to be believed, Covid-19 would lead to serious affections on the brain such as strokes or sort of hallucinations, including in cases showing mild symptoms. Let’s take stock. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnanceCoronavirus : les malades du COVID-19 recevront 14 masques par semaine sur ordonnance Coronavirus: the price for surgical masks controlled until January 10, 2021
Surgical masks still cost 95 cents per piece, maximum, until January 10, 2021. A decree has extended the control of the price of masks and hand-sanitizer. This extension comes in as France has just exited health emergecny. [Read more]

Covid : en Italie, bientôt la fin de la quarantaine pour certains touristes ?Covid : en Italie, bientôt la fin de la quarantaine pour certains touristes ?Covid : en Italie, bientôt la fin de la quarantaine pour certains touristes ?Covid : en Italie, bientôt la fin de la quarantaine pour certains touristes ? Coronavirus: Italy to soon lift quarantine to some travelers?
To relaunch tourism despite Covid, Italy is considering lifting the compulsory self-isolation period starting from June to some travelers coming to the country. Would be concerned countries from the EU, the United Kingdom and Israel. The compulsory quarantine has been instated since March 30... Keep reading to find out more! [Read more]

Notre-Dame : une banderole de Greenpeace interpelle le gouvernement sur le climat Notre-Dame : une banderole de Greenpeace interpelle le gouvernement sur le climat Notre-Dame : une banderole de Greenpeace interpelle le gouvernement sur le climat Notre-Dame : une banderole de Greenpeace interpelle le gouvernement sur le climat Notre-Dame: a Greenpeace banner serves as a wake-up call for the government on the climate
Earlier this Thursday July 9, Greenpeace activists have hung a huge banner with a strong message: “Climat: aux actes!” (Climate: to actions!) aiming at pushing the government to act in favor of the protection of the environment. It is on the crane of the Notre-Dame de Paris worksite, 80 meters (262.46ft) above the ground that the message has been displayed in the Parisian sky. [Read more]

Coronavirus : en cas de deuxième vague, un reconfinement ciblé prévu par Jean CastexCoronavirus : en cas de deuxième vague, un reconfinement ciblé prévu par Jean CastexCoronavirus : en cas de deuxième vague, un reconfinement ciblé prévu par Jean CastexCoronavirus : en cas de deuxième vague, un reconfinement ciblé prévu par Jean Castex Coronavirus and second wave: "we are heading towards local lockdowns" Jean-François Mattéi says
Another lockdown considered to fight against the second coronavirus wave? An eventuality considered by National Academy of Medicine president Jean-François Mattéi, interviewed by FrancetvInfo. A local lockdown, already considered several times by Jean Castex and the Elysée. A re-containment plan does exist today including local actions that could be implemented if need be. [Read more]

Covid-19 : le confinement n'est pas assez strict selon Jérôme SalomonCovid-19 : le confinement n'est pas assez strict selon Jérôme SalomonCovid-19 : le confinement n'est pas assez strict selon Jérôme SalomonCovid-19 : le confinement n'est pas assez strict selon Jérôme Salomon Covid-19: Jérôme Salomon says the lockdown is not strict enough
Jérôme Salomon is worried about the ineffectiveness of the new lockdown in a memo Europe 1 got and shared. According to the Health general director, lockdown is not strict enough to soften the curve. He says one shall expect a long and extended plateau of the epidemic curve in France. [Read more]

Coronavirus : L'hydroxychloroquine inefficace comme traitement préventif selon une étudeCoronavirus : L'hydroxychloroquine inefficace comme traitement préventif selon une étudeCoronavirus : L'hydroxychloroquine inefficace comme traitement préventif selon une étudeCoronavirus : L'hydroxychloroquine inefficace comme traitement préventif selon une étude Covid: WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a preventive drug against the disease
This Tuesday March 2, WHO announced in a memo released in the British Medical Journal that Hydroxychloroquine was not recommended as a preventive drug against Covid, relying on six randomized clinical trials, results have shown the inefficiency of the product to fight against severe coronavirus. In addition to those studies, a study carried out by Epi-phare, lead to the same conclusion. [Read more]

Coronavirus : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées, l'Académie de Médecine recommande une surveillance accrueCoronavirus : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées, l'Académie de Médecine recommande une surveillance accrueCoronavirus : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées, l'Académie de Médecine recommande une surveillance accrueCoronavirus : des traces du virus dans les eaux usées, l'Académie de Médecine recommande une surveillance accrue Coronavirus: Covid-19 traces found in wastewater in Paris again
As the Academy of Medicine recommended earlier in July to systematically monitor coronavirus in French water treatment plants, a "low level" of traces of Covid-19 has been found again in Paris waterwaste. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le remdesivir, traitement efficace contre les orages de cytokine ?Coronavirus : le remdesivir, traitement efficace contre les orages de cytokine ?Coronavirus : le remdesivir, traitement efficace contre les orages de cytokine ?Coronavirus : le remdesivir, traitement efficace contre les orages de cytokine ? Coronavirus: the European Union allows putting Remdesivir on the market
Remdesivir is at the heart of research against coronavirus and has been adopted in the United-States in early May. The European Union is now validating the authorization to put the treatment on the market. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un vaccin en circulation dès septembre 2020 ?Coronavirus : un vaccin en circulation dès septembre 2020 ?Coronavirus : un vaccin en circulation dès septembre 2020 ?Coronavirus : un vaccin en circulation dès septembre 2020 ? Coronavirus: a vaccine to be put into circulation from September 2020?
A race for vaccine that is getting harsher to wipe out coronavirus! AstraZeneca has announced they were able to provide 300 million doses of their vaccine from September 2020. The vaccine is put into circulation very quickly given clinical trials in humans have not delivered their first outcomes. [Read more]

Le Conseil d'Etat met fin à l'interdiction de manifester Le Conseil d'Etat met fin à l'interdiction de manifester Le Conseil d'Etat met fin à l'interdiction de manifester Le Conseil d'Etat met fin à l'interdiction de manifester The State Council lifts the ban to protest under 5,000 people without authorization
As the health emergency is still on, it is banned to protest in France. This strict prohibition has been suspended on Monday July 6, 2020 by the State Council following the plea of several union trades. But the State Council reminds the ban to protest “can be justified by the current health situation” when barrier measures cannot be respected or that “the event is likely to gather over 5,000 people”. [Read more]

Coronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosolsCoronavirus : des chercheurs alertent l'OMS sur la propagation du virus par aérosols Coronavirus: scientist warns the WHO coronavirus could be airborne
Over 200 scientists from 32 different countries have written an open letter to the World Health Organization: according to their research, coronavirus could be airborne more than we first thought. Minuscule droplets could be airborne through an entire room. [Read more]

Le plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du CoronavirusLe plan de reconfinement de Jean Castex en cas de seconde vague du Coronavirus Cabinet reshuffle: new Prime Minister Jean Castex’s priorities
Recently named Edouard Philippe’s successor as Prime Minister, Jean Castex has shared his goals and priorities in an interview with the JDD. Ecology, reform of pensions, and even Ségur de la Santé, Mister Deconfinement tells everything. [Read more]

L'OMS appelle à "se réveiller" pour lutter contre le coronavirusL'OMS appelle à "se réveiller" pour lutter contre le coronavirusL'OMS appelle à "se réveiller" pour lutter contre le coronavirusL'OMS appelle à "se réveiller" pour lutter contre le coronavirus WHO urges countries to “wake up” to fight against coronavirus
As the coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in Latin America, that for the first time this Friday July 3, 2020, exceeds Europe in terms of infections, the World Health Organization urges countries to “take control” over the pandemic. [Read more]

Visuels Disneyland ParisVisuels Disneyland ParisVisuels Disneyland ParisVisuels Disneyland Paris Coronavirus and Disneyland Paris: repayment conditions
After closing for several months over the coronavirus crisis and reopening in July 2020, Disneyland Paris has to close again from October 29, 2020 because of the new lockdown and until February 13, 2021 - the resort's reopening date, as the theme park hoped to be able to reopen for the Holidays. And for those who might have booked a ticket or a stay that was to take place while it is now closed, how to get it refunded? What are the options? Here are answers. [Read more]

La France condamnée par la CEDH pour conditions d'existences inhumaines des demandeurs d'asileLa France condamnée par la CEDH pour conditions d'existences inhumaines des demandeurs d'asileLa France condamnée par la CEDH pour conditions d'existences inhumaines des demandeurs d'asileLa France condamnée par la CEDH pour conditions d'existences inhumaines des demandeurs d'asile ECHR to condemn France over “inhuman living conditions” for asylum-seekers
The European Court of Human Rights has condemned France over lack of assistance to asylum-seekers, having to live “in the street” and “without any resources”. This is the fourth time this month that the ECHR condemns France. [Read more]

L'Hôtel Fauchon à Paris, les imagesL'Hôtel Fauchon à Paris, les imagesL'Hôtel Fauchon à Paris, les imagesL'Hôtel Fauchon à Paris, les images Coronavirus: Fauchon to go into receivership
Famous place de la Madeleine caterer, Fauchon filed for bankruptcy in the Bobigny commercial court and is now going into receivership since July 1, 2020. Debts are estimated to 2.3 million euros. [Read more]

EcoTrail Paris® et la Verticale de la tour Eiffel® 2018 : ouverture des inscriptions !EcoTrail Paris® et la Verticale de la tour Eiffel® 2018 : ouverture des inscriptions !EcoTrail Paris® et la Verticale de la tour Eiffel® 2018 : ouverture des inscriptions !EcoTrail Paris® et la Verticale de la tour Eiffel® 2018 : ouverture des inscriptions ! Coronavirus: Ecotrail Paris® and the Eiffel Tower Vertical® 2020 - Cancelled
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Ecotrail Paris® and the Eiffel Tower Vertical®, scheduled on Wednesday March 11, 2020 and the weekend from Saturday March 14 to Sunday 15, 2020 in Ile de France are cancelled. Both races could not make it from the degradation of the health situation. [Read more]

Roland Garros 2018Roland Garros 2018Roland Garros 2018Roland Garros 2018 Roland-Garros 2023: the program that awaits you this spring in Paris
Roland Garros is officially back from Monday May 22 to Sunday June 11, 2023 for 3 weeks that are sure to be very exciting. The opportunity to meet the cream of world tennis at Porte d'Auteuil in Paris, for THE must-see event of the clay court season. So what can we expect for this 2023 edition? We answer. [Read more]

La Parisienne 2020 : dates et programmeLa Parisienne 2020 : dates et programmeLa Parisienne 2020 : dates et programmeLa Parisienne 2020 : dates et programme La Parisienne 2025: free festival, 100% women's running and yoga classes
La Parisienne, the legendary race through the streets of Paris, is back! Join us from September 12 to 14, 2025 for a 100% feminine event, with a free festival, yoga and other surprises! [Read more]

Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel The Eiffel Tower postpones its reopening, tickets bought will be cancelled and refunded
The Eiffel Tower was expected to reopen this Wednesday December 16, 2020 after closing for a month, but because of the government's latest announcements, it is postponed at least to Januayr 7, 2021. Tickets bought on the official website for dates from December 16, 2020 to January 6, 2021 included will be cancelled and refunded at the beginning of next week. [Read more]

Le Portugal ouvre aux touristes pour les vacances d'étéLe Portugal ouvre aux touristes pour les vacances d'étéLe Portugal ouvre aux touristes pour les vacances d'étéLe Portugal ouvre aux touristes pour les vacances d'été Portugal allows most EU tourists to come from May 17 for vacations
It is official, Portugal allows most EU countries to enter the country again, the Secretary of the Interior announced this Saturday May 15. Access condition? An incidence rate "below 500 cases for 100,000 inhabitants" in the country they are from and a negative PCR test less than 72 hours old. [Read more]

visuel Paris visuel  - fête des Tuileries 2023visuel Paris visuel  - fête des Tuileries 2023visuel Paris visuel  - fête des Tuileries 2023visuel Paris visuel  - fête des Tuileries 2023 Fête des Tuileries 2024 moves to Bois de Boulogne
The Fête des Tuileries, this year known as the Paris Summer Fair, is moving to the Bois de Boulogne for the 2024 edition. Initially scheduled to start at the end of May, the funfair will now run from July 6 to September 1. [Read more]

Coronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en EuropeCoronavirus : L’OMS s’inquiète et alerte sur la recrudescence des cas en Europe Coronavirus: WHO to send team to China to investigate and find origins of the epidemic
The World Health Organization will send a team of searchers and experts to China to investigate origins of the Coronavirus epidemic. [Read more]

Chine : un nouveau virus de grippe porcine contamine les humainsChine : un nouveau virus de grippe porcine contamine les humainsChine : un nouveau virus de grippe porcine contamine les humainsChine : un nouveau virus de grippe porcine contamine les humains China: a new swine flu virus contaminates humans
In China, workers working in pig slaughterhouses have been contaminated by a new virus. According to researchers, the strain of the virus comes from H1N1 flue, and could spark a new pandemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : premier test de vaccin sur l'homme cet été par l'Institut PasteurCoronavirus : premier test de vaccin sur l'homme cet été par l'Institut PasteurCoronavirus : premier test de vaccin sur l'homme cet été par l'Institut PasteurCoronavirus : premier test de vaccin sur l'homme cet été par l'Institut Pasteur Covid: Institut Pasteur to stop developing their main vaccine, as results are not forthcoming
Bad news in the fight against Covid! Institut Pasteur has announced they are stopping the development of their main vaccine project - currently completing clinical trial - as results are not forthcoming. A vaccine that was yet tested in humans this summer and that yet had encouraging results. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus: several NGOs warns against “vaccine nationalism”
As the race against the novel coronavirus still goes on, 13 NGO leaders warn against “vaccine nationalism”. This Sunday June 28, they launch a call in the Journal du Dimanche so that the upcoming vaccine be accessible to everyone across the world. [Read more]

La France demande l'ouverture des frontières de l'espace Schengen au 1er juilletLa France demande l'ouverture des frontières de l'espace Schengen au 1er juilletLa France demande l'ouverture des frontières de l'espace Schengen au 1er juilletLa France demande l'ouverture des frontières de l'espace Schengen au 1er juillet Travelers allowed within the EU: Morocco removed from the "safe" countries list
France and other EU state members have announced to gradually reopen their external Schengen borders from July 1, 2020 to 14 countries. Since then, the list has been shortened and now includes 11 countries. Algeria and Morocco have been recently excluded from the list. The European Union considered both countries were no longer "safe" in light of increasing Covid-19 cases. [Read more]

Coronavirus Meeting de Paris 2019 au Stade Charlety Coronavirus Meeting de Paris 2019 au Stade Charlety Coronavirus Meeting de Paris 2019 au Stade Charlety Coronavirus Meeting de Paris 2019 au Stade Charlety Coronavirus: the Meeting de Paris 2020 cancelled
Initially planned on June 13 at the Stade Charléty, the Fédération Française d'Athlétisme has announced the edition 2020 of the Meeting de Paris was cancelled over the coronavirus pandemic. Postponed first to September 6, the health and economic crisis convinced organizers to cancel the event. [Read more]

La Mer de Sable 2019, les photosLa Mer de Sable 2019, les photosLa Mer de Sable 2019, les photosLa Mer de Sable 2019, les photos La Mer de Sable 2025: new attractions in the Ermenonville forest (60)
La Mer de Sable, this lovely children's amusement park, awaits you once again for the 2025 season. Come and experience the gold rush, take on the cowboys, sail on the wild river, cross the suspension bridge and even take a pony ride with your children aged 2 and over. Here's the program! [Read more]

Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre Reopening of the Louvre: the ticketing service opens!
The Louvre reopens from May 19, 2021. From this moment on, you will be able to enjoy Mona Lisa, the Apollon Gallery, Middle-Eastern, Greek, and Roman antiques, without forgetting about the building itself, castle of the Kings of France until Louis XIV. Good news, the ticketing service is open! [Read more]

Art Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numérique Art Paris 2020 returns to the Grand Palais in September
The 2020 edition of Art Paris, the springtime rendezvous for modern and contemporary art, has been turned upside down this year. First postponed, then reinvented online, the annual fair is back for good at the Grand Palais, from September 10 to 13, 2020. [Read more]

Paris : fermeture de l'aéroport d'Orly ce soirParis : fermeture de l'aéroport d'Orly ce soirParis : fermeture de l'aéroport d'Orly ce soirParis : fermeture de l'aéroport d'Orly ce soir Coronavirus: 81% fewer travelers in French airports since March
The coronavirus crisis deeply impacted the air traffic. Between March and August 2020, a 81% decrease of travelers has been noticed in French airports, that is to say 88 million fewer travelers. [Read more]

Covid : la prolongation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire jusqu'au 3 mai validée par le SénatCovid : la prolongation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire jusqu'au 3 mai validée par le SénatCovid : la prolongation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire jusqu'au 3 mai validée par le SénatCovid : la prolongation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire jusqu'au 3 mai validée par le Sénat Health emergency: the Senates votes for an extension to May 3rd
This Wednesday January 27, the Senate voted, with several corrections, the draft bill for extending health emergency implemented in France. As the government intended to make this exceptional legal form last to June 1, Senators voted for May 3rd. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'essai clinique sur le dexaméthasone réjouit l'OMSCoronavirus : l'essai clinique sur le dexaméthasone réjouit l'OMSCoronavirus : l'essai clinique sur le dexaméthasone réjouit l'OMSCoronavirus : l'essai clinique sur le dexaméthasone réjouit l'OMS Coronavirus: WHO urges promising steroid Dexamethasone production to boom
Can dexamethasone be a cure to coronavirus? The clinical trial ran by British searchers seems promising, so much that the World Health Organization hailed the results the British scientists have found and urges to boom production. [Read more]

La Tour Saint-Jacques, le Clocher à la vue sublimeLa Tour Saint-Jacques, le Clocher à la vue sublimeLa Tour Saint-Jacques, le Clocher à la vue sublimeLa Tour Saint-Jacques, le Clocher à la vue sublime Tour Saint-Jacques, the ancient bell tower with its sublime view over Paris, open from May to November
The Tour Saint-Jacques, with its panoramic view over the whole of Paris, is open to visitors from May 15 to November 15, 2025. Located just a stone's throw from the Hôtel de Ville, this historic monument is a sight to behold, with its 62 meters and 300 steps. Tours are available in small groups. [Read more]

Disneyland Paris Visuels Disneyland HotelDisneyland Paris Visuels Disneyland HotelDisneyland Paris Visuels Disneyland HotelDisneyland Paris Visuels Disneyland Hotel Disneyland Paris: seasons, shows, new features... Discover the 2025 program
Fancy a trip to Disneyland Paris? Every year, the Parisian theme park offers you a whole host of new features as the seasons change. Seasons, shows, new attractions, restaurants, hotels... What's in store for us this year? Let's find out! [Read more]

Coronavirus : le football de retour à partir du 22 juin en France ? Coronavirus : le football de retour à partir du 22 juin en France ? Coronavirus : le football de retour à partir du 22 juin en France ? Coronavirus : le football de retour à partir du 22 juin en France ? Coronavirus: Soccer back in France
After the Professional Soccer League (LFP) and French Football Federation (FFF) sent to the Ministry of sports the essential health protocol to resume soccer and so that crowds can go back to stadiums, the government gives its green light to soccer and other collective sports. From Monday June 22, “normal” soccer practice is allowed. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la chloroquine au cœur d'un nouvel essai cliniqueCoronavirus : la chloroquine au cœur d'un nouvel essai cliniqueCoronavirus : la chloroquine au cœur d'un nouvel essai cliniqueCoronavirus : la chloroquine au cœur d'un nouvel essai clinique Coronavirus: WHO halts chloroquine trials again
WHo already halted hydroxychloroquine trials back in May, and has announced this Wednesday June 17, 2020 they are halting trials around the molecule again. The readon being that several studies show its uselessness and tend to show negative effects. For the record, treating with hydroxychloroquine is allowed in France and recommended by professor Raoult. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un nouveau test salivaire plus rapide pour dépister la maladieCoronavirus : un nouveau test salivaire plus rapide pour dépister la maladieCoronavirus : un nouveau test salivaire plus rapide pour dépister la maladieCoronavirus : un nouveau test salivaire plus rapide pour dépister la maladie Coronavirus: the Easycov saliva test now reimbursed in France
Allowed to be issued since June 2020, the famous spit-in-a-cup test Eeasycov has been allowed to be reimbursed in France. Developed by a Montpellier-based startup, this test kit enables you to know within forty minutes if you are positive or not to coronavirus, by only requiring four saliva drops. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Coronavirus : Roland Garros 2020 potentiellement à huis clos ? Covid: French Open 2021 postponed by one week to enable to receive the public
The French Open 2021 organizers have decided to postpone the tennis tournament by one week to get more chance to receive the public and see if the health restrictions instated because of the Covid-19 epidemic will be eased off. The French Internationals 2021 are planned from May 30 to June 13, 2021, then. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l’Australie pourrait garder ses frontières fermées jusqu’en 2021Coronavirus : l’Australie pourrait garder ses frontières fermées jusqu’en 2021Coronavirus : l’Australie pourrait garder ses frontières fermées jusqu’en 2021Coronavirus : l’Australie pourrait garder ses frontières fermées jusqu’en 2021 Coronavirus: Australia likely to keep its borders shut until 2021
Will Australia keep its borders closed until 2021? This is what Australian Minister of Trade Simon Birmingham implied in an address on June 17th. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un stéroïde pourrait réduire d'un tiers la mortalité chez les patients atteintsCoronavirus : un stéroïde pourrait réduire d'un tiers la mortalité chez les patients atteintsCoronavirus : un stéroïde pourrait réduire d'un tiers la mortalité chez les patients atteintsCoronavirus : un stéroïde pourrait réduire d'un tiers la mortalité chez les patients atteints Coronavirus: dexamethasone, a steroid that can reduce death by up to one third
According to a British clinical trial, a drug belonging to steroids, is said to reduce Covid-19 sick death rate by up to one third. An encouraging study as no treatment is known yet to fight against the novel coronavirus. [Read more]

JO de Tokyo : vers un nouveau report après l'été 2021 ? JO de Tokyo : vers un nouveau report après l'été 2021 ? JO de Tokyo : vers un nouveau report après l'été 2021 ? JO de Tokyo : vers un nouveau report après l'été 2021 ? Tokyo Summer Olympics: to be postponed after the summer 2021?
Tokyo Summer Olympics have been postponed first to July 23, 201 to August 8, 2021, but they might be postponed again if the pandemic is not under control in 2021. Organization committee member Haruyuki Takahashi is said to be thinking of a new adjournment for after summer 2021. [Read more]

Où partir en vacances en Europe cet été ? L'Union européenne lance un site pour aider les voyageursOù partir en vacances en Europe cet été ? L'Union européenne lance un site pour aider les voyageursOù partir en vacances en Europe cet été ? L'Union européenne lance un site pour aider les voyageursOù partir en vacances en Europe cet été ? L'Union européenne lance un site pour aider les voyageurs Where to go on vacations in Europe this summer? The European Union launches a website to help travelers
Were you wondering where to go to Europe this summer? Spain, Italy, Croatia or even Finland? Because all countries have not totally reopened their borders yet, and some of them impose some conditions, the European Commission launched a website to help travelers find the best option possible and travel safely. [Read more]

Visuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Olympia intérieur - public ambianceVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Olympia intérieur - public ambianceVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Olympia intérieur - public ambianceVisuels salles de spectacle et théâtres - Olympia intérieur - public ambiance France Inter celebrates music 2024 at the Olympia this Friday with Justice, Luidji...
To mark the new Fête de la Musique, France Inter is once again taking over the legendary Olympia concert hall in Paris this Friday, June 21, 2024, with an evening of 4 exceptional free concerts. On this year's program? Justice, Jamie xx, Luidji and Yamê! [Read more]

Visuel Paris Petit palaisVisuel Paris Petit palaisVisuel Paris Petit palaisVisuel Paris Petit palais These Parisian museums reopening on June 16th
In Paris, June 16th is the day marking a very important date as for the cultural world in town. On that day, several museums are reopening after a three-month lockdown. We give you these beautiful addresses and exhibitions that are coming back. [Read more]

Le protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon Blanquer Schools: new and softer health protocol, no more distancing in kindergarten
Following Jean-Michel Blanquer's request to make the health protocol softer in schools so that they can welcome students by the end of the year, Emmanuel Macron announced that from June 22, 2020 "daycares, schools, junior high schools will prepare to welcome all students from June 22 mandatorily and in compliance with normal attendance rules". What are the new conditions to welcome pupils to schools? [Read more]

A quand la réouverture des salles de concerts et dans quelles conditions ?A quand la réouverture des salles de concerts et dans quelles conditions ?A quand la réouverture des salles de concerts et dans quelles conditions ?A quand la réouverture des salles de concerts et dans quelles conditions ? Concert and show venues reopening: Paris in green area on June 15
As all concert venues were shut since March 14, and main summer festivals in France cancelled, music fans are only waiting for one thing: singing, dancing, and rocking to the artists’ live shows. But when will concert venues reopen to the public and on what conditions? On May 28, when presenting phase 2 of the containment exit plan, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said show and concert venues will reopen from June 2 in green areas. For Paris and Île-de-France, it will be from June 15. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers une réouverture des théâtre en septembre ?Coronavirus : vers une réouverture des théâtre en septembre ?Coronavirus : vers une réouverture des théâtre en septembre ?Coronavirus : vers une réouverture des théâtre en septembre ? Lockdown exit: theaters and show venues to reopen from May 19 with a seated audience
Closed for over 6 months because of the health crisis, theaters and show venues might be allowed to reopen from May 19, 2021 with a seated audience, according to Europe 1 and Le Parisien. Yet, this reopening could take place in compliance with a 800-people limit indoors, and 1,00 people outdoors. [Read more]

Allocution d'Emmanuel Macron : "de nouvelles décisions fortes pour l'égalité des chances"Allocution d'Emmanuel Macron : "de nouvelles décisions fortes pour l'égalité des chances"Allocution d'Emmanuel Macron : "de nouvelles décisions fortes pour l'égalité des chances"Allocution d'Emmanuel Macron : "de nouvelles décisions fortes pour l'égalité des chances" Emmanuel Macron’s address: “New and strong decisions for equal opportunity”
In his latest solemn address to the French people on June 14, Emmanuel Macron announced “new and strong decisions for equal opportunity”, affirming France will be “intransigent against racism, anti-Semitism, and discriminations”. [Read more]

Carte du déconfinement : l'île de France va-t'elle passer en vert le 2 juinCarte du déconfinement : l'île de France va-t'elle passer en vert le 2 juinCarte du déconfinement : l'île de France va-t'elle passer en vert le 2 juinCarte du déconfinement : l'île de France va-t'elle passer en vert le 2 juin Containment exit: Paris and Ile-de-France are green
Following Emmanuel Macron's address this Sunday night, Paris and Ile-de-France are now in green area starting this Monday June 15. Discover what changes and what remains suspended for now. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un potentiel vaccin déjà à l'étude ?Coronavirus : un potentiel vaccin déjà à l'étude ?Coronavirus : un potentiel vaccin déjà à l'étude ?Coronavirus : un potentiel vaccin déjà à l'étude ? Coronavirus: France teams up with three other European countries to purchase vaccines
In order to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic as well as possible, France has teamed up with Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy within Europe’s Inclusive Vaccines Alliance. Together, they announce to have signed a first principle agreement with the AstraZeneca laboratory to buy several millions of vaccine doses. [Read more]

Peur sur le Parc 2019, Halloween au Parc Astérix les photosPeur sur le Parc 2019, Halloween au Parc Astérix les photosPeur sur le Parc 2019, Halloween au Parc Astérix les photosPeur sur le Parc 2019, Halloween au Parc Astérix les photos Parc Astérix reopens: health protocol
Famous theme parks in near Ile-de-France Parc Astérix reopens on June 15, 2020 for a new season. Every day, the theme park will be limited to 5,000 people and no need to come without holding a ticket, you must book your ticket prior to your visit. Here is the health protocol and measures made to welcome you all as you look for thrills and change of scenery near Paris. [Read more]

La France rouvre ses frontières dès le 15 juin 2020La France rouvre ses frontières dès le 15 juin 2020La France rouvre ses frontières dès le 15 juin 2020La France rouvre ses frontières dès le 15 juin 2020 France to reopen its borders on June 15, 2020
France is said to reopen its borders on June 15, 2020. First limited to EU countries, French borders will gradually open to the rest of the world from July 1st. Only exceptions being travelers from Spain and the UK who will have to undergo self-isolation as a reciprocity. Derogatory trip certificates will no longer be needed. [Read more]

Les billets ne font pas courir de risques particuliers d'infection d'après la Banque de FranceLes billets ne font pas courir de risques particuliers d'infection d'après la Banque de FranceLes billets ne font pas courir de risques particuliers d'infection d'après la Banque de FranceLes billets ne font pas courir de risques particuliers d'infection d'après la Banque de France COVID19: bills pose no particular infection risks, the Bank of France says
According to the Bank of France, bank bills pose no particular coronavirus infection risks. [Read more]

Coronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’Etat Coronavirus: Air France cancels flights for lack of travelers
Like train network SNCF, Air France must cancel flights this summer for lack of travelers. [Read more]

Les manifestations risquent-elles d'accélérer la propagation du coronavirus ?Les manifestations risquent-elles d'accélérer la propagation du coronavirus ?Les manifestations risquent-elles d'accélérer la propagation du coronavirus ?Les manifestations risquent-elles d'accélérer la propagation du coronavirus ? Could protests accelerate the spread of coronavirus?
As the “Comité Adama” has been calling for weeks for a “massive national gathering” in France, to “demand the truth and justice for Adama and all the victims of the police”, could these protests accelerate the spread of coronavirus, and how to stay safe? [Read more]

Coronavirus : suspicion de cas sur le porte-avions Charles de GaulleCoronavirus : suspicion de cas sur le porte-avions Charles de GaulleCoronavirus : suspicion de cas sur le porte-avions Charles de GaulleCoronavirus : suspicion de cas sur le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle Coronavirus: two new Covid-19 cases on French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle
French navy is once again infected by coronavirus… This Wednesday June 10, Toulon maritime prefecture says two sailors have been tested positive aboard the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, a bit over two months after the first infection cases reported on the same boat. [Read more]

Visuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder Mountain Disneyland Paris: the health safety scheme for the reopening
Disneyland Paris has disclosed in a confidential document, that our peers at Le Parisien have been able to browse, the health safety scheme that might be implemented when the park reopens. What are the health measures involved? We tell you everything! [Read more]

La Commission Européenne veut une réouverture coordonnée des frontières à l'intérieur de l'EuropeLa Commission Européenne veut une réouverture coordonnée des frontières à l'intérieur de l'EuropeLa Commission Européenne veut une réouverture coordonnée des frontières à l'intérieur de l'EuropeLa Commission Européenne veut une réouverture coordonnée des frontières à l'intérieur de l'Europe European Union proposes "progressive and partial" reopening of external borders from July 1
To make sure containment exit runs smoothly, the European Union proposes "progressive and partial" reopening of EU external borders from July 1. [Read more]

Les Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurant Restaurants to fully reopen on June 15 in Paris and Île-de-France
Restaurants, cafés and bars reopened this past Tuesday June 2 in all departments, but have only reopened their terraces in orange areas. In his new address on June 14, French President Emmanuel Macron let the people know that "the entire territory", excluding Mayotte and French Guiana, will be green starting tomorrow. Consequently, restaurants and cafés in Paris and Ile-de-France can reopen from Monday June 15, 2020. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le parquet de Paris ouvre une enquête sur la gestion de la criseCoronavirus : le parquet de Paris ouvre une enquête sur la gestion de la criseCoronavirus : le parquet de Paris ouvre une enquête sur la gestion de la criseCoronavirus : le parquet de Paris ouvre une enquête sur la gestion de la crise Coronavirus: Paris public prosecutor launches an investigation on the managing of the crisis
Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz launched this Monday June 8 an investigation for “involuntary manslaughter and battery” and “endangering the lives of others”. The goal being to examine possible offences administration leaders might have committed, especially in the health sector. [Read more]

Notre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâts Notre Dame de Paris: reopening in April 2024 confirmed by Jean-Louis Georgelin
Notre-Dame de Paris not to be delivered before 2024? Fondation Notre-Dame delegate general Christophe Rousselot said this Tuesday June 9, 2020 he was skeptical as for the reopening of the Parisian cathedral announced by the French President back in April 2019 after most of it has been destroyed in a fire. This Thursday July 2, 2020 general Jean-Louis Georgelin has affirmed Notre-Dame will reopen in April 2024. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle en test pour un standard sanitaire internationalCoronavirus : l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle en test pour un standard sanitaire internationalCoronavirus : l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle en test pour un standard sanitaire internationalCoronavirus : l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle en test pour un standard sanitaire international Coronavirus: Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport testing for international health standards
As many countries are preparing to reopen their borders for the first time since the coronavirus crisis broke out, the Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport is testing the implementation of new international health standards. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la situation "s'aggrave" dans le monde, selon le directeur de l’OMSCoronavirus : la situation "s'aggrave" dans le monde, selon le directeur de l’OMSCoronavirus : la situation "s'aggrave" dans le monde, selon le directeur de l’OMSCoronavirus : la situation "s'aggrave" dans le monde, selon le directeur de l’OMS Coronavirus: the situation is “worsening” worldwide WHO director says
As life is getting back to normal in many countries, the World Health Organization is worried and warns the world. On June 8th, WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the covid-19 pandemic was “worsening” worldwide. [Read more]

Visuel Paris terrasse quai de SeineVisuel Paris terrasse quai de SeineVisuel Paris terrasse quai de SeineVisuel Paris terrasse quai de Seine Containment exit: Olivier Véran calls not to go “too quickly”
If containment exit is accelerating and data seems to improve, the Health Minister warned French people this Monday June 8, 2020. As he was on a trip in Oise, he calls for vigilance against coronavirus and not go too quickly even though restrictions have been lifted. [Read more]

Masques, mégots ou détritus jetés par terre : l'amende pourrait doublerMasques, mégots ou détritus jetés par terre : l'amende pourrait doublerMasques, mégots ou détritus jetés par terre : l'amende pourrait doublerMasques, mégots ou détritus jetés par terre : l'amende pourrait doubler Masks, cigarette butts or trash thrown on the floor: the fine might double
You can currently be fined €68 for throwing a facemask, cigarette butt or trash on the floor, but it might double up to €135 in the next days. As a matter of fact, the government is working on a decree aiming at doubling up the cost of the fine. [Read more]

Vitamine K : un allié de poids dans la lutte contre le coronavirus ?Vitamine K : un allié de poids dans la lutte contre le coronavirus ?Vitamine K : un allié de poids dans la lutte contre le coronavirus ?Vitamine K : un allié de poids dans la lutte contre le coronavirus ? Vitamin K: a major ally in the fight against coronavirus?
A British study tends to show that severe forms of Covid-19 infections could be related to a lack of vitamin K. As a matter of fact, according to The Guardian, British scientists have made a link between a lack of vitamin K and the development of severe forms of the disease. [Read more]

Morgue de Rungis : Castaner réclame un contrôleMorgue de Rungis : Castaner réclame un contrôleMorgue de Rungis : Castaner réclame un contrôleMorgue de Rungis : Castaner réclame un contrôle Rungis market temporary morgue closes
Two months after it opened, the temporary morgue that was set in a warehouse of Rungis market is closing this Saturday June 6, 2020. No casket has been stored there since May 13. [Read more]

Apple Store Champs-ElyséesApple Store Champs-ElyséesApple Store Champs-ElyséesApple Store Champs-Elysées Apple announces to reopen its stores in France
As the coronavirus pandemic is withdrawing in Europe, Apple CEO Tim Cook announces to cloreopen Apple stores in France startinh June 9, 2020. [Read more]

visuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphe National monuments reopening: new dates
The Centre des Monuments Nationaux unveils a first round of dates for the reopening of some of the treasures of the French heritage. So, what cultural places are reopening soon in France? [Read more]

Recovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai cliniqueRecovery : l'hydroxychloroquine inefficace selon les premiers résultats de l'essai clinique Recovery: hydroxychloroquine useless, the first results of the clinical trial say
Is hydroxychloroquine once and for all useless against coronavirus? This is what seems to say the first results of the British Recovery clinical trial expected by the scientific community. The first conclusions incited the scientific authorities to stop enrolling patients for this branch of the study. [Read more]

Ile de loisirs de Bois le Roi - base de loisirsIle de loisirs de Bois le Roi - base de loisirsIle de loisirs de Bois le Roi - base de loisirsIle de loisirs de Bois le Roi - base de loisirs Leisure centres: sports and relaxation areas in Île-de-France for the 2024 season
How about a leisure park around Paris? These leisure parks with artificial beaches are the ideal solution for sunbathing, picnicking and swimming just like at the seaside, with fun activities to boot. Parisians, here's a pleasant and inexpensive solution... Take a vacation close to our capital. The editorial team presents a detailed overview of the 12 leisure islands in the Ile-de-France region, where swimming and other activities are once again waiting for you in fine weather. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquineCoronavirus : une nouvelle étude britannique étrille la chloroquine Chloroquine: three authors of the study published in The Lancet are recanting
Chloroquine keeps on sparking off controversies within the international community… After a British study released in The Lancet said the treatment against coronavirus was useless, the medical magazine distanced tself with its results, now three authors are recanting. A study that convinced French Health Minister Olivier Véran this May 23 to review the regulations for prescribing this treatment. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'épidémie faiblit d'après l'activité des médecins généralistes Coronavirus : l'épidémie faiblit d'après l'activité des médecins généralistes Coronavirus : l'épidémie faiblit d'après l'activité des médecins généralistes Coronavirus : l'épidémie faiblit d'après l'activité des médecins généralistes Coronavirus: the Covid-19 epidemic "is under control" in France, Professor Delfraissy says
As France has entered phase 2 of the containment exit plan, where is the Covid-19 epidemic at in the country? In an interview with France Inter on June 5, Scientific Council president Professor Jean-François Delfraissy said it was now "under control". [Read more]

Réouverture des campings : quelles sont les normes sanitaires en vigueur ? Réouverture des campings : quelles sont les normes sanitaires en vigueur ? Réouverture des campings : quelles sont les normes sanitaires en vigueur ? Réouverture des campings : quelles sont les normes sanitaires en vigueur ? Campsites to reopen: health standards implemented
In green departments, campsites have been allowed to reopen since Tuesday June 2. Because France is still fighting against the coronavirus crisis, health instructions are to be respected and in all campsites in France! Let’s see what the main changes are. [Read more]

Paris : Des stands mobiles de dépistage du Coronavirus Paris : Des stands mobiles de dépistage du Coronavirus Paris : Des stands mobiles de dépistage du Coronavirus Paris : Des stands mobiles de dépistage du Coronavirus Coronaviurs: free traveling testing laboratory in Paris
A Traveling coronavirus testing laboratory will come to Paris 10th, 18th and 19th arrondissements on June 23 and 25, 2020. Consultations are free of charge and do not need prior appointment. [Read more]

Visuel Paris terrasse de la Tour Montparnasse Top of the CityVisuel Paris terrasse de la Tour Montparnasse Top of the CityVisuel Paris terrasse de la Tour Montparnasse Top of the CityVisuel Paris terrasse de la Tour Montparnasse Top of the City The Tour Montparnasse, a 360° view of Paris
The rooftop of the Tour Montparnasse and its open-air terrace offer an impressive view of Paris and its monuments from 210 meters above ground. [Read more]

Delacroix et la nature, nos photos de l'exposition au musée DelacroixDelacroix et la nature, nos photos de l'exposition au musée DelacroixDelacroix et la nature, nos photos de l'exposition au musée DelacroixDelacroix et la nature, nos photos de l'exposition au musée Delacroix Musée Delacroix: a must-see museum for Eugène Delacroix lovers in Paris
Discover the Musée Delacroix, a jewel in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, dedicated to the famous painter Eugène Delacroix. Explore the fascinating history of the museum, from its rescue to its transformation into a cultural space, and immerse yourself in contemporary exhibitions. A must for art and history lovers! [Read more]

Christo et Jeanne-Claude à Paris, l'exposition au Centre PompidouChristo et Jeanne-Claude à Paris, l'exposition au Centre PompidouChristo et Jeanne-Claude à Paris, l'exposition au Centre PompidouChristo et Jeanne-Claude à Paris, l'exposition au Centre Pompidou Famous plastic artist Christo has died at age 84
World-famous plastic artist Christo has died on May 31, 2020 in New York at age 84. He leaves behind him many monumental creations. He would have presented a new wrapped work about the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in Fall 2021. [Read more]

La Fête des Loges 2017La Fête des Loges 2017La Fête des Loges 2017La Fête des Loges 2017 La Fête des Loges 2024, the funfair returns to Saint-Germain en Laye - 78
The Fête des Loges is back from June 28 to August 18, 2024 in the beautiful forest of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in the Yvelines. For over 300 years, thrill rides, merry-go-rounds, shows and water games have been waiting for young and old alike, just 20 minutes from Paris, in a beautiful setting accessible by public transport! [Read more]

Le Café Pierre Hermé à Beaupassage Le Café Pierre Hermé à Beaupassage Le Café Pierre Hermé à Beaupassage Le Café Pierre Hermé à Beaupassage Paris opens streets to restaurants and bars from June 2
In order to help restaurants, cafés and bars to resume works in the best health conditions possible, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo considers giving entire streets for them, and for free, until September 30, 2020. Restaurants and cafés interested must sign up on Paris City hall website starting Sunday May 31 and sign a charter committing them to respect the public area and neighbors. Paris mayor is also considering temporary closure, between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. about twenty streets to keep them for café, bar and restaurant terraces. [Read more]

Coronavirus: Donald Trump gèle les subventions américaines de l’OMSCoronavirus: Donald Trump gèle les subventions américaines de l’OMSCoronavirus: Donald Trump gèle les subventions américaines de l’OMSCoronavirus: Donald Trump gèle les subventions américaines de l’OMS Coronavirus: Donald Trump cuts ties with WHO
In a press conference held this Friday May 29, American President Donald Trump has announced he was putting an end to the relationships between the United-States and the World Healht Organization. [Read more]

FIAC 2018 au Jardin des TuileriesFIAC 2018 au Jardin des TuileriesFIAC 2018 au Jardin des TuileriesFIAC 2018 au Jardin des Tuileries The Tuileries Gardens, the ideal place in Paris to go green
The Tuileries Gardens are a must-see in Paris! This 23-hectare green space runs alongside the Rue de Rivoli and the Seine, linking the Louvre Museum and the Place de la Concorde. Classified as a historic monument in 1914, it has also been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. It features magnificent historical statues, accompanied by works of art. [Read more]

Le Jardin d'Acclimatation dévoile son nouveau visage et ses attractions, les photosLe Jardin d'Acclimatation dévoile son nouveau visage et ses attractions, les photosLe Jardin d'Acclimatation dévoile son nouveau visage et ses attractions, les photosLe Jardin d'Acclimatation dévoile son nouveau visage et ses attractions, les photos Jardin d'Acclimatation, the amusement park in the heart of Paris
Once again, the Jardin d'Acclimatation welcomes us for some fun and relaxation. This amusement park for small children offers 40 attractions for children from 1 year of age, an educational farm and restaurants on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne at the gateway to Paris. [Read more]

Parc Astérix : inauguration de la Tour Numérobis avec Jamel Debbouze  -  A7C5323Parc Astérix : inauguration de la Tour Numérobis avec Jamel Debbouze  -  A7C5323Parc Astérix : inauguration de la Tour Numérobis avec Jamel Debbouze  -  A7C5323Parc Astérix : inauguration de la Tour Numérobis avec Jamel Debbouze  -  A7C5323 Parc Astérix, the 2025 program and new features
Parc Astérix awaits us for a new season from April 5, 2025, with a host of exciting new features. The park continues to innovate every year, and this year promises a new family coaster called Cétautomatix, as well as a new restaurant on the Egyptian side. [Read more]

Lumigny Safari Reserve - nos photos - image00030Lumigny Safari Reserve - nos photos - image00030Lumigny Safari Reserve - nos photos - image00030Lumigny Safari Reserve - nos photos - image00030 Lumigny Safari Reserve, the largest wildlife reserve in the Paris region, in Lumigny (77)
In Lumigny, in the Seine-et-Marne département, the reserve has just opened its doors for its 2025 season. What's on the agenda? An immersive experience for the whole family, surrounded by over 600 animals! [Read more]

Les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes du Château de Versailles, fontaineLes Grandes Eaux Nocturnes du Château de Versailles, fontaineLes Grandes Eaux Nocturnes du Château de Versailles, fontaineLes Grandes Eaux Nocturnes du Château de Versailles, fontaine Château de Versailles, opening
The Château de Versailles, its gardens, park, Trianon estate and Marly estate await you once again from this Saturday, June 6, 2020. The park and gardens have been given a facelift, and the historic monument is implementing a protocol to ensure a safe visit for all visitors. [Read more]

L'Opéra de Paris met en ligne gratuitement ses spectacles pendant le confinementL'Opéra de Paris met en ligne gratuitement ses spectacles pendant le confinementL'Opéra de Paris met en ligne gratuitement ses spectacles pendant le confinementL'Opéra de Paris met en ligne gratuitement ses spectacles pendant le confinement Deconfinement: Paris Opera extends its free online show program
Throughout lockdown, Paris Opera delighted us with a very beautiful selection of shows available online and for free. We enjoyed Carmen, Swan Lake and even the Barber of Seville. And big news, new shows are scheduled until late May. [Read more]

Parc des Buttes ChaumontParc des Buttes ChaumontParc des Buttes ChaumontParc des Buttes Chaumont Rules for parks and gardens' reopening this weekend in Paris and Ile-de-France
Parks and gardens are reopening this Saturday May 30, 2020. This is what the Prime Minister has announced this May 28, relieving many citizens who can already enjoy green spaces and places to relax outside. Here are rules to respect. [Read more]

Déplacement 100 km, un possible élargissement de la zone en juinDéplacement 100 km, un possible élargissement de la zone en juinDéplacement 100 km, un possible élargissement de la zone en juinDéplacement 100 km, un possible élargissement de la zone en juin 100km trip limit to be lifted on June 2
Today, constrained to travel only in their departments and within a 100-kilometer area around their houses, French will be able to travel all around metropolitan and overseas France freely starting from June 2, when the phase 2 of the containment exit plan begins. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'étéCoronavirus : les frontières de l'espace Schengen pourraient rester fermées tout l'été Coronavirus: EU inner borders remain closed until June 15th
EU inner borders and French borders will remain shut until June 15th, 2020, Edouard Philippe announced as he was presenting phase 2 of the containment exit plan. [Read more]

Coronavirus : où pourra-ton partir en vacances cet été ?Coronavirus : où pourra-ton partir en vacances cet été ?Coronavirus : où pourra-ton partir en vacances cet été ?Coronavirus : où pourra-ton partir en vacances cet été ? Coronavirus: summer vacations everywhere across France and Europe
This Thursday May 28, 2020 Edouard Philippe presented measures related to phase two of the containment exit plan. French people can go on summer vacation everywhere across France and even Europe on some conditions. [Read more]

Jean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 maiJean-Michel Blanquer envisage une réouverture des écoles aux alentours du 4 mai Coronavirus: high schools to reopen in June only? Edouard Philippe's statements on May 28
Edouard Philippe's address on Thursday May 28, 2020 gives further details as for the phase 2 of the containment exit scheme. Technical college are said to reopen from June 2 for at least one of the three levels. As for students in general sections, they will enjoy meetings in small groups with their teacher to assess the situation and the followup for seniors. [Read more]

Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre Coronavirus: museums to reopen on June 2 everywhere in France
Edouard Philippe has announced it on Thursday May 28, 2020: phase two of France's containment exit plan allows musuems and monuments to reopen eveyrwhere in France. Starting from June 2, 2020, we can go back to museums, but with a facemask on all along our visit. [Read more]

Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés"Coronavirus et Chloroquine : l'IHU du professeur Raoult "continuera les traitements les plus adaptés" Coronavirus and chloroquine: Professor Raoult will “continue the most fitted treatments”
Even though prescribing hydroxychloroquine to fight against novel coronavirus has been banned, professor Didier Raoult has said he was not to change course after saying the study in The Lancet was “crap”. [Read more]

Coronavirus : 74% des français se seraient découvert une nouvelle passionCoronavirus : 74% des français se seraient découvert une nouvelle passionCoronavirus : 74% des français se seraient découvert une nouvelle passionCoronavirus : 74% des français se seraient découvert une nouvelle passion Coronavirus: 74% of the French are said to have found a new passion during lockdown
As France keeps on exiting containment, a study gives an update on hobbies and French for the 55 days of lockdown. Leisure, passions, culture, and even personal development, what is the result? [Read more]

Coronavirus : la maison de Claude Monet à Giverny en visite virtuelleCoronavirus : la maison de Claude Monet à Giverny en visite virtuelleCoronavirus : la maison de Claude Monet à Giverny en visite virtuelleCoronavirus : la maison de Claude Monet à Giverny en visite virtuelle Claude Monet’s house et gardens in Giverny to reopen in May
The Fondation Claude Monet à Giverny expects you from May 19, 2021 to enjoy its new cultural season. The house and gardens of the impressionist master open up again to the public for wonderful strolls in the footsteps of Monet. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'hydroxychloroquine n'est plus autorisée en FranceCoronavirus : l'hydroxychloroquine n'est plus autorisée en FranceCoronavirus : l'hydroxychloroquine n'est plus autorisée en FranceCoronavirus : l'hydroxychloroquine n'est plus autorisée en France Coronavirus: France bans hydroxychloroquine
According to a decree published this May 27th in the Journal Officiel, the French government has decided to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une pétition pour lancer une "journée de deuil national"Coronavirus : une pétition pour lancer une "journée de deuil national"Coronavirus : une pétition pour lancer une "journée de deuil national"Coronavirus : une pétition pour lancer une "journée de deuil national" Coronavirus: a petition to launch a “national mourning day”
A group of families who lost someone because of coronavirus have launched a petition proposing to create a “national mourning day”. A day dedicated to all people impacted to remember and grieve those they lost and could not say goodbye to. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ? Coronavirus: towards a wave of redundancies in France?
Will France have to face a wave of redundancies? According to an inquiry published on May 21st in Le Parisien, 22% of companies surveyed are considering redundancies in the upcoming months. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une immunité temporaire détectée chez des soignants contaminésCoronavirus : une immunité temporaire détectée chez des soignants contaminésCoronavirus : une immunité temporaire détectée chez des soignants contaminésCoronavirus : une immunité temporaire détectée chez des soignants contaminés Coronavirus: temporary immunity noticed in contaminated nursing staff
According to a study by the Institut Pasteur, several members of the nursing staff have been contaminated by Covid-19 and have developed temporary immunity, momentarily protecting them from a new infection. [Read more]

Un appel franco-allemand pour rouvrir rapidement les frontières en EuropeUn appel franco-allemand pour rouvrir rapidement les frontières en EuropeUn appel franco-allemand pour rouvrir rapidement les frontières en EuropeUn appel franco-allemand pour rouvrir rapidement les frontières en Europe France and Germany call for European borders to quickly reopen
French National Assembly president Richard Ferrand and his German counterpart Wolfgang Schäuble speak in favor of quickly reopening the European borders “as soon as the conditions are met”. [Read more]

Visuel Paris Petit PalaisVisuel Paris Petit PalaisVisuel Paris Petit PalaisVisuel Paris Petit Palais Coronavirus: Paris museums to reopen
To face coronavirus and the economic crisis, Paris deputy mayor for Culture Christophe Girard has announced a few weeks ago that museums depending on the city will be allowed to partially open again mid-June regarding post-confinement health measures are upheld. What museums are concerned? We tell you everything! [Read more]

Visuel Paris Seine pont Alexandre IIIVisuel Paris Seine pont Alexandre IIIVisuel Paris Seine pont Alexandre IIIVisuel Paris Seine pont Alexandre III Coronavirus: recession over 10% in France in 2020?
What are the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis in France? According to the European Commission, the country moght face a recession over 10% of the GDP in 2020. [Read more]

Plan de déconfinement : les annonces pour les lieux de cultesPlan de déconfinement : les annonces pour les lieux de cultesPlan de déconfinement : les annonces pour les lieux de cultesPlan de déconfinement : les annonces pour les lieux de cultes Coronavirus: religious ceremonies authorized again
A decree released in the night from May 22 to 23 in the Journal Officiel now authorizes religious ceremonies to resume from now on, but in compliance with strict rules. [Read more]

À Wuhan, la consommation d'animaux sauvages est désormais interditeÀ Wuhan, la consommation d'animaux sauvages est désormais interditeÀ Wuhan, la consommation d'animaux sauvages est désormais interditeÀ Wuhan, la consommation d'animaux sauvages est désormais interdite Coronavirus: Wuhan bans eating wild animals
In China, Wuhan – said to be the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic – now bans eating wild animals. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une pétition demande la réouverture du Puy du FouCoronavirus : une pétition demande la réouverture du Puy du FouCoronavirus : une pétition demande la réouverture du Puy du FouCoronavirus : une pétition demande la réouverture du Puy du Fou Puy du Fou 2022 and the Grand Tour, the incredible show-train coming soon
Puy du Fou returns from April 9, 2022: the famous theme park set in Vendée expects you for a 2022 season. Magnificent shows, uncommon hotels, enjoy an incredible stay with your family or friends in 2022 at Puy du Fou! Coming soon: the Grand Tour, a great show train taking you across France and history. [Read more]

Coronavirus : mer, rivière, lac... la contamination au Covid-19 est-elle possible par l'eau ?Coronavirus : mer, rivière, lac... la contamination au Covid-19 est-elle possible par l'eau ?Coronavirus : mer, rivière, lac... la contamination au Covid-19 est-elle possible par l'eau ?Coronavirus : mer, rivière, lac... la contamination au Covid-19 est-elle possible par l'eau ? Coronavirus: sea, river, lake… can Covid-19 be spread through water?
While many beaches have reopened and many people are counting on enjoying nature again and swimming in the sea, lake or river, is there any risk Covid-19 can spread through water? Let’s have a look on the matter. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la Grèce et l'Italie rouvrent leurs aéroportsCoronavirus : la Grèce et l'Italie rouvrent leurs aéroportsCoronavirus : la Grèce et l'Italie rouvrent leurs aéroportsCoronavirus : la Grèce et l'Italie rouvrent leurs aéroports Coronavirus: Greece and Italy reopen their airports
Coronavirus will not have the best of your summer holidays in the sun! Greek and Italian governments have announced they were getting ready to reopen their airports this summer to welcome European tourists again. [Read more]

Accrocamp Poissy, le nouvel accrobranche au parc du château de VilliersAccrocamp Poissy, le nouvel accrobranche au parc du château de VilliersAccrocamp Poissy, le nouvel accrobranche au parc du château de VilliersAccrocamp Poissy, le nouvel accrobranche au parc du château de Villiers Accrobranche in Île-de-France: the best tree courses to discover around Paris
It's that time of year again: accrobranches (tree climbing) courses are reopening their doors to the general public in Paris and the Île-de-France region, with adventures in the trees for all ages. [Read more]

Un député propose une amende pour punir les jets de masques dans la rueUn député propose une amende pour punir les jets de masques dans la rueUn député propose une amende pour punir les jets de masques dans la rueUn député propose une amende pour punir les jets de masques dans la rue A MP proposes to penalize masks thrown out on the street
Since facemasks have been advised – and even made compulsory in some places – it is not rare to see many of them thrown out on the ground in the streets. To fight against this new form of pollution, a MP from Alpes-Maritimes proposes to penalize people for doing so. [Read more]

Construction de cabanes au Villages NatureConstruction de cabanes au Villages NatureConstruction de cabanes au Villages NatureConstruction de cabanes au Villages Nature Ascension Day: trips outside your department allowed for the weekend
Jean Castex, aka the government’s “Mister Deconfinement”, recommended to ban trips outside your department for the Ascension weekend starting this Thursday May 21st, 2020 in order to limit to “massively take coronavirus to areas where it is not highly active so far”. A recommendation swept away by the executive. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentielles Coronavirus: Amazon reopens their French and renounces to appeal in cassation
Amazon gradually reopens the 6 French warehouses and renounces to appeal in cassation. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus : la France n'a "jamais été en rupture de masques" affirme Macron Coronavirus: France has “never been out of masks” Macron says
In a long interview with BFM TV that aired this Monday May 18, French President Emmanuel Macron returned on the State’s responsibility about the supply of masks in France. He says France has “never been out of mask” slightly admitting “there were masks”. [Read more]

EasyJet victime d'une cyberattaque, les données de 9 millions de clients piratées EasyJet victime d'une cyberattaque, les données de 9 millions de clients piratées EasyJet victime d'une cyberattaque, les données de 9 millions de clients piratées EasyJet victime d'une cyberattaque, les données de 9 millions de clients piratées EasyJet hacked, 9 million customers’ details exposed
This Wednesday May 19, EasyJet airline reveals to have been widely hacked. Email addresses and credit card details of about 9 million passengers have been exposed. [Read more]

Visuel Paris égliseVisuel Paris égliseVisuel Paris égliseVisuel Paris église Coronavirus: a memorial in tribute to victims?
According to sources close to President Emmanuel Macron and his entourage are thinking about building up a memorial in tribute to the victims of Covid-19. An idea that already sparks strong critics. [Read more]

Visuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder Mountain Disneyland offers virtual versions of the rides during lockdown
As the entire world is on lockdown because of coronavirus, Disney Parks, Disney parks’ global YouTube channel, offers a little piece of magic by inviting you to discover virtual versions of their main rides. The occasion to “have a ride” without leaving your couch. [Read more]

Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine Coronavirus: “voluntary” self-isolation for French coming from non-EU countries
Starting Wednesday May 20, 2020, French coming from non-EU countries are invited to self-isolate. But this 2-week isolation will be based on volunteering. This is what Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on May 19th on LCI. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une "Europe de la santé doit devenir notre priorité" selon Emmanuel MacronCoronavirus : une "Europe de la santé doit devenir notre priorité" selon Emmanuel MacronCoronavirus : une "Europe de la santé doit devenir notre priorité" selon Emmanuel MacronCoronavirus : une "Europe de la santé doit devenir notre priorité" selon Emmanuel Macron Coronavirus: creating an “EU Health Task Force must become our priority”, Emmanuel Macron says
Amid the fight against coronavirus, in a joint conference with Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron has said “an EU Health Task Force must become our priority”. European Union’s elusive that could come to life. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Une "initiative commune" de Macron et Merkel présentée aujourd'huiCoronavirus : Une "initiative commune" de Macron et Merkel présentée aujourd'huiCoronavirus : Une "initiative commune" de Macron et Merkel présentée aujourd'huiCoronavirus : Une "initiative commune" de Macron et Merkel présentée aujourd'hui Coronavirus: Macron and Merkel propose a 500-billion-euro recovery funds
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel has just agreed on a 500-billion-euro recovery funds on a European level. A budget envelop that will reinforce and strengthen countries and will be devoted to sectors and regions in need. This “common initiative” has yet to be voted by the European Commission and the 27 EU countries. [Read more]

Le LouvreLe LouvreLe LouvreLe Louvre Coronavirus: over a museum in ten threatened by permanent closure
On International Museum Day on Monday May 18, 2020, UNESCO and ICOM gives an update on the situation of these cultural places amid the coronavirus epidemic. According to them, 13% of museums forced to close might not reopen ever again. [Read more]

Photos : La Roseraie du val-de-MarnePhotos : La Roseraie du val-de-MarnePhotos : La Roseraie du val-de-MarnePhotos : La Roseraie du val-de-Marne Rendez-vous aux Jardins 2025: dates and theme of the next event in Paris and the Ile-de-France region
Rendez-vous aux Jardins returns for its 22nd edition, from June 6 to 8, 2025, in over 2,200 public and private parks and gardens. The program includes guided tours, exhibitions, workshops and encounters, with a special theme highlighting botanical heritage. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le bilan sanitaire du déconfinement d'ici fin mai, d'après VéranCoronavirus : le bilan sanitaire du déconfinement d'ici fin mai, d'après VéranCoronavirus : le bilan sanitaire du déconfinement d'ici fin mai, d'après VéranCoronavirus : le bilan sanitaire du déconfinement d'ici fin mai, d'après Véran Coronavirus: Véran says the deconfinement’s assessment will be available by the end of May
The deconfinement’s assessment is said to be disclosed by the end of May, according to Health Minister Olivier Véran. First assessment, the number of hospitalizations keeps on decreasing and 25 new clusters have appeared in France. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ? Coronavirus: 25 new clusters since containment exit has started
Will containment exit happen along with a second contamination wave? Health minister Olivier Véran has just announced that 25 new clusters in France were reported, including three in Ile-de-France in a home for young workers in Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine. [Read more]

Réforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreurRéforme du système de santé : Macron reconnaît une erreur Health system reform: Macron acknowledges an error
Visiting the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron has acknowledged the government “undoubtedly made an error in the strategy announced” as for the health system reform [Read more]

Coronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écoles Schools: 70 Covid-19 cases reported in 40,000 schools open
Since May 11th, 2020, schools are allowed to welcome their students again. Yet, the first week of containment exit, suspicious cases of coronavirus have causing some of them to close again. As of Monday May 18th, 2020, 70 covid-19 cases have been reported in the 40,000 schools open. [Read more]

Coronavirus : masques jetés au sol, vers une nouvelle forme de pollution ?Coronavirus : masques jetés au sol, vers une nouvelle forme de pollution ?Coronavirus : masques jetés au sol, vers une nouvelle forme de pollution ?Coronavirus : masques jetés au sol, vers une nouvelle forme de pollution ? Coronavirus: masks thrown on the ground, a new form of pollution?
As France is exiting containment, it is not rare to see protective face masks thrown on the ground. A new form of pollution leading to wonder about recycling barrier masks as they are being more and more common amid the coronavirus epidemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Des cas de défaillance cardiaque chez l'enfant, semblable à la maladie de KawasakiCoronavirus : Des cas de défaillance cardiaque chez l'enfant, semblable à la maladie de KawasakiCoronavirus : Des cas de défaillance cardiaque chez l'enfant, semblable à la maladie de KawasakiCoronavirus : Des cas de défaillance cardiaque chez l'enfant, semblable à la maladie de Kawasaki Coronavirus and Kawasaki disease: genetic factor and first child death
For several weeks, a connection has been made by dosctors between the coronavirus infection and the Kawasaki disease in children leading to heart failures. This Tuesday May 12th, the Health general management announced 125 Kawasaki cases have been reported in France these past few weeks. A genetic factor could explain the link between the two diseases. [Read more]

La France impose une quarantaine aux personnes venant d'EspagneLa France impose une quarantaine aux personnes venant d'EspagneLa France impose une quarantaine aux personnes venant d'EspagneLa France impose une quarantaine aux personnes venant d'Espagne France will impose quarantine to people coming from Spain
France is considering imposing quarantine to people coming from Spain, for the sake of reciprocity with the similar measures implemented in Spain earlier this week. [Read more]

Le Coronavirus a infecté 4,4% de la population française, selon l'Institut PasteurLe Coronavirus a infecté 4,4% de la population française, selon l'Institut PasteurLe Coronavirus a infecté 4,4% de la population française, selon l'Institut PasteurLe Coronavirus a infecté 4,4% de la population française, selon l'Institut Pasteur Coronavirus has infected 4.4% of the French population, the Institut Pasteur says
The Institut Pasteur releases a study saying coronavirus has infected 4.4% of the French population. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la CNIL va contrôler les fichiers de traçage Contact CovidCoronavirus : la CNIL va contrôler les fichiers de traçage Contact CovidCoronavirus : la CNIL va contrôler les fichiers de traçage Contact CovidCoronavirus : la CNIL va contrôler les fichiers de traçage Contact Covid Coronavirus: the French Data Protection Authority to control Covid contact tracing files
In France, the fight against the coronavirus epidemic led to the creation of the Sl-DEP and Contact Covid tools in order to carry on health investigations to find contact cases. They will be implemented this Wednesday May 13, 2020 and the French Data Protection Authority, or CNIL, will control the files to make sure there is no abuse as on sensitive data. [Read more]

Les contrôles à la frontière franco-allemande prolongés mais assouplis annonce CastanerLes contrôles à la frontière franco-allemande prolongés mais assouplis annonce CastanerLes contrôles à la frontière franco-allemande prolongés mais assouplis annonce CastanerLes contrôles à la frontière franco-allemande prolongés mais assouplis annonce Castaner Controls at the French-German border extended but made softer, Castaner says
Following the coronavirus epidemic that keeps on spreading across the world and Europe, Christophe Castaner announced controls at the French-German border will go on until June 15th but made softer. [Read more]

Déconfinement : Les recommandations de la Commission EuropéenneDéconfinement : Les recommandations de la Commission EuropéenneDéconfinement : Les recommandations de la Commission EuropéenneDéconfinement : Les recommandations de la Commission Européenne The European Commission to soon present a tourism recovery plan
This May 13th, the European Commission is said to pass a series of measures in order to save the summer season of the tourism sector. [Read more]

Eurovision 2020 : comment se passera la soirée ?Eurovision 2020 : comment se passera la soirée ?Eurovision 2020 : comment se passera la soirée ?Eurovision 2020 : comment se passera la soirée ? Eurovision 2020: how will the show go on?
Said to take place on Saturday May 16th, the Eurovision song contest has been cancelled over the coronavirus epidemic. Yet, candidates will still participate to the special night hosted by Stéphane Bern. How will the show go on? Here are some explanations. [Read more]

Visuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la Tournelle Coronavirus: the Ministry of Culture launches a contingency funds for performing arts
To protect the show business sector from the economic crisis, the State, the City of Paris, the ASTP and the Adami came up with a contingency funds for performing arts. This funds applies to unsubsidized theaters, private tour organizers and performing art companies hit by confinement. [Read more]

La perte de l'odorat, un nouveau symptôme du CoronavirusLa perte de l'odorat, un nouveau symptôme du CoronavirusLa perte de l'odorat, un nouveau symptôme du CoronavirusLa perte de l'odorat, un nouveau symptôme du Coronavirus Losing your sense of smell really is a major coronavirus symptom, a study says
A study carried out on 1,420 patients in 18 hospitals in Europe shows losing your sense of smell really is a major coronavirus infection symptom. [Read more]

Déconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseau Certificate for trips over 100km to print out, download or have on your smartphone
Starting from May 11th, trips outside your home department are limited to 100km as the crow flies, excluding pressing business and family matters. A new certificate to copy out, print out or download on your smartphone if need be and available on the government's website. But distance restriction does not apply if you travel within your home department. [Read more]

Déconfinement : des coupons d'accès obligatoires à bord de certains TER dans cinq régions de FranceDéconfinement : des coupons d'accès obligatoires à bord de certains TER dans cinq régions de FranceDéconfinement : des coupons d'accès obligatoires à bord de certains TER dans cinq régions de FranceDéconfinement : des coupons d'accès obligatoires à bord de certains TER dans cinq régions de France Deconfinement: compulsory access vouchers aboard some TER trains in five regions in France
Digital vouchers to download for free to get aboard a TER train in Normandy, Occitanie and even in Hauts-de-France? This is what the SNCF announced in order to limit the number of travelers in regional trains, starting from May 11th. [Read more]

Déconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirus Deconfinement: protocol to respect for people tested positive for coronavirus
This Thursday May 7th Edouard Philippe presented the government’s deconfinement plan to French. Statements have been made as for people who tested positive for Covid-19? Discover the details of this protocol. [Read more]

Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro Employer’s certificate in Île-de- France public transit to download or online
Île-de-France inhabitants will need an “employer’s certificate”, or “Attestion employeur” in French, to ride public transit at peak hours and go to work starting from May 11th. Ile-de-France region President has had this proposition listed in a charter signed this Wednesday with the State, the local authorities, employers, union trades and public transit operators and validated by the government. This certificate will be mandatory at peak hours between 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. upon penalization. The Police Prefecture confirmed tolerance will be shown until Tuesday May 12th. [Read more]

Coronavirus, plages et littoral : après la Bretagne, la Normandie demande leur réouvertureCoronavirus, plages et littoral : après la Bretagne, la Normandie demande leur réouvertureCoronavirus, plages et littoral : après la Bretagne, la Normandie demande leur réouvertureCoronavirus, plages et littoral : après la Bretagne, la Normandie demande leur réouverture Coronavirus, beaches and coastline: after Brittany, Normandy asks to reopen them
Despite coronavirus, the debate on beaches could resume with greater intensity… After Brittany, it’s Normandy’s turn to ask the government, through a petition, to reopen the coastline from May 11th, after Jean Castex, aka “Mister Deconfinement”, has announced this Wednesday May 6th that beaches will reopen only on June 2nd. [Read more]

Le Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénové Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron's plan for culture
Since this past March 17th, the culture world is seriously hit by the health crisis. In order to support this sector and artists that keep it alive, on Wednesday May 6th, French President Emmanuel Macron met several culture players. Reopening museums and bookstores, rehearsals resuming, creation of a temporary compensation fund for shots cancelled and extension of temporary show business workers' rights to August 2021... Here's an update. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les propositions d'Anne Hidalgo pour sortir Paris du confinementCoronavirus : les propositions d'Anne Hidalgo pour sortir Paris du confinementCoronavirus : les propositions d'Anne Hidalgo pour sortir Paris du confinementCoronavirus : les propositions d'Anne Hidalgo pour sortir Paris du confinement Deconfinement: bikeways, schools, parks and gardens... Anne Hidalgo’s propositions to lift confinement in Paris
This May 5th, interviewed by Le Parisien, Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo detailed her propositions to lift confinement. Bikeways, reopening parks, gardens and woods in town, gradual reopening of schools on May 14th... Paris Mayor already said 2 million cloth facemasks to be given for free, massive screening testing, remote working extended beyond May 11. Let's have an update. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundi Coronavirus: all metro stations open, traffic forecast in Paris on June 22
Since May 11th, first day of the containment exit, the public transportation public in Paris and Ile-de-France has improved. All statiosn are open, and here is the traffic forecast for Monday June 22, in Paris and Ile-de-France. [Read more]

visuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphevisuel Paris arc de triomphe Coronavirus: Bob Sinclar's show from the top of the Arc de Triomphe postponed
French DJ Bob Sinclar was to perform this Monday May 4, 2020 at 8:02 p.m. (CEST) from the top of the Arc de Triomphe, facing the Champs Elysées for a show said to air live. A performance for a good cause as all funds collected will be donated to charities. Yet, the show has been postponed to a later date. [Read more]

Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro Coronavirus: 2 million facemasks given in 400 Ile-de-France stations from May 11
While deconfinement is said to start on May 11, 2020, Ile-de-France president Valérie Pécresse announces two million facemasks will be given for free to Ile-de-France train travelers. They will be given from Monday May 11 in 400 stations in Ile-de-France. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en communCoronavirus : les masques probablement obligatoires dans les transports en commun Masks to be compulsory in public transit: security officers could fine
This April 28, Edouard Philippe presented the government's deconfinement plan to the National Assembly. In his speech, the Prime Minister said facemasks will be compulsory in public transit starting from May 11. Invited on Europe 1 radio station on April 29, Minister of Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said "there will be sanctions if you were no mask in public transit". Statements confirmed by Christophe Castaner this May 2, at the end of the council of Ministers. [Read more]

Turner, peintures et aquarelles de la Tate au musée Jacquemart AndréTurner, peintures et aquarelles de la Tate au musée Jacquemart AndréTurner, peintures et aquarelles de la Tate au musée Jacquemart AndréTurner, peintures et aquarelles de la Tate au musée Jacquemart André Turner exhibition at the Musée Jacquemart-André - closed
The exhibition devoted to William Turner at the Musée Jacquemart-André takes us on a wonderful journey. It includes paintings and watercolors from London's famous Tate Museum. The exhibition remains closed until further notice. [Read more]

La carte du déconfinement par département : la France métropolitaine en vertLa carte du déconfinement par département : la France métropolitaine en vertLa carte du déconfinement par département : la France métropolitaine en vertLa carte du déconfinement par département : la France métropolitaine en vert Deconfinement map by department: Metropolitan France in green
This Sunday June 14, 2020 Emmanuel Macron announced that starting from tomorrow, metropolitan France will be green. From June 15, 2020 only Mayotte and French Guiana will remain a red point of vigilance. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le message aux français d'Emmanuel Macron ce 1er mai 2020Coronavirus : le message aux français d'Emmanuel Macron ce 1er mai 2020Coronavirus : le message aux français d'Emmanuel Macron ce 1er mai 2020Coronavirus : le message aux français d'Emmanuel Macron ce 1er mai 2020 Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron’s message to French this May 1st, 2020
French President Emmanuel Macron sends a message to French on his Twitter account as part of the French Labor Day to share this special day that “seems like no other”. [Read more]

Déconfinement : la décision finale se fera le 7 mai !Déconfinement : la décision finale se fera le 7 mai !Déconfinement : la décision finale se fera le 7 mai !Déconfinement : la décision finale se fera le 7 mai ! Deconfinement: the final decision will be made this May 7th, but on what criteria?
Starting from Thursday April 30th, Health Minister Olivier Véran will present a COVID-19 forecast on a daily evening-basis! Number of new cases, beds available in hospitals, everything is assessed to plan deconfinement. Yes, but we will not have to wait until May 10th to know if we will be allowed out on May 11th, decision will be made on the evening on May 7th! [Read more]

Visuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit Palais May 2025 in Paris: attractive exhibitions to see in the capital and the Paris region
What's there to see in May 2025 in Paris and the Île-de-France region? The program of new exhibitions is on its way, and promises some great discoveries! [Read more]

Que faire à Paris ce 1er Mai 2024 férié, les bons plans ouvertsQue faire à Paris ce 1er Mai 2024 férié, les bons plans ouvertsQue faire à Paris ce 1er Mai 2024 férié, les bons plans ouvertsQue faire à Paris ce 1er Mai 2024 férié, les bons plans ouverts What to do in Paris this May 1st 2024, public holiday, good open plans
What to do this Wednesday 1ᵉʳ May 2024 in and around Paris, Labor Day? A real public holiday, the first sees many places close to us, so to make sure you don't find yourself with your beak in the water, Sortiraparis nets you the places that are open and the good plans for spending a good Bank Holiday Monday. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le nombre de décès survenu à domicile sera connu en juinCoronavirus : le nombre de décès survenu à domicile sera connu en juinCoronavirus : le nombre de décès survenu à domicile sera connu en juinCoronavirus : le nombre de décès survenu à domicile sera connu en juin Coronavirus: the number of deaths at home will be known in June
This is what announced this Wednesday April 29, 2020 Health Minister Olivier Véran. So far, only the number of deaths in hospitals and nursing homes and related to coronavirus has been made public. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Le tocilizumab, le nouveau médicament prometteurCoronavirus : Le tocilizumab, le nouveau médicament prometteurCoronavirus : Le tocilizumab, le nouveau médicament prometteurCoronavirus : Le tocilizumab, le nouveau médicament prometteur Tocilizumab, the covid treatment to dramatically reduce deaths, Recovery says
This Thursday February 11, the Oxford University released the results of Recovery clinical trial on Tocilizumab, a medication generally used in rheumatology, but here, it is used to lower the number of Covid patients in ICU. And results are particularly encouraging, echoing the study led in April 2020 by AP-HP. Here is more on the matter. [Read more]

Déconfinement le 11 mai : les déplacements toujours limités à l'intérieur des régionsDéconfinement le 11 mai : les déplacements toujours limités à l'intérieur des régionsDéconfinement le 11 mai : les déplacements toujours limités à l'intérieur des régionsDéconfinement le 11 mai : les déplacements toujours limités à l'intérieur des régions Can we get away beyond 100km for Pentecost weekend?
When presenting phase 2 of the containment exit plan, PM Edouard Philippe announced trips will no longer be limited to 100km. But this restriction will end on June 2. It is then out of the question to go further than 100km from your home for Pentecost weekend. [Read more]

Visuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourgVisuel Paris jardin du luxembourg Coronavirus: lockdown exit plan, announcements as for gatherings
During an interview with the regional daily press, Emmanuel Macron announced his four-step lockdown exit strategy, revealed this Thursday April 29, 2021 by our peers from Europe 1. A lockdown exit plan that plans - like in May 2020 - to limit gatherings. Keep reading to find out more! [Read more]

Coronavirus : quelles conséquences pour les JO Paris 2024 ? Coronavirus : quelles conséquences pour les JO Paris 2024 ? Coronavirus : quelles conséquences pour les JO Paris 2024 ? Coronavirus : quelles conséquences pour les JO Paris 2024 ? Coronavirus: consequences on Paris Olympics 2024?
As Tokyo Olympics 2020 are officially postponed to 2021, many questions are still without an answer as for the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on Paris 2024. Work sites shut down, sponsoring contracts, new budget: somes voices are getting louder among the IOC to "rethink" the Olympics. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Le virus détecté dans des particules d'air polluéCoronavirus : Le virus détecté dans des particules d'air polluéCoronavirus : Le virus détecté dans des particules d'air polluéCoronavirus : Le virus détecté dans des particules d'air pollué Coronavirus: the virus detected on air pollution particles
Italian scientists have found a gene highly specific to coronavirus in sample of polluted air, collected at an industrial site in norther Italy. [Read more]

Air France : un plan de départs volontaires pour pallier la criseAir France : un plan de départs volontaires pour pallier la criseAir France : un plan de départs volontaires pour pallier la criseAir France : un plan de départs volontaires pour pallier la crise Air France: voluntary redundancy plan to overcome the crisis
To overcome the economic crisis due to coronavirus, Air France has announced to start a voluntary redundancy plan as part of the airline’s restructuring. A measure decided by the company in addition to the €7-billion help from the French State. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier Véran France's containment exit plan: sum up
Edouard Philippe and 6 other Ministers presented the government's deconfinement plan this Thursday afternoon to the French. They revealed at the same time the latest red-green area map by department. Here is what we already know about the strategy proposed. [Read more]

Coronavirus : une première classe d'école fermée à Paris Coronavirus : une première classe d'école fermée à Paris Coronavirus : une première classe d'école fermée à Paris Coronavirus : une première classe d'école fermée à Paris Schools to reopen: recommendations from the Academy of Medicine
While the containment exit scenario is getting clearer, it’s now all about reopening schools. This Thursday April 23, 2020, the Academy of Medicine shared their recommendations. [Read more]

Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023 SNCF's deconfinement: 50% of the TER traffic and 60% of the Transilien traffic working from May 11th
The SNCF is getting ready for a difficult containment exit starting from May 11th, 2020. Jean-Baptiste Djebbari and SNCF group CEO Christophe Fanichet presented the train company's deconfinement plan. Mandatory facemasks, filtering system and even details as for the inflow forecasted, everything has been thought up so that the passengers can travel the best way possible. Note that the SNCF says 50% of the TER and 60% of the Transilien trains will be working from Monday May 11th. [Read more]

Coronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’EtatCoronavirus: Un "soutien massif" pour Air France de la part de l’Etat The European Commission validates the French government's 7 billion-euro aid to Air France
Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire guarantees Air France will enjoy a 7billion euro support from the French government to help the airline recover from the crisis. This Monday May 4, the European Commission validated this support. [Read more]

Coronavirus : entretien et lavage de son masque en tissu, comment bien le désinfecter ?Coronavirus : entretien et lavage de son masque en tissu, comment bien le désinfecter ?Coronavirus : entretien et lavage de son masque en tissu, comment bien le désinfecter ?Coronavirus : entretien et lavage de son masque en tissu, comment bien le désinfecter ? Coronavirus: non-surgical masks on sale in tobacco stores from May 4th
Washable and reusable masks will be available on sale in tobacco stores starting from April 30 for priority professionals and from May 4 for the general public. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Le Festival d’Annecy passe en ligne en juin 2020Coronavirus : Le Festival d’Annecy passe en ligne en juin 2020Coronavirus : Le Festival d’Annecy passe en ligne en juin 2020Coronavirus : Le Festival d’Annecy passe en ligne en juin 2020 Coronavirus: Annecy Festival airs online in June 2020
Annecy International Animated Movie Festival – said to celebrate its 60th anniversary this year – will air online for the first time ever. Let’s discover together the first part of the program of the festival that will air online from June 15 to 30, 2020. [Read more]

Peut-on attraper le coronavirus deux fois ?Peut-on attraper le coronavirus deux fois ?Peut-on attraper le coronavirus deux fois ?Peut-on attraper le coronavirus deux fois ? Can you catch coronavirus twice?
This is a question many people ask after some patients cured have been tested positive for coronavirus another time. [Read more]

Covid : vers un déconfinement progressif en France ? Ce que prévoit MacronCovid : vers un déconfinement progressif en France ? Ce que prévoit MacronCovid : vers un déconfinement progressif en France ? Ce que prévoit MacronCovid : vers un déconfinement progressif en France ? Ce que prévoit Macron Progressive lockdown exit in France: Macron's guidelines
This Tuesday evening, President Macron detailed the lockdown exit strategy said to rely on several steps including a bi-monthly update. Reopening of stores, extended trips, reopening of places of worship will be followed by the lockdown lifting on December 15, at the same time as movie theaters, museums and theaters. Then, if the situation allows it, it will be time for gyms, restaurants, high schools and colleges to reopen. [Read more]

Coronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut Pasteur Coronavirus: the Institut Pasteur express reservations about herd immunity
The Institut Pasteur released a sero-epidemiologic study based on tests detecting antibodies in a high school in Oise. Results show the immunity threshold is currently not enough to consider herd immunity in France while deconfinement is getting just around the corner. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus: the Academy of Medicine demands mandatory facemask now
This Wednesday April 22, 2020 the Academy of Medicine demanded anti-projection face masks to be “mandatory in public space” in order to fight against the covid-19 epidemic. The institution insists on the urge to go further than an “average recommendation” as encouraged by the government. [Read more]

Coronavirus : pas de supporters dans les stades avant l'automne 2021 d'après les scientifiques Coronavirus : pas de supporters dans les stades avant l'automne 2021 d'après les scientifiques Coronavirus : pas de supporters dans les stades avant l'automne 2021 d'après les scientifiques Coronavirus : pas de supporters dans les stades avant l'automne 2021 d'après les scientifiques Coronavirus: no supporters in stadium before Fall 2021, scientists recommend
While the coronavirus epidemic is slightly slowing down and governments are getting ready for gradual deconfinement, scientists think the public should return to stadiums not before Fall 2021. A hypothesis that is not an option now for the world soccer governing bodies. [Read more]

Coronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut PasteurCoronavirus: Moins de 6% des Français ont été infectés d’après l’Institut Pasteur Coronavirus: The Institut Pasteur says hasty deconfinement could lead to a high risk of a second wave
Less than 6% of French have been infected by coronavirus. A percentage too law to avoid a second epidemic wave, the Institut Pasteur says. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un déconfinement progressif pour éviter une deuxième vague ?Coronavirus : un déconfinement progressif pour éviter une deuxième vague ?Coronavirus : un déconfinement progressif pour éviter une deuxième vague ?Coronavirus : un déconfinement progressif pour éviter une deuxième vague ? Coronavirus: deconfinement is not the end of Covid-19 WHO says
WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus, who already alerted on a brutal deconfinement that could lead to a second coronavirus wave, sounds the alarm again and says this Monday: "We want to re-emphasize that easing restrictions is not the end of the epidemic in any country" [Read more]

Visite de la Grande Mosquée de ParisVisite de la Grande Mosquée de ParisVisite de la Grande Mosquée de ParisVisite de la Grande Mosquée de Paris Ramadan and coronavirus: WHO's recommendations
As Ramadan 2021 is just around the corner, practicing Muslims may have many questions amid the coronavirus epidemic. Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued recommendations for this month of fasting. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Air France distribue des masques à ses passagers si nécessaireCoronavirus : Air France distribue des masques à ses passagers si nécessaireCoronavirus : Air France distribue des masques à ses passagers si nécessaireCoronavirus : Air France distribue des masques à ses passagers si nécessaire Coronavirus: Air France gives masks to passengers if need be
Amid the health crisis, while the air transport and tourism sectors are suffering from the crisis, Air France airline announces this Monday April 20 that facemasks will be given to passengers flying on packed flights. Only “in cases social distancing is not possible” and for those who don’t have any. [Read more]

Coronavirus : dépistage pour toutes les personnes présentant des symptômes à compter du 11 maiCoronavirus : dépistage pour toutes les personnes présentant des symptômes à compter du 11 maiCoronavirus : dépistage pour toutes les personnes présentant des symptômes à compter du 11 maiCoronavirus : dépistage pour toutes les personnes présentant des symptômes à compter du 11 mai Coronavirus: 700,000 virologic tests per week starting from May 11
This Tuesday April 28, Edouard Philippe spoke to the National Assembly to present the government's deconfinement plan. As for testing, the Prime Minister announces 700,000 virologic tests per week starting from May 11, along with a motto: "Protecting, testing, isolating". [Read more]

Coronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai DiscoveryCoronavirus : le point sur l'essai Discovery Coronavirus: update on the Discovery trial, Europe struggling to participate
Where is the Discovery trial at, this European clinical trial testing four experimental treatments against coronavirus? Let's have an update! [Read more]

Coronavirus : la stratégie du gouvernement face à l'épidémieCoronavirus : la stratégie du gouvernement face à l'épidémieCoronavirus : la stratégie du gouvernement face à l'épidémieCoronavirus : la stratégie du gouvernement face à l'épidémie Coronavirus: update on the French government’s strategy against the epidemic
While confinement is extended to May 11th, 2020, this Sunday April 19, 2020, Edouard Philippe gave an update on the government’s strategy against the coronavirus epidemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : comment la Mairie de Paris s'organise en période de confinement Coronavirus : comment la Mairie de Paris s'organise en période de confinement Coronavirus : comment la Mairie de Paris s'organise en période de confinement Coronavirus : comment la Mairie de Paris s'organise en période de confinement Coronavirus: the Council of State limits mayors’ powers
The Council of State has limited mayors’ powers as to take measures different from those from the State, excluding “imperative reasons” as part of the health emergency. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Orange a déjà une application de traçage des contactsCoronavirus : Orange a déjà une application de traçage des contactsCoronavirus : Orange a déjà une application de traçage des contactsCoronavirus : Orange a déjà une application de traçage des contacts Coronavirus: Orange already has a contact-tracking application
This is the message from Orange CEO Stephane Richard to the government! The iconic French phone is said to have already developed an application prototype ready to socially track contacts via Bluetooth and said to be deployed soon to guarantee follow-up and limit the propagation of the coronavirus epidemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Non, Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron ne font pas de Jet Ski pendant le confinementCoronavirus : Non, Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron ne font pas de Jet Ski pendant le confinementCoronavirus : Non, Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron ne font pas de Jet Ski pendant le confinementCoronavirus : Non, Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron ne font pas de Jet Ski pendant le confinement Coronavirus: has Macron really gone jet-skiing during confinement?
While France is on lockdown since March 17, 2020, many people think French President pays no heed to the rules he implements and goes on vacation with his family or jet-skies with his wife. Let’s give you an update on fake news spreading across the internet on that matter. [Read more]

Japan Expo 2019 - CosplayJapan Expo 2019 - CosplayJapan Expo 2019 - CosplayJapan Expo 2019 - Cosplay Japan Expo 2021 cancelled over the health crisis
Japan Expo is cancelled over the health crisis this year as well. Faced with uncertainties as for the coming months, the promoters of the event prefered postponing the event to 2022. [Read more]

Gay Pride 2011 à ParisGay Pride 2011 à ParisGay Pride 2011 à ParisGay Pride 2011 à Paris Marche des Fiertés 2024: the LGBTQI+ parade returns to Paris, the route
The Marche des Fiertés lesbiennes, gays, bis, trans, queers, intersexes (LGBTQI+), formerly known as Gay Pride, announces its return to Paris this summer, with the 2024 edition scheduled for Saturday June 29. This year, the parade will set off from the Porte de la Villette to the Place de la République, where the traditional Podium will be held. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la pratique sportive aussi interdite en journée dans cinq départements d'île de FranceCoronavirus : la pratique sportive aussi interdite en journée dans cinq départements d'île de FranceCoronavirus : la pratique sportive aussi interdite en journée dans cinq départements d'île de FranceCoronavirus : la pratique sportive aussi interdite en journée dans cinq départements d'île de France Coronavirus: outdoor workout during the day allowed again almost everywhere in Ile-de-France
After following Paris' example, most of Ile-de-France is allowing workout during the day again. The ban of running between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. remains yet in force in some cities in Val-de-Marne and in Paris. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le Tour de France 2020 reporté au 29 août Coronavirus : le Tour de France 2020 reporté au 29 août Coronavirus : le Tour de France 2020 reporté au 29 août Coronavirus : le Tour de France 2020 reporté au 29 août Tour de France 2023: results of stage 20 of the Grande Boucle
The Tour de France is back for another edition! From July 1 to 23, 2023, 21 impressive stages will see the best cyclists battle it out on the roads of France for the yellow jersey. Follow the results of this new day. [Read more]

Fnac Live Paris 2022 avec Keren Ann, Jane Birkin, Clara Luciani : on y était, on vous raconteFnac Live Paris 2022 avec Keren Ann, Jane Birkin, Clara Luciani : on y était, on vous raconteFnac Live Paris 2022 avec Keren Ann, Jane Birkin, Clara Luciani : on y était, on vous raconteFnac Live Paris 2022 avec Keren Ann, Jane Birkin, Clara Luciani : on y était, on vous raconte Fnac Live Paris 2023: cancellation of the third and final evening this Friday
After two festive evenings and 20 free concerts on the Hôtel de Ville forecourt and in its salons, Fnac Live is sadly coming to an end. As reported by BFMTV, the final evening of the festival, originally scheduled for Friday June 30 and featuring Aime Simone, Hervé and Selah Sue, has been cancelled due to the violence and riots currently affecting the Île-de-France region. [Read more]

Visuel Paris 8e - Grand PalaisVisuel Paris 8e - Grand PalaisVisuel Paris 8e - Grand PalaisVisuel Paris 8e - Grand Palais Art Paris 2025: the contemporary art fair returns to the Grand Palais in Paris, dates announced
The not-to-be-missed Art Paris fair returns to the Grand Palais from April 3 to 6, 2025. Over 900 artists will gather to celebrate this 27th edition. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron lundi 13 avrilCoronavirus : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron lundi 13 avrilCoronavirus : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron lundi 13 avrilCoronavirus : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron lundi 13 avril Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on Monday April 13th
This Monday April 13, 2020 French President Emmanuel Macron addressed to French people in a televised address airing at 8 p.m. In addition to extending confinement to May 11, 2020, the Head of State gave the mainlines of his “post May-11 plan” and his commitment to help the most vulnerable people and those the most impacted by the pandemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus à Paris : l'inquiétude des restaurants et des hôtelsCoronavirus à Paris : l'inquiétude des restaurants et des hôtelsCoronavirus à Paris : l'inquiétude des restaurants et des hôtelsCoronavirus à Paris : l'inquiétude des restaurants et des hôtels Coronavirus in Paris: restaurants, bars, movie theaters, museums... what closes during the lockdown
Emmanuel Macron has decided to implement a new lockdown starting October 30, 2020 and until December 1 at the earliest. Many places are then closing to the public. Keep reading to find out more. [Read more]

Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Coronavirus: confinement extended to May 11th in France
Monday April 13 as of evening, French President announced on a televised address that confinement will be extended up to May 11th in France. An annoucement made along with several measures as for resuming activities. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers un confinement jusqu'à la fin de l'année pour les personnes âgées ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement jusqu'à la fin de l'année pour les personnes âgées ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement jusqu'à la fin de l'année pour les personnes âgées ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement jusqu'à la fin de l'année pour les personnes âgées ? Coronavirus: elderly and vulnerable people encouraged to stay home until the end of confinement
In his televised address on April 13, 2020, French President Emmanuel Macron asked elderly people as well as vulnerable people and those suffering from chronic disease to stay confined home even after May 11th, the day confinement is said to be lifted in France. What age category is it about? Here are answers! [Read more]

Paris : plus de 4000 étudiants confinés sur le campus de la Cité Internationale Universitaire Paris : plus de 4000 étudiants confinés sur le campus de la Cité Internationale Universitaire Paris : plus de 4000 étudiants confinés sur le campus de la Cité Internationale Universitaire Paris : plus de 4000 étudiants confinés sur le campus de la Cité Internationale Universitaire Paris: over 4000 students confined in the International University Campus
In Paris, over 4000 students from all over the world are confined in the International University Campus. How’s life getting organized during the coronavirus epidemic? [Read more]

visuel parisvisuel parisvisuel parisvisuel paris Coronavirus: why a long epidemic plateau
In France, the coronavirus epidemic seems to reach a long epidemic plateau. What does it mean and why this situation is said to last? [Read more]

Solidays 2024 - nos photos - image00006Solidays 2024 - nos photos - image00006Solidays 2024 - nos photos - image00006Solidays 2024 - nos photos - image00006 Solidays 2025 in Paris: Lamomali, Fisher, Gims, Kalash... the first names!
Solidays returns to Paris in 2025 for a new 27th edition, as festive and supportive as ever! Mark your calendars: the world-famous music festival will be back at the Hippodrome de Paris-Longchamp from Friday June 27 to Sunday June 29, 2025, with a new series of memorable concerts. On the program? Lamomali with Matthieu Chedid, Damso, Kalash, Gims, SCH, Zaho de Sagazan, Fisher, Sean Paul, Werenoi and Kompromat and James Hype! Tickets will be available in a few days. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Bayer relance sa production européenne de chloroquineCoronavirus : Bayer relance sa production européenne de chloroquineCoronavirus : Bayer relance sa production européenne de chloroquineCoronavirus : Bayer relance sa production européenne de chloroquine Coronavirus: Bayer to increase its chloroquine production in Europe
In Europe, pharmaceutical company Bayer is said to boost its production of medicines based on chloroquine in order to give them for free to governments as long as the crisis lasts. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la France double son plan économique d'urgenceCoronavirus : la France double son plan économique d'urgenceCoronavirus : la France double son plan économique d'urgenceCoronavirus : la France double son plan économique d'urgence Coronavirus: France doubles its emergency economy plan
Amid the coronavirus pandemic that caused an unprecedented economic crisis, France is getting organized to save its economy. Forecasting an even bigger recession, the government doubles, from €45 billion to €100 billion its emergency plan and delivers their first estimations. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Emmanuel Macron rencontre Didier Raoult à MarseilleCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron rencontre Didier Raoult à MarseilleCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron rencontre Didier Raoult à MarseilleCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron rencontre Didier Raoult à Marseille Coronavirus: Macron meets with Raoult, scientist’ latest study results
French President Emmanuel Macron has met French infectious disease specialist and Professor of Microbiology Didier Raoult in Marseilles this Thursday April 9, 2020 in the afternoon. The meeting – that lasted 3 hours – was the opportunity for the controversial professor to present the results of his latest studies to the French President. [Read more]

Coronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravantsCoronavirus : surpoids, âge, tabac, maladies chroniques... ces facteurs aggravants Coronavirus: obesity, age, tobacco, chronic diseases…. These aggravating factors
Age, tobacco, chronic diseases, as well as gender and blood type… What are the factors likely to aggravate the state of health of a patient tested positive for coronavirus? Let’s have a look with the latest studies released by searchers and doctors. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers une pénurie de médicaments en France ?Coronavirus : vers une pénurie de médicaments en France ?Coronavirus : vers une pénurie de médicaments en France ?Coronavirus : vers une pénurie de médicaments en France ? Coronavirus: towards medicines shortage in France?
Should France get ready to face medicines shortage? In an interview with Le Figaro, published on April 7, the Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament or French Agency for the Safety of Medicine has said they only have a “fifteen-day” window of visibility for some products. Let’s have a look on the situation. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les transfusions de plasma efficace contre la maladieCoronavirus : les transfusions de plasma efficace contre la maladieCoronavirus : les transfusions de plasma efficace contre la maladieCoronavirus : les transfusions de plasma efficace contre la maladie Coronavirus: plasma transfusions not effective against the disease, WHO says
Is plasma transfusion an effective solution against Covid? The WHO eventually addressed this matter and advises against this past December 6 after assessing data available. These data seem to show these tranfusions are useless and do not prevent severe illness and death. [Read more]

Hellfest 2023 - samedi 17 juin, nos photos - IMGP2665Hellfest 2023 - samedi 17 juin, nos photos - IMGP2665Hellfest 2023 - samedi 17 juin, nos photos - IMGP2665Hellfest 2023 - samedi 17 juin, nos photos - IMGP2665 Hellfest 2025: Linkin Park, Muse, Korn, Scorpions... the line-up by stage
Hellfest returns with four new days of concerts dedicated to extreme music. Mark your calendars: Hellfest awaits metalheads from Thursday June 19 to Sunday June 22, 2025. On the program for this new edition? Americans Linkin Park, Brits Muse, Germans Scorpions, as well as Korn, Judas Priest, Till Lindemann, The Hu, Falling in Reverse, Dream Theater, Ultra Vomit, Within Temptation, Electric Callboy and Heilung... Here's the program by day and by stage! [Read more]

Coronavirus, Paris désert Coronavirus, Paris désert Coronavirus, Paris désert Coronavirus, Paris désert Coronavirus: confinement lifted in early May? Recommendations from the scientific committee
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, confinement has been ordered until at least April 15th… But could it last up to early May? This is what recommends Covid-19 Scientific Committee head Jean-François Delfraissy. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les études clinique du vaccin contre le Covid-19 pourraient aller plus vite que prévuCoronavirus : les études clinique du vaccin contre le Covid-19 pourraient aller plus vite que prévuCoronavirus : les études clinique du vaccin contre le Covid-19 pourraient aller plus vite que prévuCoronavirus : les études clinique du vaccin contre le Covid-19 pourraient aller plus vite que prévu Coronavirus: clinical studies for the vaccine against Covid-19 quicker than expected?
Institut Pasteur scientifc head Christophe Denfert was invited this Sunday April 5 on France Info. He was really positive as for the current research for a vaccine against coronavirus, explaining clinical trials could happen quicker than expected. [Read more]

Visuels Disneyland Paris châteauVisuels Disneyland Paris châteauVisuels Disneyland Paris châteauVisuels Disneyland Paris château Coronavirus: relive Disneyland Paris magic from your home
Despite coronavirus, children and adults can be amazed by Disneyland Paris magic from their home… And for good reason, the Parisian theme park invites them to discover a new and free platform called Disneyland Paris at home providing games, entertainments and other videos to develop creativity. The park also offers the possibility to discover - or rediscover - parades and shows on their social networks: the best way to wait and enjoy the atmosphere of the resort before being able to return to the park. [Read more]

Engelures, rougeurs, urticaire... des symptômes cutanés du Covid-19 selon les dermatologuesEngelures, rougeurs, urticaire... des symptômes cutanés du Covid-19 selon les dermatologuesEngelures, rougeurs, urticaire... des symptômes cutanés du Covid-19 selon les dermatologuesEngelures, rougeurs, urticaire... des symptômes cutanés du Covid-19 selon les dermatologues Frostbites, red patches, nettle rashes… Covid-19 cutaneous symptoms according to dermatologists
Frostbites, red patches and even nettle rashes… The National Union of Dermatologists and Venereologists has announced some cutaneous signs could be symptoms of Covid-19. [Read more]

Notre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâtsNotre Dame de Paris, les photos des dégâts Good Friday celebrated in Notre-Dame de Paris in very restricted committee despite confinement
Despite confinement, Good Friday will be celebrated in Notre-Dame de Paris in very restricted committee. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un nouveau test de dépistage disponible en France Coronavirus : un nouveau test de dépistage disponible en France Coronavirus : un nouveau test de dépistage disponible en France Coronavirus : un nouveau test de dépistage disponible en France Coronavirus: a new screening test available in France
In this unprecedented health context, France tries to make as many tests as possible. A biotechnological company commercializes from Monday April 6, 2020 a new screening test for Covid-19 approved by the Institut Pasteur. [Read more]

Coronavirus : le centre d’entraînement de la FFT à Paris va accueillir des maladesCoronavirus : le centre d’entraînement de la FFT à Paris va accueillir des maladesCoronavirus : le centre d’entraînement de la FFT à Paris va accueillir des maladesCoronavirus : le centre d’entraînement de la FFT à Paris va accueillir des malades Coronavirus: French Tennis Federation training center in Paris to welcome sick
Amid the health crisis and the growing number of people infected by the virus, the French Tennis Federation has announced they will give to the disposal of the AP-HP (Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris) a part of their training center set in Paris 16th arrondissement in order to accommodate patients suffering from Covid-19 who are cured but still contagious. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la France se lance à son tour dans un essai clinique avec du plasma de patients guérisCoronavirus : la France se lance à son tour dans un essai clinique avec du plasma de patients guérisCoronavirus : la France se lance à son tour dans un essai clinique avec du plasma de patients guérisCoronavirus : la France se lance à son tour dans un essai clinique avec du plasma de patients guéris Coronavirus: France exceptionnaly allows the use of plasma from cured patients
Trating patients with plasma from cured patients is finally authorized in France. Already used since April 7th, as part of clinical trials, plasma will be used to cure patients in a serious state, even though results are not guaranteed! [Read more]

Visuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métroVisuel Paris métro Curfew from 11 p.m.: the new derogatory trip certificate to download or print
As France enters the third lockdown exit step, curfew moves to 11 p.m. The easing of this measure leads to a new version of the derogatory trip certificate. Here is where you can find it, dowload it digitally or print it out. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les mesures mises en place pour les personnes en situation de handicapCoronavirus : les mesures mises en place pour les personnes en situation de handicapCoronavirus : les mesures mises en place pour les personnes en situation de handicapCoronavirus : les mesures mises en place pour les personnes en situation de handicap Coronavirus: measures implemented for people with disabilities
This Saturday April 4, 2020, Health Minister Olivier Véran and Secretary of State Sophie Cluzel hosted a digital press conference to give details on the actions from the government to support people with disabilities. [Read more]

Coronavirus : à quand le pic de l'épidémie en France ?Coronavirus : à quand le pic de l'épidémie en France ?Coronavirus : à quand le pic de l'épidémie en France ?Coronavirus : à quand le pic de l'épidémie en France ? Coronavirus: the coronavirus epidemic is expected to peak on April 6th in Ile-de-France
While the epidemic keeps on spreading, with over 10,000 people hospitalized (including 2,301 in ICU), as of today, in Ile-de-France, the epidemic is said to peak circa April 6th. [Read more]

Coronavirus : des imprimantes 3D pour fabriquer les équipements des hôpitaux de Paris Coronavirus : des imprimantes 3D pour fabriquer les équipements des hôpitaux de Paris Coronavirus : des imprimantes 3D pour fabriquer les équipements des hôpitaux de Paris Coronavirus : des imprimantes 3D pour fabriquer les équipements des hôpitaux de Paris Coronavirus: 3D printers to build equipment for Paris hospitals
In order to answer the exponential demand from Paris hospitals in terms of medical equipment, the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) has decided to produce facemasks, protective visor or incubation tool with a 3D printer. Quickly validated by a scientific committee, the measure could provide up to 3,000 health items a week. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers un Tour de France à huis-clos ? Coronavirus : vers un Tour de France à huis-clos ? Coronavirus : vers un Tour de France à huis-clos ? Coronavirus : vers un Tour de France à huis-clos ? Coronavirus: the Tour de France will not be in camera, according to Christian Prudhomme
Will the Tour de France be held in camera only, without any spectator lining the road because of the coronavirus epidemic? This is the idea considered by Minister of Sport Roxana Maracineanu, quickly waved off by competition head Christian Prudhomme. [Read more]

La chaleur peut-elle mettre fin à l'épidémie de coronavirus ?La chaleur peut-elle mettre fin à l'épidémie de coronavirus ?La chaleur peut-elle mettre fin à l'épidémie de coronavirus ?La chaleur peut-elle mettre fin à l'épidémie de coronavirus ? Can heat put an end to the coronavirus epidemic?
If other kind of viruses such as flue are generally outbreaking in the winter, is it the same for Covid 19? To find out if heat can stop the epidemic, searchers keep on studying this question. Let’s see what the first results have to say. [Read more]

visuel parisvisuel parisvisuel parisvisuel paris Deconfinement in France: the government’s different scenarios
When and how will deconfinement happen in France? This is the question everyone is asking while confinement is said to be extended, at least until April 15th, 2020. Heard during a fact-finding mission of the National Assembly, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said the end of confinement will surely not happen “in one go, everywhere and for everyone”. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'INSEP rouvre ses portes pour accueillir des malades Coronavirus : l'INSEP rouvre ses portes pour accueillir des malades Coronavirus : l'INSEP rouvre ses portes pour accueillir des malades Coronavirus : l'INSEP rouvre ses portes pour accueillir des malades Coronavirus: INSEP reopens to welcome sick people
While France is facing an unprecedented health crisis due to the coronavirus epidemic, Sport Minister announces to put some facilities to disposal such as the INSEP (National Institute for Sport and Physical Education) to welcome sick people, homeless people and even medical staff working too far away from their homes. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les tests de dépistage disponibles en laboratoire à Paris Coronavirus : les tests de dépistage disponibles en laboratoire à Paris Coronavirus : les tests de dépistage disponibles en laboratoire à Paris Coronavirus : les tests de dépistage disponibles en laboratoire à Paris Coronavirus: 50,000 tests a day per day by late April aimed
Following the new address on March 28th at Matignon, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Health Minister Olivier Véran have unveiled their strategy to fight against coronavirus in France. In addition to ordering a billion facemasks to China, the government also announces the multiplication of tests in the country with a goal of “50,000 tests a day by late April” thanks to RT-PCR tests. Here’s an update. [Read more]

Coronavirus : plus d'un milliard de masques commandésCoronavirus : plus d'un milliard de masques commandésCoronavirus : plus d'un milliard de masques commandésCoronavirus : plus d'un milliard de masques commandés Coronavirus: over a billion facemasks ordered, toward a domestic production of facemasks
During an address on Saturday March 28th, 2020 on the coronavirus delivered by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Health Minister Olivier Véran, the latter announced he ordered over a billion facemasks to China. Good news for the medical staff and all those for whom using a facemask is vital to keep working. During a visit in a facemask factory this March 31st in Angers, the French President explained he wanted “to produce more in France”. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Paris La Défense Arena bientôt transformée en centre de soins ? Coronavirus : Paris La Défense Arena bientôt transformée en centre de soins ? Coronavirus : Paris La Défense Arena bientôt transformée en centre de soins ? Coronavirus : Paris La Défense Arena bientôt transformée en centre de soins ? Coronavirus: Paris La Défense Arena soon to be transformed into a care center?
According to information from Le Parisien, the Racing 92 stadium has been designated by the health authorities to host an emergency care center to help the sick. In the middle of a health crisis, this possibility would be a new solution to relieve the overloaded Parisian hospitals, which are in the front line in the fight against the epidemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ?Coronavirus : les tests sérologiques, indispensables pour le déconfinement ? Coronavirus: are serological tests reliable and effective?
Since France has started exiting containment, many people are turning to serological tests. Able to find antibodies and find out if we have caught Covid-19 or not, are these tests as effective as we think they are? [Read more]

Coronavirus : ouverture d'un laboratoire de gel hydroalcoolique à ciel ouvert à ParisCoronavirus : ouverture d'un laboratoire de gel hydroalcoolique à ciel ouvert à ParisCoronavirus : ouverture d'un laboratoire de gel hydroalcoolique à ciel ouvert à ParisCoronavirus : ouverture d'un laboratoire de gel hydroalcoolique à ciel ouvert à Paris Coronavirus: an outdoor hand sanitizer laboratory set in Paris
To help health caregivers amid this health crisis, a Parisian pharmacist has created a temporary laboratory set in a street in Paris 6th arrondissement. At this point, this outdoor laboratory is able to produce 10,000 liters of hand sanitizer a day. [Read more]

Coronavirus : ouverture de centres de consultations ambulatoires en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : ouverture de centres de consultations ambulatoires en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : ouverture de centres de consultations ambulatoires en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : ouverture de centres de consultations ambulatoires en Ile-de-France Coronavirus: ambulatory consultation centers open in Île-de-France
To fight against the coronavirus, the French Regional Health Agency – or Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS) – has announced to open ambulatory consultation centers in all regions of France in order to allow hospital and other medical centers to empty out a little, but also to better orientate patients suffering from COVID-19. A necessary and welcome measure in Île-de-France, the second biggest epidemic center in France. [Read more]

Amende confinement : les policiers ne sont plus les seuls à pouvoir sanctionnerAmende confinement : les policiers ne sont plus les seuls à pouvoir sanctionnerAmende confinement : les policiers ne sont plus les seuls à pouvoir sanctionnerAmende confinement : les policiers ne sont plus les seuls à pouvoir sanctionner Coronavirus: amount of the lockdown fine
As a second coronavirus epidemic wave is hitting France, the country has entered another lockdown. A measure signing the return of the derogatory trip certificates, as well as of the lockdown fine. What are your risking in the event of an offense? [Read more]

Visuel Paris Musée du LouvreVisuel Paris Musée du LouvreVisuel Paris Musée du LouvreVisuel Paris Musée du Louvre Coronavirus and lockdown: Museum Night 2020 to take place online
The coronavirus epidemic and the first confinement got the better of the 16th Museum Night since the cultural event initially planned on May 16th, 2020 will ultimately take place on November 14th, 2020. Yet the new lockdown will not prevent the event to be held as it will take place online with the #NDMChezNous operation. [Read more]

Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Coronavirus: The Eiffel Tower pays tribute to those rallying around
Starting tonight, Friday March 27th, 2002, the Eiffel Tower pays tribute to people rallying around amid the covid-19 crisis by playing thank-you notes and encouragements to stay home. [Read more]

Coronavirus : peut-on changer de lieu de confinement ?Coronavirus : peut-on changer de lieu de confinement ?Coronavirus : peut-on changer de lieu de confinement ?Coronavirus : peut-on changer de lieu de confinement ? Coronavirus: can we change of self-isolation location?
Can you change your place of quarantine? As the new lockdown is implemented until December 1, 2020, many French people wish to move out of their quarantine location to go to their families', live in a bigger accomodation or go back to their main homes. Here is what the government says on that matter. [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers une saturation des hôpitaux franciliens ?Coronavirus : vers une saturation des hôpitaux franciliens ?Coronavirus : vers une saturation des hôpitaux franciliens ?Coronavirus : vers une saturation des hôpitaux franciliens ? Coronavirus: Île-de-France hospitals soon to be overcrowded?
Are Île-de-France and Parisian hospitals soon to be crowded because of coronavirus? This is what seem to be suggesting several health professionals already figuring out solutions to address the problem… Let’s have a look on the situation! [Read more]

Visuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine Marais Covid: the derogatory trip certificate for curfew available from December 15 again
In his November 24, 2020's televised address, Emmanuel Macron announced the implementation of a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and toughened up then by Jean Castex this December 10, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Starting this December 15 at midnight in France, derogatory trip certificates will yet be available. Nighttime trips will have to be justified in the concerned areas with the return of the derogatory trip certificates to print out or download. Here is where you can find curfew certificates. [Read more]

Coronavirus : un comité de chercheurs à l'Elysée ?Coronavirus : un comité de chercheurs à l'Elysée ?Coronavirus : un comité de chercheurs à l'Elysée ?Coronavirus : un comité de chercheurs à l'Elysée ? Coronavirus: a scientific committee at the Elysée Palace
French President Emmanuel Macron announces to create a scientific committee at the Elysée Palace this Tuesday March 24th, 2020 in order to help the government to fight against the coronavirus epidemic. [Read more]

Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Lockdown truly improved the air quality in Ile de France
The air quality monitoring organization in Ile de France Airparif confirms it: thanks to lockdown, the air quality trult improved in Ile-de-France. [Read more]

Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Lockdown in Paris and Île-de-France: sport and walks limited to 10km, excluding time restriction
This is offician, Paris and Île-de-France are placed in 24/7 lockdown for four weeks, statring this Saturday March 20, é021. This new lockdown sees things change as for walks, runs, and workouts. As a matter of fact, trips outside, without leaving your region, can be completed within a 10-km perimeter, but subject to a derogatory trip certificate. [Read more]

Coronavirus : l'OMS appelle à tester tous les cas suspectsCoronavirus : l'OMS appelle à tester tous les cas suspectsCoronavirus : l'OMS appelle à tester tous les cas suspectsCoronavirus : l'OMS appelle à tester tous les cas suspects Coronavirus: The World Health Organization demands to test all suspicious cases
While the coronavirus epidemic is spreading across the world, and the number of contaminated people keeps on growing, WHO demands counties to attack and test all suspicious cases. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Edouard Philippe durcit les règles de confinement Coronavirus : Edouard Philippe durcit les règles de confinement Coronavirus : Edouard Philippe durcit les règles de confinement Coronavirus : Edouard Philippe durcit les règles de confinement Coronavirus: Edouard Philippe makes the confinement regulations harder
This Monday March 23rd, 2020, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe gave explanations as for the confinement regulations implemented for a week, in order to curb the Covid-19 propagation. From now on, outing restrictive measures are stricter, especially as it comes for sport and food markets. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la chloroquine, un traitement prometteur ? Coronavirus : la chloroquine, un traitement prometteur ? Coronavirus : la chloroquine, un traitement prometteur ? Coronavirus : la chloroquine, un traitement prometteur ? Coronavirus: chloroquine use subject to a control
Currently into lockdown in France, the medical staff keeps fighting against coronavirus, and a cure based on chloroquine is at the heart of the debate. This Monday March 23rd, 2020, Olivier Véran announces to supervise the medication as a cure to Covid-19. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Deux drives de dépistage installés en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : Deux drives de dépistage installés en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : Deux drives de dépistage installés en Ile-de-FranceCoronavirus : Deux drives de dépistage installés en Ile-de-France Coronavirus: a drive-through coronavirus testing site opens in Paris and several in Île-de-France
In Neuilly-sur-Seine and in Lisses, health professionals and vulnerable people can be tested for coronavirus in two drive-through testing sites provided they have a prescription. In Paris, the drive is reserved for health professionals. Several other drive-through testing centers have opened to the general public in Saint-Ouen-L'Aumône, L'Isle-Adam and even Eragny and Cergy in Val d'Oise. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Comment apporter son aide pendant le confinement ?Coronavirus : Comment apporter son aide pendant le confinement ?Coronavirus : Comment apporter son aide pendant le confinement ?Coronavirus : Comment apporter son aide pendant le confinement ? Coronavirus: how to help during the confinement?
As the coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France, many people wish to remain united during the confinement. Hospitals, elderly people, how to help them during the pandemic? [Read more]

Coronavirus : vers un confinement total en France ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement total en France ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement total en France ?Coronavirus : vers un confinement total en France ? Coronavirus: The State Council refuses to decree total confinement in France
In France, many people are not thoroughly following the exceptional health instructions as for the confinement. The State Council has refused to decree, this Sunday March 22nd, 2020, total confinement with new and harsher measures in order to contain the coronavirus progression. Yet, it orders the Government to reassess some dispensations. [Read more]

Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023Paris : la Gare du Nord rénovée d'ici 2023 Coronavirus: bus shuttles reserved only for the hospital staff in Paris
Île-de-France Movilités has announced to set up from March 23rd and for as long as it’s needed twenty bus shuttles reserved only for the hospital staff. Goal? Help the health staff in Île-de-France move around more easily as the public transit traffic is already very limited. [Read more]

Coronavirus : où faire ses courses à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Coronavirus : où faire ses courses à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Coronavirus : où faire ses courses à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Coronavirus : où faire ses courses à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Coronavirus: supermarkets implement new measures, priority given to health caregivers
Priority access to health caregivers, hours for elderly people, early opening and late closing, without forgetting a security guard to make sure health safety distances are respected… As we are confined, supermarkets have to adapt and take new measures to face the influx of clients. [Read more]

Coronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentiellesCoronavirus : Amazon se limite aux livraisons essentielles Coronavirus: Amazon, Fnac, Darty and Cdiscount favor vital deliveries
As we are confined because of the coronavirus epidemic, home delivery leader Amazon , as well as Fnac, Darty and even Cdiscount – as they saw orders increased dramatically – have announced to limit to delivering vital products. In concrete words, what does it mean? [Read more]

Visuel Paris Fondation Louis VuittonVisuel Paris Fondation Louis VuittonVisuel Paris Fondation Louis VuittonVisuel Paris Fondation Louis Vuitton Coronavirus: these major companies uniting to help
While the coronavirus pandemic is spreading across the world and threatens the economy, major companies are uniting. Manufacturing hand sanitizers in perfume factories, call for donations, here are the solutions offered to contain the epidemic. [Read more]

Coronavirus : les quais de Seine, l'esplanade des Invalides et le Champ-de-Mars rouvrent le 11 maiCoronavirus : les quais de Seine, l'esplanade des Invalides et le Champ-de-Mars rouvrent le 11 maiCoronavirus : les quais de Seine, l'esplanade des Invalides et le Champ-de-Mars rouvrent le 11 maiCoronavirus : les quais de Seine, l'esplanade des Invalides et le Champ-de-Mars rouvrent le 11 mai Coronavirus: the Seine riverbanks, the Esplanade des Invalides and the Champ de Mars reopen this May 11th
It's official, with the end of confinement, this Monday May 11th, you can now enjoy the Seine riverbanks, the Esplanade des Invalides and the Champ-de-Mars pitches in Paris and all the way to the Bois de Vincennes and the Bois de Boulogne woods. Careful though, gatherings over 10 people remain banned! [Read more]

Coronavirus : que faire si vous aviez un rendez-vous médical prévu dans les prochains jours ?Coronavirus : que faire si vous aviez un rendez-vous médical prévu dans les prochains jours ?Coronavirus : que faire si vous aviez un rendez-vous médical prévu dans les prochains jours ?Coronavirus : que faire si vous aviez un rendez-vous médical prévu dans les prochains jours ? Coronavirus: what do to if you had a doctor appointment in the next few days?
Due to the coronavirus epidemic, and when we’re about to go into final confinement, the question if to know if medical appointments will be sustained or not. Let’s give you an update on the different decisions and measures set up! [Read more]

Visuel Paris MaraisVisuel Paris MaraisVisuel Paris MaraisVisuel Paris Marais Coronavirus: how the health crisis is impacting real estate
Working sites shut down, no new property, decreasing prices… The coronavirus pandemic spreading across the world also impacts real estate that is now paralyzed. [Read more]

Coronavirus à Paris : infos et intox sur l'épidémie Coronavirus à Paris : infos et intox sur l'épidémie Coronavirus à Paris : infos et intox sur l'épidémie Coronavirus à Paris : infos et intox sur l'épidémie Coronavirus: news and fake news about the pandemic
As coronavirus is spreading in Paris, it’s hard to keep calm and know what to do with all the news published on the matter. sorts things out between masked fake news and essential news to answer the threat effectively. [Read more]

Coronavirus, les 3 projets de loi d'UrgenceCoronavirus, les 3 projets de loi d'UrgenceCoronavirus, les 3 projets de loi d'UrgenceCoronavirus, les 3 projets de loi d'Urgence Coronavirus, three bills including health emergency and economic measures
Following the Council of Ministers on Wednesday March 18th, Edouard Philippe has announced three bills submitted on Thursday and Friday to the Parliament including the implementation of a health emergency, a rectifying finance draft bill with strong measures for companies and a third organic project. [Read more]

Solidarité : Un chiffon rouge pour alerter les voisins et rompre l’isolement du coronavirusSolidarité : Un chiffon rouge pour alerter les voisins et rompre l’isolement du coronavirusSolidarité : Un chiffon rouge pour alerter les voisins et rompre l’isolement du coronavirusSolidarité : Un chiffon rouge pour alerter les voisins et rompre l’isolement du coronavirus Solidarity: a red cloth to alert neighbors and break the isolation due to coronavirus
With lockdown for at least 15 days, as asked by the French President on Monday March 16th, 2020 to curb the coronavirus epidemic spreading in the world, solidarity actions for the most fragile among us are increasing, especially this idea to put a red cloth at your window to inform you need help. [Read more]

Coronavirus : la Ligue des Champions suspendue ? Coronavirus : la Ligue des Champions suspendue ? Coronavirus : la Ligue des Champions suspendue ? Coronavirus : la Ligue des Champions suspendue ? Coronavirus: the UEFA Euro postponed to 2021, European championships adjourned
Amid the coronavirus epidemic, the soccer universe is no longer able to continue the different championships like the Champions League and the Europa League. This Tuesday March 17, 2020, the UEFA has decided to postpone the UEFA Euro to 2021, the Champions League and the Europa League are adjourned. [Read more]

Know that all useful news are to be found on

Coronavirus : Air France pourra rembourser tous les vols annulésCoronavirus : Air France pourra rembourser tous les vols annulésCoronavirus : Air France pourra rembourser tous les vols annulésCoronavirus : Air France pourra rembourser tous les vols annulés Coronavirus: Air France confirms flights cancelled will be repaid
Air France group is now planning to repay or provide a voucher to customers whose flights have been cancelled because of the coronavirus epidemic, for cancellations effective from May 15th. [Read more]

Visuel Paris ConcordeVisuel Paris ConcordeVisuel Paris ConcordeVisuel Paris Concorde Coronavirus: how will our lifestyles change after lockdown?
Are we living transition towards a different lifestyle? Mobility, consummation, tourism, here are how our habits could be changed over the coronavirus crisis. [Read more]

visuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffel Tourism recovery scheme disclosed by Edouard Philippe
The government is working on a Marshall plan, an aid and recovery scheme to support the tourism sector, hit by coronavirus and confinement. It has been disclosed this Thursday May 14th. [Read more]

Practical information